

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 8 av 17

Risker i flera dimensioner : Om kopplingen mellan designmönstret MVC och projektrisker

The purpose of this project was to further develop and complete a quadcopter that had been built in an earlier course at KTH, so that it could be used for demonstration and education at the school. The quadcopter was at the beginning of the project completed when it came to hardware, and there was some software functionality implemented but no system for automatic stabilization. The main goal of the project was to implement such a system, and to combine it with the previous functionality to make the quadcopter operable and able to fly. To create a functioning and stable ground multiple basic software features has been implemented, and on top of that additional software to improve the safety, stability and functionality. The most important part is the control system that is responsible for converting sensor and control signals to suitable motor values.

Kv. Tvättstugan, ett flerbostadshus med massiv trästomme : Ett examensarbete om akustik- och brandkrav samt en jämförelse av energi- och fuktaspekter

Title: Kvarteret Tvättstugan, an apartment building with massive wood construction. A thesis about acoustic and fire requirements and a comparison of energy and moisture aspects. Earlier restrictions in the Swedish legislation have resulted that only a small percentage of the apartment buildings that have been built are designed with a massive wood construction. It has been allowed to build unrestricted with wood since 1994 as long as the function of requirements are fulfilled. This change in the rules together with the great environmental benefits of wood has led to that more companies choose to build apartment buildings with wood. One of these companies is Folkhem Production AB.

Röst och hörselnedsättning : Akustisk analys av röst hos sju hörapparatsanvändare

A number of studies have been made to examine several aspects of voice production in individuals with different types of hearing impairments. Most of the studies were made to explore the impact that hearing aids have for people with severe or congenital hearing impairment. So far it has been confirmed that there are changes regarding voice production in these individuals. A group that has not been investigated regarding voice production to a larger extent are hearing aid users with an acquired hearing impairment. In the present study the voice production of seven individuals, four men and three women, with a moderate acquired hearing impairment is examined.

Säkerheten i trådlösa nätverk

The number of wireless networks has increased rapidly among both home users and companies in just a few years. That has brought a lot of good things with it, for example the possibility to connect wireless equipment to the network or Internet from an arbitrary position within range of the accesspoint. But since the transmissions take place through the air some new security risks appear. It?s difficult to restrict the signals to a specific space and thereby a lot easier for unauthorized to eavesdrop or disturb the signals compared to a traditional wired network.

Automatisk detektering av akustiska resonansfrekvenser i trästockar

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Supply Chain Configuration : Ens studie av förbättringsarbetet "Supply Chain  Configuration

In order to measure the quality of the logs, one can with help of Fast Fourier Transform technique get the signals resonance peaks. With help of these peaks you can see whether the quality of a tree is good or bad. This report contains the work of a where a program has been developed to be able to process a vibration created by an automatic hammer hitting on a log of wood. From the processed signal the program should be able to show both the raw wavesignal and the processed measured data from the resonance peaks. Beyond the raw wavesignal and resonance peaks the program should also be able to control the automatic hammer.

Automatisk Identifiering av Inandningspauser i Spontant Tal - ett HMM/ANN-hybridsystem i Matlab

This thesis presents a system which has been implemented to satisfy a need in theresearch on how speech planning interacts with syntactic and prosodic structure inspontaneous speech. The long-term purpose of the research is to provide models forautomatic parsing of spontaneous speech and for psycholinguistical modelling of speechproduction. Identification of inhalation pauses is an important step in the developmentof automatic methods for spontaneous speech parsing.Identification of inhalation pauses is considered to be a keyword-spotting speechrecognition problem. Hybrid HMM(Hidden Markov Models)/ANN(Artificial NeuralNetworks) approach is applied to this problem. Method gets 90,8% in Recall, 66,4% inPrecision and 76,7% in F-score.

Insatsens akustik och dess påverkan på hörapparatens förstärkning

The earmould acoustics affect the amplification that the hearing aid is programmed to give to its user. It is therefore important that the choices made for the earmould are correctly done. One choice is regarding the shape of the soundbore that affects the frequency response of the hearing aid above a certain cut-off frequency. The purpose of this project was to measure the frequency response when altering the shape of the soundbore in the earmould. Additionally, the aim was to examine how the frequency response is affected when the shape of the soundbore is not set or is not possible to set in the software when programming the hearing aid.

