

245 Uppsatser om Acoustic signals - Sida 4 av 17

En ny sångfågel i marknadsföringsdjungeln: En kvantitativ studie om Twitters potential som marknadsföringsmedium

Advertisers of today are facing a great challenge in a landscape where it becomes even more difficult to break through the clutter and convince consumers to buy their products. In order to succeed, they need to come up with new ways of communicating with their customers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if micro-blogging could be considered an effective media choice in order to enhance the perception of brand associations and traditional communication effects. The subject is of interest as brands are putting increasingly more resources into this communication channel. However, at the current date the marketing effects of micro-blogging is unexplored in academic research.

Norska och Svenska pedagogers uppfattningar om arbetet med läs- och skrivsvårigheter i barnehagen/förskolan

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to illuminate if the preventive practices and the identification of early signals about reading and writing difficulties is different between two Norwegian and two Swedish teachers' work in preschool. Research questions focused on the differences as well as similarities between Swedish and Norwegian educators working preventively current literacy in preschool, and their efforts when they identify signals to reading and writing difficulties.The study has been conducted through interviews with four female teachers, two who work  in Norway and two in Sweden.Swedish and Norwegian teachers work preventively on reading and writing, analysis resulted in three categories; books in text and pictures, words and rhyming chants and songs. No differences between Norwegian and Swedish pedagogues? prevention methods could be identified, however Norwegian teachers put more focus on rhythm and rhythmic pat exercises than the Swedish educators.The conclusions are that the Norwegian teachers mention more preventative approaches and early intervention for children with suspected dyslexia, than the Swedish teachers in the study makes. The Norwegian teachers also seem to have access to more expertise in connection with suspected dyslexia, compared to the Swedish teachers.

Ryttarens tygelsignalers inverkan på hästens beteende och trycket i tyglarna

This essay derives from the concern that horses ridden with a bit in their mouth can be subjected to strong pressure from the bit if the horse and rider do not understand each other. The horse's mucosa membrane and the tongue are very sensitive tissues (Cook, 1999; Manfredi, 2005; Oliveira, 2005; Terada, 2006) and the bit can then be a source of pain and discomfort. The training of the horse should therefore always be a step by step process and as the horse develops difficulties are increased. Oliveira (2005) suggested that high demands can be placed on the horse but to be successful in the training it is essential to be content with small progress and reward the slightest desired response from the horse. This corresponds with the principles of operant conditioning with negative reinforcement.

Signalist? Javisst!: En kvantitativ undersökning om signaleffekter av reklamframförande via ljud

The Swedish population is today exposed to more ads than ever. The number of advertising channels is growing, as well as the number of companies and their advertising expenses. As the products are becoming more alike, the harder it gets for the companies to convince the consumers their product is better than their competitors?. In order to succeed they need to understand what they communicate to the consumers through their different marketing activities, and how that affects the consumers? view of the brand and the product.

Isolerande balkonginfästningar : Thermally-insulated balconies

In this work a study has been performed to show the different kinds of insulated balcony connections exists on the market. In the work there is also a short description of thermal bridges concerning balconies. A description of older solutions for balcony connections is given as well as a calculation of the difference in energy costs for a insulated balcony connection compared to the standard connection. The work includes a short description of the different products. After that there is a short information about their insulation properties, durability, acoustic performance, assembly, computer programme and a short analyses for each product..

Barn i utsatta livssituationer en intervjustudie om pedagogernas kunskap om att tyda signaler hos barn som far illa

Children in vulnerable life situations An interview study of teachers' knowledge to interpret the signals of child abuse.

Studie utav ett larmsystem ur ett signalteoretiskt perspektiv : Study of a detector by a signal detection theory

In present-day situation many libraries use detectors so that they can be able to prevent attempts too take out books without registering them. The university library in Jonkoping is one of the libraries that have such a detector. But unfortunately it doesn?t always work correct and can also react on other things a part from books. This is a big problem since the library staff don?t have time to check all signals that comes from detector.

Konsumentreklam som skapar framtidsutsikter - En kvantitativ studie om hur ökad annonsansträngning i konsumentreklam skapar bättre framtidsutsikter för annonsörens anställda

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how consumer advertising has an effect on other groups than the intended, the so-called extended audience of advertising. Previous research shows that consumer advertising can influence investors and employees of a company as well as affect the attractiveness of a company as a potential employer. In addition, research shows that more perceived cognitive effort in advertising results in positive signaling effects for consumers. This study aims to further build on these concepts in order to gain additional understanding of how consumer advertising can influence extended audiences. More specifically, it examines if more (versus less) effort in advertising can improve the future prospects on the labor market for an employee of the advertising company, by looking at recruitment consultants as an extended audience.

