

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 42 av 84

Kartläggning av utredningsprocessen vid Arbetsförmedlingen Rehabilitering i Sverige : en pilotstudie

The Swedish National Labour Market Administration wishes to acquire further knowledge about how the evaluation process of vocational rehabilitation at the employment service operates as a part of the quality assurance of this activity. The primary task for vocational rehabilitation at the employment service is to investigate the work capacity of unemployed people, to give them increased knowledge and better understanding of their own capacity concerning work or education. The aim of this study was to survey the evaluation process of vocational rehabilitation at the employment service in Sweden. Data were collected through telephone interviews with 15 occupational therapists employed at the employment service, who were working with vocational rehabilitation. The result shows that the investigation of work capacity can take place in different environments and that the space of time for an investigation can vary.

It's 'like' a #perfectday : En fallstudie om hur och varför lyssnare av poddradion sprider budskap om produkter vidare på sociala medier

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in podcast listening in Sweden. As a result, podcasts has become attractive in marketing purposes among enterprises and organizations. It has also been revealed that the messages about products advertised in podcasts not only spread among the listeners, but also among their friends when publishing on social media. Research in this area has shown that messages spread on social media is a process which not only involve the transmitter and the receiver but also a third party, that is other individuals in the receivers network. This study reveals possible reasons to how and why listeners of the podcast spread commercial messages on social media.In order to identify general trends and to acquire an understanding of the phenomenon about podcasts a case study on Fredagspodden, produced by Hannah Widell and Amanda Schulman, was done.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och dess effekter för barn i åldern 5-12 år med Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. : En litteraturöversikt

Syftet med denna studie var att genom granskning av litteratur undersöka vilka typer av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som görs för barn med ADHD i åldern 5-12 år, samt effekten av dessa. En litteraturöversikt valdes som metod för att undersöka kunskapsläget inom ämnet ADHD. Litteratursökning genomfördes via databaser tillgängliga vid universitetsbiblioteket vid Luleå Tekniska universitet och sju artiklar valdes ut. Analysen visade att interventionerna riktade sig främst mot att stödja barnen med koncentration, stillasittande och stärka kognitiva svårigheter. Resultatet av denna rapport beskriver exempel på typer arbetsterapeutiska interventioner gjorda för barn med ADHD.

Jämställdhet, barnarbete eller miljöarbete

ABSTRACTIn this study, five people were interviewed who are involved in a drug-assisted program for opiate addiction, also called substitution program. The meaning of substitution is that these clients' drug addiction is replaced with substitute preparations, either methadone or Subutex in an orderly manner. The clients of the researcher decided to study the substitution program have all been a heavy opiate addiction for years. Their participation in the replacement program is more than two years, and those who have been around the longest have been in the program for six years, so long as the substitution program has existed in Visby.This is a qualitative study in which interviews are conducted face to face with each individual client, and the interview was unstructured in the sense that no specific issues made in advance. The interviews have been themed, and the researcher has gone through various areas of life around the respondent.

Erfarenheter av yrkesarbete hos personer med Multipel skleros

Personer med Multipel skleros (MS) kan uppleva svårigheter att delta i aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL) där arbetet är en betydande del av det. De funktionsnedsättningar som förekommer vid MS kan ha en negativ inverkan på personens möjlighet att arbeta. Syftet med denna studie avsåg att beskriva hur personer som är diagnostiserade med Multipel skleros erfar att yrkesarbeta. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio personer i åldrarna 39-62 som hade diagnosen MS och yrkesarbetade. Datamaterialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, som resulterade i två huvudkategorier; ?Den egna förmågan i relation till arbetets krav? och ?Anpassningar för att underlätta i arbetet?.

Samarbete - lek med mening : multiprofessionell interaktion och meningsskapande

The intention of this study was to create an understanding of how multi-professional interaction could convert into inter-professional collaboration, which takes advantage of and acknowledges the individual professional identity. The intention was to understand the meaning of collaboration through the study of meetings between professionals who use different symbol systems. In particular, we wanted to study inter-professional interaction from a symbolic interactional perspective with a focus on Self, Identity, Symbols, Meaning and Professional community. The employed method was semi-structured interviews with ten questions. A convenience sample was used to identify working groups composed of different professions, such as teachers, social workers and therapy assistants.

Talet hos femåriga barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt: En jämförelse mellan internationellt adopterade barn och svenskfödda barn

This retrospective study aimed to examine differences at age fivebetween twenty-six internationally adopted and twenty-six Swedish-bornchildren with cleft lip and palate regarding age of surgery, speech andintervention. Correlation between age of surgery and speechvariables andgender differences was examined. Blind assessment of audio recordedsentence repetition or naming of words was performed by two speechpathologists. Soft palate was closed significantly later for the study groupthan the control group. Age at closure of hard palate did not differ.

Arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och effekter inom arbetsrehabilitering: En litteraturöversikt

Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa och beskriva arbetsterapeutiska interventioner och effekten av dessa inom arbetsrehabilitering. Datainsamling har utförts genom sökningar i vetenskapliga databaser. Urvalet gjordes utifrån fastställda inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Artiklarna granskades och analyserades i enighet med Friberg (2012). Resultat av studien visade att arbetsterapeuterna inom arbetsrehabilitering använder sig av interventioner för att underlätta arbetsåtergång.

Vård av patienter i livets slutskede och deras anhöriga : undersköterskors beskrivningar

Palliative care is founded on a holistic attitude, with the goal to alleviate suffering when a cure is no longer possible. Palliative care affirms life and regards dying as a normal process, providing possibilities of a quality time for the patient and family. Studies show that an increasing number of people choose to live the final phase of their life in their own home. A requirement for end of life care is an effective team work, where the nurse is responsible for more advanced care, and the caregiver?s provides the immediate care.

Förebyggning av utbrändhet på organisatorisk nivå

The workplace is for many associated with joy and commitment, for others it is associated with fatigue, inadequacy and cynicism that is explained as the three dimensions of burnout. A general view of burnout is that it is an individual problem that many companies ignore, because a preventive task does not generate immediate profits. This has been a growing problem for years. Burnout costs not only money but also time and knowledge. Unfortunately, the popular belief is that "If it ain?t broke, don?t fix it." Organizations that think this way are sacrificing future benefits for short-term gains.

Landskapsarkitektur för folkhälsa : teorier och reflektioner kring utformning

The Swedish healthcare system is characterized by lack of resources and extensive hospital queues. In order to counter these difficulties the Lund University Hospital have introduced Lean Healthcare to the hospital organization. The purpose of this scientific paper is to study the relationship between the implementation of Lean Healthcare and the experienced motivation among the staff. This essay thereby intends to impart knowledge, which could be used on future implementations of Lean Healthcare at other hospitals. In order to fulfil the purpose of this essay a case study have been conducted at two wards at the Lund University Hospital in which qualitative research interviews have been the method chosen in order to gather data.

Finanskris och Analytikerbeteende : En kvalitativ studie om rationellt och irrationellt beteende

I takt med att arbetsmarknaden blivit alltmer global vill företagen snabbt kunna förändra arbetsstyrkan vid behov. Detta har lett till att efterfrågan på inhyrd personal har växt och bemanningsbranschen har således blivit en naturlig del av den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Individer som arbetar på ett bemanningsföretag, ambulerande tjänstemän, är en del i ett trepartsförhållande med arbetsgivaren och uppdragsgivaren. Syftet med undersökningen är att undersöka ambulerande tjänstemäns relation till arbetsgivaren och vilken betydelse relationen har för känslan av tillhörighet till arbetsgivaren hos de ambulerande tjänstemännen. Till grund för undersökningen ligger intervjuer med fem ambulerande tjänstemän samt en gruppintervju med tre chefer.

Hearing is believing

Today most studies regarding marketing are made on traditional marketing channels, answering questions like which jingle is best or which TV-channel a company should focus their marketing budget on. There is also the science regarding the best way of marketing on Social Networking sites or how to get as many 'likes' as possible, and so forth. However research has also been made in the field of in-store marketing and how a retailers or brand owners can affect customers in "the moment of truth". Until now most of these studies discuss how to get the attention of the customer in the store since both time as well as level of commitment in general is scarce when a customer is in a grocery store doing the necessary weekly- or complementary-shopping. It seems like most of them make the very same conclusion; catching the attention of a customer is vital to sell them your product.

God man är som en spindel i nätet : En kvalitativ studie om gode mäns roll och deras relation till ensamkommande barn, ur gode mäns perspektiv

This study is about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relation to unaccompanied children. On the basis of qualitative interviews the study aims to understand the trustees? role and relation to unaccompanied children. We chose to interview nine trustees to achieve a better insight of the trustees roll. We analyzed the interviews and tried to gain a better knowledge about a guardian ad litem mission, role and relationship to unaccompanied children with role theory and concepts off pastoral power and trust.

"Det lättare livet?" - en litteraturstudie om hur en person som opereras för obesitas kan stödjas till förbättrad hälsa pre- och postoperativt"The easier life?" - a literature review about how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to r

Background: Obesity surgery is the only technique that has proved to have a long-lasting effect on weight loss. Operation is not a solution but rather a lifelong involvement for the person. To loose a lot of weight means a big adjustment for both body and mind and the operated person may need support, advice, information and encouragement. Aim: The aim was to describe how a person, operated for obesity, can be supported in order to reach improved health pre- and postoperative. Method: A systematic literature study was made which resulted in 18 scientific articles that have been reviewed.

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