

2378 Uppsatser om Active-rules - Sida 37 av 159

Fysiskt aktiva skolungdomar : En studie som belyser högstadielärares motivationsarbete

SummaryAim and research questionsThe purpose of the study is to examine how physical education (PE) teachers can work to increase young people?s interest in physical education but also physical activity in general.- How can PE teachers work to increase student?s interest in physical activity?- Does PE teachers believe that the student?s interest for sports is achieved according to the educations curriculum and in that case, how?- What problems can PE teachers encounter in their efforts to get young people motivated for physical activities during PE classes?MethodPrior to implementation of the study i reviewed on a lot of past research and got interested about the problem with unmotivated students. After this I looked for different theories that I could use for my study and settled with the KASAM theory by Aaron Antonovsky. The method applied in this study was a qualitative interview method. The aim was to find out how teachers work to motivate their students to be physically active and wanting to participate in PE classes.

Hållbar utveckling i Viktoriasjö-regionen, del II : en fallstudie av bönders empowerment kopplat till participarory rural appraisal i Viskogen Masaka/Rakai, Uganda

This Master?s thesis is one of two parts of a combined project called Sustainable development around the Lake Victoria, the purpose of which is to investigate the importance of local anchoring and active participation in the work towards sustainable development. The present study aims to investigate whether men and women are empowered by the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) process promoted in their villages by the VI Agroforestry Project Masaka/Rakai. The study is primarily based on interviews with farmers within the project area and brings up a local perspective on the concepts sustainable development, active participation and empowerment. The study shows that to improve the farmers? livelihood and to create a sustainable development in the community, the farmers have to be actively involved in, and in control of, the process.

Konkursboets miljörättsliga ansvar : Särskilt vid gruvverksamhet i konkurs

The thesis addresses the issue of when a bankruptcy estate, under environmental law, is responsible for the debtor?s environmentally hazardous activities. A fundamental principle of insolvency law is that the bankruptcy estate is not responsible for the debtor?s prior obligations. The environmental legal rules do not distinguish whether an injunction liability is directed against a bankruptcy estate or another operator.

"The spirit of ayahuasca" : de kognitiva grunderna i erfarenheten av substansen ayahuasca: en fältstudie genomförd i Pisac, Peru

This essay aims at understanding the experience of the use of ayahuasca, and similarities and differences between interview protocols and socio-cultural identities. The work is based on field studies conducted in the Peruvian Andes, in the village of Pisac September to November 2009. What has emerged is that the experience does not seem to be dependent on cultural manifestations as much as it is dependent on general human cognition. Theories have been applied on an empirical phenomenological descriptive study. Various brain activities, along with mental mechanisms contribute to a deeper understanding of the findings in the descriptive analysis.It seems that the cultural differences, which I have classed as typological in the phenomenological study, mostly are expressions of meaning for the informants.

?Om man tar en tråkig bok så börjar den sova? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av barn som läser för hundar i skolmiljö

This two years master's thesis examines the experience of children who read to a dog. The theoretical framework is inspired by sociocultural theory developed by Roger Säljö and the concept carnival inspired by Mikhail Bakhtin. The sociocultural theory has been chosen because it emphasizes the role of practice, instruments and communication in learning and the concept carnival has been chosen to analyze the experience of reading to a dog.The method used is qualitative interview and observation. A total of eight interviews and two observations when children read to a dog have been collected. One interview is with a teacher and seven interviews are with the children (six children participated and one child was interviewed twice).

Skoldemokrati : En kvalitativ intervjustudie som undersöker elevrådet och elevkåren som demokratiska forum för gymnasieelever i Stockholm.

The main objective in this study is to examine the pupil?s possibility to affect the upper secondary schools in Stockholm, Sweden. I was once active in the pupil?s council and experienced some hardships, feeling a great dissatisfaction among teachers and principals against pupil?s suggestions and chances to affect their school environment. Thus I wanted to do a contemporary study of where schools in Stockholm stand today within this issue.

Ett steg framåt, två steg bakåt? Direktiv 2005/29/EG:s effekt på det svenska konsumentskyddet inom marknadsrätten

På EU:s inre marknad ska fri rörlighet råda. Trots det tvekar konsumenter inför att handla över gränserna. Många konsumenter känner en osäkerhet inför andra länders lagar och oroas över att skyddet mot ohederliga näringsidkare inte är det samma som i deras eget land. Denna osäkerhet undergräver den inre marknaden. För att motverka denna osäkerhet har EU antagit direktiv 2005/29/EG om otillbörliga affärsmetoder.

Motorik hos barn som går montessoriskola : En pilotstudie av elever på en montessoriskola i jämförelse med Skola, Idrott och Hälsa-projektet

AimThe aim of this essay is by using a motor skill track to see if there exists any remarkable difference in the motor skill profiles between pupils from our montessori school and the mean score in the "Nytidstest". The questions at issue we had were: How is the motor skill profile on pupils in year 2 and 3 practicing montessori pedagogy? Is the motor skill profile superior or inferior to the mean score in the "Nytidstest"? What factors, if any, concerning the montessori pedagogy affects the results of the test?MethodWe used a motor skill track consisting of 8 stations sellected from the "Nytidstest" adapted for year 3 (the original test consists of 16 stations). Pupils from year 2 and 3 in our chosen montessori school were tested in groups of 4-5 persons each. We made the tests on two occasions each lasting for 100 minutes at the time.