Implementation och design av relationsbaserad databas över patientinformation för cochleaimplantat

Databases are an easy way of storing information kept together and accessible and can save time by finding the information easier. Cochleaimplant could be seen as a form of advanced hearing aid, this product consists of two parts, an external part that recieves sound and sends signals to the internal part through electromagnetism. The internal part is the implant itself and is surgically placed in to the cochlea. Örebro University hospital has just started working within the field of Cochleaimplants and are therefore in need of a database to store patient related information.The database problem was solved using Microsoft Access 2003 combined with the built-in support for Visual Basic, which is a sort of programming language. The result of the thesis work was a fully functioning database according to the given specification and is now being used at Örebro University hospital..

Grafisk profilering med praktisk tillämpning på IUC Dalarna

This degree project is a study of graphics profiling with a practical application on IUC Dalarna.The competition between companies is getting harder and harder. Competing goods and services hasa tendency to be more and more equal to each other in respect of quality and value. The customer choosesthe Company with a high reputation and confidence. This is one of the reasons why a companyshould strengthen their company profile. The graphic profile is an important part of the company profileand it gives positive signals to the company spirit and customers.The degree project contains a guide to graphics profiling.

read me. do you copy ? - en undersökning av litterär interaktionsdesign i utställningsrummet

We are heading for a line, and its a fine one. This project is a dialogue between you and I; about the dialogue itself. The initial interest was to use literary text to address the visitor in the exhibition space. The purpose was to make man aware of its relation to others and narrative objects. I planned for the dialectical event in every descision.

Wireless Trailer Connection

Today's communication solution between the vehicle and trailer is one many see as anon-viable solution, then breakdowns on both the lights and cables are common. Now, anew innovation enters the market, a system that can transmit wireless control signalsbetween the vehicle and trailer.Parvus and Zap, the two solutions that the projekt group has come up with during thisthesis work carried out over the last year on Utvecklingsingenjörsprogrammet.Technologists Peter Jägevall and Christopher Åberg has developed this project on theirown. The group has developed various concepts and chosen to work on, two of them.The project has resulted in this report and a prototypeThe solution that the group has developed is a wireless communication between vehicleand trailer. The project team has developed new power-efficient LED lighting fixtures inorder to implement an internal power source in the trailer. The result of this has becomea maintenance-free and wireless product to trailers.

Utveckling av reglersystem till quadrokopter

The purpose of this project was to further develop and complete a quadcopter that had been built in an earlier course at KTH, so that it could be used for demonstration and education at the school. The quadcopter was at the beginning of the project completed when it came to hardware, and there was some software functionality implemented but no system for automatic stabilization. The main goal of the project was to implement such a system, and to combine it with the previous functionality to make the quadcopter operable and able to fly. To create a functioning and stable ground multiple basic software features has been implemented, and on top of that additional software to improve the safety, stability and functionality. The most important part is the control system that is responsible for converting sensor and control signals to suitable motor values.

Utveckling och tillämpning av det muskelstyrda datorspelet EMG Track Game.

Electromyography (EMG) is a technique that measures muscle activity, whichmeans detecting the electrical signals that travel through the muscle in connectionwith muscle contraction. This project deals with how EMG can be used tocontrol a computer game.The project is centered around the game 'EMG Track Game' which has beenconstructed as part of this work. 'EMG Track Game' is controlled by twoelectrodes fastened on the player. These are attached to two selected musclesand control the motion in one direction each, one up and the other one down.The game is constructed in the purpose of being used in several elds of application.Among these are as entertainment, training equipment and a tool inresearch related to EMG and muscles.To highlight a possible application a study concerning muscle control has beenconducted. It answers the question of whether players score better with theirdominant arm in comparison with their non-dominant one.

Oförstörande provning in-line : Säkerställande av produktionskvalitén vid gjutning av cylinderhuvuden

För att unvika onödiga kassationer inom fordonsindustrin satsas det mycket på att få fram ?rätt kvalité? på komponenterna från början. Dagens metod är slumpmässiga förstörande tester där endast ett fåtal komponenter testas och förstörs. Denna metod blir dyr i längden på grund av att produkten förstörs och det går inte att följa upp med ytterligare analyser. Porer och inneslutningar vid gjutningen av cylinderhuvud och är ett vanligt problem i fordonsindutrin och när inte varje komponent kan testas och kvalitetssäkras på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt generar det kostnader i både tid och pengar.Målet med detta examensarbete var att utreda om RAM (Resonant Acoustic Method) kan upptäcka dessa porer och inneslutningar med en storlek mellan 1?5 mm i cylinderhuvud från Scania och även undersöka om RAM kan sättas in direkt i produktionslinorna.Med RAM gjordes fem tester per objekt med tre stycken mikrofonpositioner och tre stycken excitationspunkter och med en upplösning på 1,5 Hz.

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