

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 9 av 17

Produktion och perception av ordaccenter hos femåriga östgötska barn med typisk språkutveckling

The Swedish language contains contrasts of tonal word accents, realized by change in the F0 contour. Contrasts of word accents require at least two syllables with stress on the first syllable of the word or a stressed syllable followed by a non-stressed.The purpose of the present study was to examine how five-year-old children living in Östergötland with typical language development produce and discriminate tonal word accents. In addition, it was investigated how these abilities affect each other and comparisons were made to a similar study on children living in Skåne.For elicitation of tonal word accents a set of pictures with contrastive tonal word accents was used. The children were recorded and their answers were evaluated by visual classification of their F0-curves. In a perceptual analysis of the children?s productions, 11 linguistically naive listeners evaluated 44 randomized words from the recordings.

Mjukvaruverktyg för loggning och analys avindustriella processer

This report discusses developing a software log tool for analysis of industrial processes. The target was to develop software that can help electro Engineers for monitor and fault finding in industrial processes. The tool is called PLS (Process log server), and is developed in Visual Studio.NET Framework 2005. PLS works as a client with Beijer Electronics OPC Server. The program is able to read data from PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), trough the OPC Server.

Testsystem för utredning av integrerad styrning för RC-helikopter

AbstractThis report is about the creation of a test system for development of a control system for a off the shelf RC-helicopter, which can be bought for about two thousand SEK. The test system consists of both electronics for controlling the helicopter and mechanical constrainer. The constrainer is used for mounting the helicopter so that it won´t crash.A circuit board including processor and sensors was manufactured. This was used for doing test of the different control algorithms. In this way were we able to analyze the quality of the sensors chosen, and what other sensors that could contribute to the control of the system.Basic helicopter control have been studied and presented in the report.

Regulatorer med styrsignalsbegränsning

This thesis studies the negative impact that control signal saturation may have on a controlled system. Different methods that are used to compensate for this problem are also studied and evaluated. Both sensitivity to disturbances and the effect the method has on the systems'ability to follow a reference signal will be examined. Stability will be discussed, but no conclusions whether the systems are stabilized or not can be drawn. Control signal saturation will lead to a slower behavior in general.

Digital videoregistrering

This Bachelor thesis examines the possibility of replacing an outdated, analog video recording system to a digital counterpart. It is key that the video and audio signals remain synchronized, generator locked and time stamped. It is up to nine different video sources and a number of audio sources to be recorded and treated in such a manner which enables synchronized playback. The  different video sources do not always follow a universal standard, and differ from format as well as resolution. This thesis aims to compare a number of state of the art commercial of the shelf solutions with proprietary hardware.

DETEKTERA MERA! : - En studie av LigandTracer® och andra vanliga detektionstekniker för interaktion inom antikroppsutveckling

Ridgeview Instruments AB är ett företag, med säte i Uppsala, som bland annat utvecklar mjukvara för detektionsanalys och detektionsinstrumenten LigandTracer®. Instrumenten detekterar cellinteraktioner i realtid och tillhandahåller information om hur interaktion mellan undersökt ligand och receptor sker. LigandTracer® används bland annat vid cancerstudier och affinitetsstudier av antikroppsinbindning till antigener på celler. LigandTracer® och teknologin bakom den har studerats för att hitta de främsta styrkorna samt utvecklingsområden i jämförelse med andra detektionstekniker. Dessa tekniker är surface plasmon resonance, BioLayer Interferometry, quartz crystal microbalance samt surface acoustic wave. Främsta styrkan hos detektion med LigandTracer® är att stor mängd data som beskriver interaktionerna erhålls.

Folk och land hör nära samman : En analys av stil, politisk berättelse och normalisering i Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram

This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.