Möjligheterna att ändra väckt talan i dispositiva tvistemål : En studie av 13 kap. 3 § RB

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the plaintiffs and the defendant?s prospects to change their claims and pleas in optional civil actions and how the rules for the modifications of a suit are affecting the framework of the process. The plaintiff's general ability to expand and alter the claim is found in the chapter 13, 3 § of the Act of Procedure and the basic principle is that a claim is not to be changed. From this basic principle exceptions are allowed to claim another fulfillment or to expand the process with a claim for interest or other additional obligations. The plaintiff can also limit his or her claim or expand the claim with new legal foundations as long as the issue of the process does not change.

Verkligt värde : Hur verkligt är det egentligen?

Masters thesis in Business Economics IV, VT 2012Linneuniversity in Kalmar Authors: Johanna Susaeg and David JohanssonTutor: Petter BoyeExaminer: Karin JonnergårdTitle: Fair value - How real is it? Background and research discussion: The concept of fair value is today connected with great uncertainty, which may be a result of the various guidelines developed during recent years. Hence, auditors have an important role in situations where they have to make projections concerning fair value and also do inspections of the management´s own assumptions.     The critique that has been shown regarding fair value is that it can be difficult to estimate, especially when there is no active market to proceed from. This problem has been confirmed through that the management often uses the estimations subjectivity to deliberately show higher or lower values in the accounts. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study and describe auditors, appraisers and real estate companys interest and procedure in valuation of real estates.  We also going to describe theirs view on fair value of real estates plus analyze and explain the actor?s roles in the valueprocess and how their particular interests can affect the final valuation in different situations. Methodology: The study is characterized by a qualitative method containing a pilot interview and several personal interviews with auditors, estimators, and real estate companies.

Modellering av dagvettenavrinning - Mousetrap

This paper deals with the use of Internet at Swedish public libraries. The author asks whether public libraries should or should not limit access to information available on the Internet. Starting from the American discussion, concerning Internet at public libraries, the author shows the Swedish attitudes. The paper demonstrates that many Swedish public libraries have adopted rules forbidding retrieval of certain kinds of information, such as hard-core pornography and racist propaganda. The persons in charge of such actions claim that public libraries should provide high-quality educational literature and should not spread mass-produced, provocative information.

Fotbollens regler i skolans kontext

Uppsatsen handlar om huruvida dagens styrdokument för grundskolan medger en disciplinmodell som grundar sig på fotbollens spelregler. Uppsatsen bygger på textanalys, då den undersöker vad läroplan, skollag och övriga styrdokument säger om upprätthållandet av regler och dess konsekvenser i skolan. För att kunna jämföra upprätthållandet av regler i en skolkontext och en fotbollskontext valde jag ut fyra områden som återfinns i de båda kontexterna: demokrati, makt, trygghet och nolltolerans. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns utrymme i de rådande dokumenten för att tillämpa Frisk-modellen, som jag kallar min disciplinmodell..

Talibanerna som organisation : En studie av strukturen på styret av talibanernas organisation 2009

Sedan attacken på USA 11 september 2001 har åtskilliga rapporter skrivits om Talibanernaför att skapa underlag för styrkorna som bekämpar dem. Syftet med uppsatsen är att försökaåskådliggöra en struktur på styret av talibanernas organisation 2009 och förklara varför dehade denna struktur på styret med utgångspunkt i den religiösa utbildningen. Och i och meddetta bidra till forskningsläget om talibanerna. Frågeställningen som besvaras i uppsatsen är:Vilken struktur hade styret av talibanernas organisation 2009 och varför hade styret dennastruktur? Denna frågeställning löses ut av följande 2 frågor: Fråga 1 - Kan strukturen påstyret av talibanernas organisation 2009 beskrivas med hjälp av en strukturellorganisationsteori? Fråga 2 - Kan den religiösa utbildningen vara en förklaring till dennastruktur på styret?Med hjälp av en strukturell teori om organisationers form och två sociologiska teorier sombehandlar varför människor och grupper handlar som de gör utifrån deras bakgrund ska jagförsöka uppfylla uppsatsens syfte och beskriva hur strukturen på styret av talibanernasorganisation såg ut 2009 och förklara varför den såg ut så.Uppsatsen använder en kvalitativ metod där divisionaliserad organisation, habitus och dendolda läroplanen används som teorier.

Analys av Svartlut med Aktiv Akustisk Spektrometri : Analysis of Black Liquor with Active Acoustic Spectrometry

Vid kemisk massatillverkning finns behov av mättekniker som möjliggör ytterligare optimering av processen. Möjligheten att analysera svartlut med hjälp av aktiv akustisk spektrometri utreddes genom att ett online instrument konstruerdes och installerdes på ett pappersbruk. Analyser med multivariata metoder utfördes på resultaten. På grund av yttre omständigheter försenades arbetet, och ett tillräckligt dataunderlag för en definitiv slutsats erhölls ej. En rad vidare arbeten föreslås..

RFID - tillämpning och lönsamhet

This report is the result of an investigation of the possibility to use RFID-technology in a producing company. The investigation is focused on a flow between the company?s producing subsidiary company in Lithuania and its main facility in Sweden.RFID is the abbreviation for radiofrequency identification. The RFID-technology forms the base of a system with wireless information transmission between an object to which a transponder, also called tag, has been attached and a reader. The information is transmitted by radio waves and the system is equipped with software that can digitalise the radio waves.

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