

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 36 av 84

Livscykelkostnad för tak och fasad

Title: Time to renovate ? The effect of communication on the relationship between company and customer in a change situationCourse/subject:Busniess administration, Leadership, 15hpAuthors:Fredrik Elghag, Ossian OlssonTutors:Ingemar WictorKeywords:The Million Programme, Communication, Relationship Marketing, Tentant, Landlord.Problem formulation:How does communication affect the relationship between company and customer in a change situation?Purpose:Examining how different parts of a communication process affects customers trust, commitment and loyalty to their company.Theoretical framework:The starting point for the study?s theoretical perspectives have been Morgan and Hunt?s (1994) previous studies on relationship marketing and Laswell?s (1948) communication model.Methodology:The paper is performed with a qualitative research approach and a deductive approach to answer the research question. Personal interviews were conducted with four employees in real estate companies and two tenants in each company stock.Conclusion:We have found that communication affects the relationship between company and customer. Tentants have experinced credibility of businesses is important for them to have a confidence and loyalty in the relationship. .

TFT och EFT som terapeutiska metoder vid traumabehandling

TFT (Thought Field Therapy) och EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) är två energipsykologiska metoder som använts vid ångestproblematik. Energipsykologi är ett samlingsnamn för metoder med influenser från bland annat traditionell kinesisk medicin. TFT och EFT har diskuterats som ett komplement till vedertagen behandling vid traumatisering. Föreliggande uppsats syftade till att undersöka området energipsykologi och belysa TFT och EFT för traumabehandling. Datainsamling genomfördes i två steg genom en litteratur- och intervjustudie, som jämfördes med varandra.

Innebörden av begreppet vardagsrehabilitering inom kommunal äldreomsorg

Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva hur innebörden av begreppet vardagsrehabilitering (VR) uppfattas inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Datainsamling utfördes genom enskilda intervjuer med omvårdnadspersonal, arbetsterapeuter, enhetschefer samt beslutande politiker, fem respektive sex i varje grupp. Data analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys inspirerad av fenomenografi som resulterade i två kategorier: 1) VR innebär kommunikation, samarbete och resurser, samt 2) VR innebär ett synsätt där träning i aktivitet möjliggörs i alla situationer. Resultatet visade att alla respondenter anser att innebörden av begreppet VR är att de äldre inom kommunal äldreomsorg ska få möjlighet att utföra aktiviteter utifrån egen förmåga. Andra särskilt framträdande aspekter gällande VR är att det anses innebära en god kommunikation, vara ett självklart synsätt som inte behöver diskuteras, samt att utbildning är viktigt men inte en förutsättning för att arbeta vardagsrehabiliterande..

En formalisering av matematiken i svensk gymnasieundervisning

This study examines how formal mathematics can be taught in the Swedishsecondary school with its new curriculum for mathematics. The study examineswhat a teaching material in formal mathematics corresponding to the initialcontent of the course Mathematics 1c could look like, and whether formalmathematics can be taught to high school students.The survey was conducted with second year students from the science programme.The majority of these students studied the course Mathematics D.The students described themselves as not being motivated towards mathematics.The results show that the content of the curriculum can be presented withformal mathematics. This both in terms of requirements for content and studentsbeing able to comprehend this content. The curriculum also requires thatthis type of mathematics is introduced in the course Mathematics 1c.The results also show that students are open towards and want more formalmathematics in their ordinary education. They initially felt it was strangebecause they had never encountered this type of mathematics before, but somestudents found the formal mathematics to be easier than the mathematicsordinarily presented in class.The study finds no reason to postpone the meeting with the formal mathematicsto university level.

Upplevelse och erfarenheter av läsning och skrivning hos patienter med afasi

The aim of the study was to explore how persons with aphasiaexperience literacy and reading and writing. Seven persons with mild-moderateaphasia were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed andanalysed using qualitative content analysis. The analysis resulted in three mainthemes; A changed reading, A changed writing and How to adjust andaccommodate to new conditions. The most apparent aspect was that theinformants experienced that literacy had changed, regarding what and how theyread/write.

Organisatoriskt engagemang i bemanningsbranschen

 Krav på flexibilitet har bidragit till att tidsbegränsade anställningar har ökat och bemanningsbranschen expanderat de senaste åren. Den nya utmaningen har blivit att bevara det organisatoriska engagemanget hos anställda när inte längre anställningstrygghet kan erbjudas. Studiens syfte var att identifiera vilka faktorer som påverkar unga, vidareutbildade bemanningskonsulters organisatoriska engagemang till bemanningsföretag och klientföretag. Åtta bemanningskonsulter uthyrda på heltidsuppdrag deltog i halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet analyserades i en induktiv tematisk analys.