The effects of Joint Ventures announcements on stock returns behaviour - An Event Study of the Stock Market

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of joint venture announcements on stock prices behavior and simultaneously to test the German stock market (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) for efficiency. We tried not only to analyze the general impacts of a JV-announcement but also to look for differences in the market response to announcements of different types of joint ventures, namely: domestic, international, horizontal and vertical. Our expectations of efficient market were confirmed during our paper, which employed the technique of the standard event study. The calculation of abnormal returns which are the signals for market efficiency or inefficiency respectively were based on the market model, establishing linear relationship between the return on the market and the return on an individual security. The parameters of the model were obtained through regression analysis..

Blogg i förskolan : Hur förskollärare anser att en blogg kan användas för att dokumentera veksamheten och främja föräldrasamverkan

This Bachelor thesis examines the possibility of replacing an outdated, analog video recording system to a digital counterpart. It is key that the video and audio signals remain synchronized, generator locked and time stamped. It is up to nine different video sources and a number of audio sources to be recorded and treated in such a manner which enables synchronized playback. The  different video sources do not always follow a universal standard, and differ from format as well as resolution. This thesis aims to compare a number of state of the art commercial of the shelf solutions with proprietary hardware.

Utformning & placering av vädringskanaler i ett passivhus, drivet av naturliga krafter

A passive house in Norra Djurgårdsstaden drawn by Tengbom Arkitekter is going to be built. A shaft for airing is needed for a few apartments in the house.The airing shaft is designed for a few two room apartments in the house, which are not able to achieve satisfactory airing, as their outer walls are facing a single direction. The other apartments on the same floor are corner apartments. These apartments do not have the same difficulty with airing since they have their outer walls in different directions, with different pressures at the facades. The airflow in the airing shaft is supposed to be driven only by natural forces, by the sun. The purpose of natural driven forces is to achieve low energy consumption for the house.In this thesis, a design of the shaft for airing has been developed.Initially an open shaft for all apartments was analyzed.


The thesis was performed at the lighting company Zpecta AB. Zpecta needed to develop alternative attachment of their LED-luminaire Capella. Today Capella attaches in metal ceilings with four magnets. Zpecta got indications from their customers that there was a need for other attachments. The purpose is to determine the customer?s requirements and the interfaces that are considered for Capella.During the thesis, Capella was only on the market for testing and evaluation.The thesis was initiated to create a specification.

Sannolikhetsbaseraddimensionering av geotekniskbärförmåga för pålar i grupp : En jämförelse mellan gällande normer och ensannolikhetsbaserad metod

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Från vägg till canvas : Värderingar kring Banksy´s bilder genom byte av omgivande kontext

This thesis in Art History and Visual Science is about values to graffiti and graffiti artist Banksy. I have studied values relating to Banksy´s graffiti images through which context they are placed in and where they are located. I have selected two different images of Banksy as an example on the basis of a transnational phenomenon, where the images that circulate in the public arena by street art and other images and imported into the galleries and consumption market. My conclusion is that the values of the images are based on the context in which each room have its surroundings and that therefore the impression will increase. The public space context, signal availability and the white cube context indicates art, and the commercial context signals goods and items that can be bought.

Prognostisering av sättning frånhög uppfyllnad i Högbytorp : Numerisk?analytisk jäföelse samt uppmäta sätningar

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Uttryck och intryck : En studie om skillnaderna mellan avsikt och uppfattning på Windows Live Messenger

Face-to-face communication is always complemented with non-verbal signals that give us clues as to how a message shall be interpreted, but as communication is moved online the possibilities to express oneself becomes more limited.This paper focuses on the instant messaging client Windows Live Messenger and three of the non-verbal functions that it provides (nudges, winks and emotes). The purpose of the paper and its underlying study is to compare the senders' intentions with the receivers' conceptions when it comes to these functions.The study was done as a questionnaire with two different versions of the questions, one looking at the senders' intentions and the other at the receivers' conceptions.The results were then compared in order to look for tendencies. The results showed that the most common intention among the senders was also the most common conception among the receivers, but that the rest of the attitudes didn't match at all. The functions that are supposed to help the conversation flow often create ambiguity instead and lead to vagueness, misconceptions and annoyance..

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