Bedömning av utländsk brytning och förståelighet hos personer med svenska som andraspråk före och efter en kurs i svenskt uttal

There is a lot of research made on second language (L2) learning (Jesney, 2004). However the relationship between foreign accent, intelligibility and acoustics within pronunciation tutoring is quite an unresearched area (Thorén, 2008). The aim of the study was to analyze how a course in Swedish pronunciation affected foreign accent, intelligibility and acoustics among L2-learners of Swedish. A total of 41 people participated in the study: 16 L2-learners, 4 native Swedish speakers consisting a control group and 21 perceptual assessors with Swedish as native language. The L2-learners foreign accent and intelligibility were rated by the listeners before and after a course in Swedish pronunciation on an eight-point Likert-scale.

Barns samspel i rollek : En studie om hur barn i rollek utvecklar social kompetens

this paper is a study on children's social interactions in role-play. The aim is to try to highlight how children with other develop social skills and how to further motivate children tosee, understand and manage their reality in role-play by highlighting the characteristics of afunctioning role-play. I would also highlight the importance of pedagogue´s role in relation tochildren's social skills in role-play. The purpose flows into these issues, what distinguishes afunctioning role-play? Can the children in role-play influence their thinking to developunderstanding of others and the environment and if so, how? What significance does pedagogue´s role in children's role-play? I used out of a qualitative methodology to carry out this investigation.

Litteraturstudie om möjligheterna att analysera och modifiera talsignaler

This bachelor thesis is a literature study of the possibility to analyze and modify speech signals and will act as a pilotstudy for future theses in speaker verification.The thesis deals with the voice anatomy and physiology, synthesizer history and the various methods available when thevoice is used as a biometric method.A search and evaluation of existing programs have been conducted to determine the relevance of the attacks on theparameters used for speaker verification.

Olinjärt ultraljud för undersökning av sprickor i skelettet hos häst, en pilotstudie

Fissurer och odislocerade frakturer hos häst kan ibland vara svåra att upptäcka utan avancerad bilddiagnostik. Det är dock viktigt att diagnostisera dem i tid för att hindra att skadorna förvärras. Röntgen, datortomografi, magnetresonanstomografi och scintigrafi kan ge bra information men metoderna är relativt dyra, inte alltid tillgängliga, innebär en del säkerhetsrisker och kräver erfarna tolkare. Ultraljud är en mobil metod som anses ofarlig men dagens teknik är inte så användbar för att undersöka skelett. Inom industrin har nya ultraljudsmetoder utvecklats som tar hänsyn till olinjära egenskaper hos ljudvågorna.

Spädbarnsmassage, ett verktyg för socialt arbete? : En kvalitativ studie

The overarching purpose of the study was to examine the effects of infant massage and to put these effects incontext with mother ? child attachment. The intention was also to study whether these effects have any relevancefor social work. This was accomplished by studying earlier research, theory and laws but also through interviewswith mothers who have followed through a course in infant massage. The main questions of the study was: Afterthe completion of the course and after using the massage technique at home, does the mother experience that thebond with their child is influenced by the technique and are the mothers more apprehensive of their child?ssignals? Has the mothers observed any signals from their infants during the massage and if so what has beentheir reaction? Does the mothers experience that the massage has provided any physiological effects? Has thecompletion of the course provided the mothers with knowledge that?s had an effect in their ways of parenting? Inwhat way does the earlier research, reports and laws deal with the benefits and risks of a secure or insecureattachment, and can the quality of the attachment have any meaning in the social work? A qualitative approachwas chosen with respondent-interviews.

Analys av ljudspektroskopisignaler med artificiella neurala eller bayesiska nätverk

Vid analys av fluider med akustisk spektroskopi finns ett behov av att finna multivariata metoder för att utifrån akustiska spektra prediktera storheter såsom viskositet och densitet. Användning av artificiella neurala nätverk och bayesiska nätverk för detta syfte utreds genom teoretiska och praktiska undersökningar. Förbehandling och uppdelning av data samt en handfull linjära och olinjära multivariata analysmetoder beskrivs och implementeras. Prediktionsfelen för de olika metoderna jämförs och PLS (Partial Least Squares) framstår som den starkaste kandidaten för att prediktera de sökta storheterna..

Analysis of Intent Specification and SystemUpgrade Traceability

The impact of computer programs in safety-critical systems has increased in the past decades and computer-based systems can now be found in a wide range of applications. A new approach for developing dependable systems is documenting all design rationale that affects safety using Intent Specifications. A recent approach for developing complex systems efficiently and in an upgradeable manner is Component-Based System Engineering. In this thesis, these approaches are combined in the development and upgrade of a Remote Robot Control Unit by using the tool SpecTRM. The case study showed that Intent Specifications and CBSE could successfully be combined.

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