

362 Uppsatser om Accident occurrence - Sida 24 av 25

Tekniska möjligheter för artificiell spridning av renlav :

Forestry and reindeer husbandry are entitled to use the same land for their operations. For this reason, conflicts occasionally arise between them. Soil scarification is a forestry operation which has a negative effect on the occurrence of reindeer lichen. Reindeer lichens are of crucial importance to reindeers and reindeer husbandry, especially in the winter when reindeers primarily feed on different lichen species (Cladina spp. and Cetraria spp.).

Housing of ringtailed lemur, Lemur catta, from an ethological perspective

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

Födelsevikt och tidig tillväxt hos nyfödda lamm

Sheep production is the only animal production in Sweden that is increasing. Therefore,increasing knowledge of the production is of great interest. In order to run a viable sheepproduction, producers needs to be successful in the breeding of the animals and achievean economic surplus in the end. Lambs that are born healthy and vital have greaterconditions to perform high lamb weight gains and thus a successful production. Thereare many factors affect the survival, birth weight and early weight gain of the new bornlamb.

"Yes! Man kan bli kranförare." : - En studie av manligt tolkningsföreträde i svensk inrikesnyhetsjournalistik

The free press is an invaluable part of the democratic society and a pillar stone in the creation of ideas, opinions and norms. According to theories such as agenda-setting and framing the media have a significant influence on people?s perspectives and opinions. With this view of media along with the gender system provided by Yvonne Hirdman as a framework, this study intends to examine the gender representation in Swedish domestic news journalism. The study consists of a quantitative analysis of two major Swedish morning papers, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, where the gender representation regarding journalists, main news sources and pictures are being accounted for.


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the process of overtraining syndrome as a part of development in sports and careers. It is based on theories about overtraining syndrome and athlete career transitions. The intention was to find patterns that illustrate critical factors in the athlete career for overtraining syndrome to occur, but also for preventing overtraining syndrome to emerge and for rehabilitation.The Informant was a 19 years old man who had completed his studies at a Swedish sports-?gymnasium?. Two semi structured interviews were made, the second as a following up interview.

Kolliderande standardavtal : En analys av svensk och tysk avtalsrätt beträffandev kolliderande standardavtal

AbstractThe use of standard agreements can hardly be overestimated in the society of today. The amount of standard agreements should barely decrease. One of the standard agreement?s main purposes, to make the concluding of the contract more effective, strongly agrees with the companies will to accomplish fast concluding of agreements using as small resources as possible A dispute that can arise in these contexts is that dissimilar standard agreements collide. Between nations this is called Battle of Forms.

Hästtransportsläp - krav, utformning och funktion :

SUMMARY The interest of horses in the riding sector has increased the last decades. A large amount of horses are transported in a 1 or 2-horse trailer, which is pulled by a car. Today a large number of different products and designs of trailers can be found on the market. The difference in shaping of trailers depends on tradition and experience. There are no detailed directions on the demands for shaping of horse trailers today. The literature review contains a market analysis of both Swedish and imported horse trailers.

Ekologiskt uppfödda kycklingar : en jämförelse mellan två olika foder

Organic rearing of broilers is not a large production in Sweden. In order to create a sustainable yet efficient production of organically produced poultry meat, at a price that the consumers are willing to pay, much more knowledge is needed. It is therefore important to do more research on organic broilers under Swedish conditions. This report is aimed to be a base for further studies. In the study 2000 broilers of the hybrid Ross 308 divided in to two equal groups. The broiler hybrids that are used in Sweden are selected for a high growth rate and are normally slaughtered at the age of 5 to 6 weeks, with a slaughter weight of 1.7-2 kg.

Peritonitis in horses : a retrospective study of 69 cases admitted to a university hospital during a ten year period

Peritonitis is a potentially life-threatening disease in horses. With no published work from Sweden, the objective of the study was to describe the occurrence and demographics of horses with peritonitis and to evaluate the outcome of treatment in terms of short-term survival during a ten-year period in a large clinic in Sweden. Data were examined in a retrospective manner in 69 horses diagnosed with and treated for peritonitis at Universitetsdjursjukhuset (UDS) in Uppsala between 2002-2012. Demographic data examined included age, breed, gender, history, duration of illness before arriving at UDS, reason for seeking veterinary care, initial clinical findings (general state of health, heart rate, respiratory rate, mucous membrane appearance, rectal temperature, abdominal sounds, rectal examination, nasogastric tube results), abdominocentesis results (abdominal fluid analysis including visual inspection, leukocytes and protein, cytology, bacterial culture and sensitivity pattern), complete blood count (CBC), Serum amyloid-A (SAA) upon presentation and a follow up, plasma fibrinogen, plasma protein and albumin, treatments, length of hospitalisation and outcome. All medical records with the diagnosis of peritonitis were extracted from the medical records system Trofast. All records with any other diagnosis code referring to trauma such as rectal tear or ruptured uterus, recent abdominal surgery, external trauma or rupture in the gastrointestinal tract were excluded. To be included in the study, the peritoneal fluid should contain more than 20.000 cells/?L, have a peritoneal protein value of >30 g/L; or have a significantly changed peritoneal fluid sample (orange with increased turbidity or worse) in cases where no data on cells or protein were available. The horses were divided into two groups; one where the peritonitis was deemed to have an idiopathic aetiology (primary peritonitis) and the other group where the peritonitis had a possible aetiology such as intestinal parasites, impaction etc.

"All the news that´s fit to print" : En kvantitativ jämförelse av The New York Times och Dagens Nyheters framsidor ur ett tabloidiseringsperspektiv.

Title:"All the news that´s fit to print": A quantitative content analysis of The New York Times and Dagens Nyheters front pages on the basis of tabloidization theory.Authors: Pär Brolin & Kristoffer OlofssonAim: We intend to distinguish elements of tabloidization in two daily newspapers as an effect to the increased economic and public orientated business models. The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter has been chosen mainly because they operates within different national media markets, secondly they are well known for their high journalistic standard. Based on the upcoming result, it's in our concern to illuminate these possible changes effect on the overall journalistic quality and discuss its importance. We aim to reveal the actual state of tabloidization in the two high quality newspapers The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter and thus answer the following questions:- In which way are the elements of tabloidization shown in The New York Times and Dagens Nyheter in a contemporary context as well under a twelve years period?- Based on the achieved results, what are the main differences between the two examined newspapers and what potential impact could it have on the journalistic quality?Method/Material: In order to perform this study, we have executed a quantitative study built on content analysis of the two newspapers front pages.

Ha?llbarhetsanalys av ett cykelinfrastrukturprojekt inom Stockholms stad : Utva?rdering av ett cykelinfrastrukturprojekt via samha?llsekonomisk nyttoanalys

Att stra?va mot en ha?llbar utveckling, inom alla dess aspekter, a?r i dagsla?get ho?gst aktuellt. Sa?rskilt da? medvetenheten o?kat kring de negativa effekter som exempelvis utsla?pp, fo?roreningar och buller ger upphov till. Dessa effekter finns alla na?rvarande na?r man utvecklar en av samha?llets allra mest vitala funktioner, na?mligen transportinfrastruktur.

Urinsorterande toaletter : rensning av stopp samt uppsamling och attityder

It is important that the current urine separating systems are evaluated to allow improvements to be made and consequently increase their future propagation. In order to increase the knowledge about urine separating systems this study was made. It included, among other things, measurements of amounts of urine as well as of the composition of urine collected at Nytorgsgatan 4 in the city of Hallsberg. The study was increased after an inquiry that also included the district of Understenshöjden in the city of Stockholm. In the inquiry, the users were asked questions about odour, cleaning of toilets and occurrence of blockages in the urine water locks etc.

Barnmorskors åsikter. Om frågor inför STI-provtagning

Bakgrund: Förekomsten av STI såsom gonorré, hepatit B och C, HIV, AIDS, klamydia och syfilishar under de senaste åren ökat i Sverige. Studier visar att långt ifrån alla som utsatt sig för smitta ellerhar symtom på STI går och testar sig. Dessutom visar studier att vårdpersonal ibland nekar individenSTI-provtagning trots att detta inte är tillåtet. För att underlätta barnmorskans arbete medanamnestagande vid STI har det utvecklats ett frågeformulär inför STI-provtagning. Det saknasdock information om barnmorskors åsikter vid användandet av frågeformuläret.Syfte: Syftet var att utvärdera barnmorskors åsikter om frågeformuläret ?Frågor inför STIprovtagning?på barnmorske- samt ungdomsmottagningar i Göteborg och södra Bohuslän.

Isbjörnars (Ursus maritimus) interaktioner och hägnutnyttjande på Orsa björnpark

SAMMANFATTNINGIsbjörnen är mycket populär hos djurparksbesökare och en viktig symbol för klimathotet, trots detta finns fortfarande många frågetecken kring hur vi ger isbjörnar i djurparker hög välfärd. I litteraturen har vi länge talat om isbjörnar som solitära djur men trots detta låter vi dem ofta dela hägn med andra isbjörnar på djurparker. Det har observerats positiva effekter av grupphållning av isbjörnar, bland annat sänkt förekomst av stereotypa beteenden, men vi måste vidare utreda vilken påverkan det har på deras välfärd. Ytterligare problem för isbjörnar på djurparker är stereotypt vankande som har observerats hos flertalet karnivorer som i det vilda rör sig över stora områden eller hemytor. Syftet med denna studie var att titta på hur isbjörnarna på Orsa björnpark utnyttjar sitt hägn, vilka beteenden som kan observeras samt hur stor del av observationerna de spenderar tillsammans.

Påverkar järninjektioner risken för ledinflammationer hos smågrisar? :

Hemoglobin is built up from protein and heme groups which give the blood its red colour . Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and other tissues in the body. Normally, a piglet has a hemoglobin value of 130-150 gram per liter blood, and the lower limit before anaemia appears is 80 grams per liter blood. The immune defense is also dependent upon the presence of iron in hemoglobin, since iron participates in different enzyme systems. When the piglet develops anaemia, it becomes pale and thicker around the neck.

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