Utprovning av SWITCH, ett svenskt förståelighetstest för barn

SWITCH- Swedish Intelligibility test for children, is a test thatmeasures intelligibility of children's speech through repetition of singlewords. The test is computer generated and consists of 1000 word listsrandomly selected for each assessment. The purpose of this study was toexamine the equivalence, reliability and validity in the word lists. Word listswere tested on ten children with typical language development (N group)and ten children with speech deviation (T group). The children were audiorecorded when they repeated two lists.

IKT i mellanstadiet : En kvalitativ studie av skolledares syn på sin roll i integrering av IKT i undervisningen

The overall purpose of this essay is to come to a deeper understanding about videos in the Youtube beauty community by using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. By answering the main questions of the essay which are; What quantitatively measurable components are there in the videos that can be seen as contributing factors leading to the fact that some generate more views that others?; Is there a set mold for success containing certain aspects that a video must have to stand out?; What correlations can be found between the two categories of analysis and how do these potential correlations affect the popularity of the video? and What effects do specific components on the level of popularity of the video?, we?ve been able to distinguish differences as well as similarities on both qualitative and quantitative levels. We have also seen that using the two methods together have enabled us to reach more profound results. The main result that we have found on a quantitative level is that there are obvious correlations between a high level of popularity and a good visual quality.

Enighet om Europa Applicering av diffusionsteorin på utvecklingen av attityden till Europeisk policyintegration 1999-2009

Public opinion has increasingly become a political force in the European integration process. At present, it appears that the people?s attitude towards the European integration is relatively skeptical. How can we expect that the attitude towards European integration will evolve in the future? This paper tests the extent to which diffusion theory can serve as a model to explain the development of attitudes to European integration policy in Sweden from 1999 until 2009.

Svenska kyrkan och sekularisering : en studie över prästers olika uppfattningar

Tidigare studier visar att sekulariseringen inneburit stora förändringar på det religiösa området. Studiens syfte var att beskriva hur präster inom Svenska kyrkan i Gävle uppfattade sekulariseringens påverkan. Fokus låg på att beskriva de kvalitativt olika uppfattningar som fanns, då dessa förhoppningsvis skulle ge en ökad och fördjupad vetskap kring sekulariseringens olika verkningar. Det empiriska materialet samlades in via kvalitativa intervjuer där åtta präster gav uttryck för sina uppfattningar. Studien visar på att kvalitativt olika uppfattningar fanns.

Datorbaserad examination: En studie om användarhinder och systemacceptans bland lärare

The aim of this thesis is to examine how teachers use computer based assessment in their work and what user barriers they experience while working with computer based assessments. The result of the thesis is meant to provide an understanding of which factors affect the use of computer based assessments and how a company who provide computer based assessments applications can increase the rate of use amongst teachers.To investigate this, the author examined a company in Sweden who provide a computer based assessment application for both universities and high schools. The study was carried out at two different schools, a university and a high school, both located in Stockholm. In total nine teachers were interviewed. The author also conducted observations at the company whose computer based assessment application was examined.The author?s findings suggest that a lack of functions within the application and lack of costumer support from the company all negatively impacted the teacher?s use of the application.

Hur en otrygg anställning påverkar det psykologiska kontraktet hos medarbetare

The purpose of this study was to investigate how people with insecure employment affect the psychological contract in the perspective of workers' experience. The questions in this study were: how does a person with insecure employment perceive the psychological contract and what consequences dose an insecure employment have on the psychological contract. The study was a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The results showed that the absent relationship that existed between the participants and the employer was assumed to be affected by insecure employment. The result revealed that one of the consequences was falling confidence and less support to the employer as an effect of insecure employment and psychological contract.

EMU till varje pris? : Spårbundenhet i beslutsfattandet angående EMU

In 2002, the euro as a common currency did replace the national currencies in the EU member-states that did choose to take part in the EMU. It was then viewed as one of the greatest accomplishments ever to be made by the EU. However, during the latest years, the economic situation has deteriorated in several EMU member-states. This affected the whole euro-area and the current situation is referred upon as the euro-crisis. In 2011, at the time of the euro-crisis, the Heads of State or Government of the euro-area did reaffirm their full commitment to strengthen EMU.

"Dock benådades de till svärdet" : En glömd historia om det legaliserade blodbadet i Kalmar 1525.

The study examines the massacre of the garrison of the castle of Kalmar in 1525 and its causes. The goal of the investigation has been on the one hand to elucidate the most probable sequence of events, and on the other to identify as many different plausible explanations to the massacre as possible. For this end, four contemporary sources have been examined and compared in their details. To enable a broad basis for interpretation, the author has consulted various works on the themes of warfare, soldiers and violence in the late middle ages and the sixteenth century. Apart from political aspects, the study highlights social and cultural conditions as important factors in explaining how the massacre could be carried out without provoking any single part of society.

?Seriously seeking comics? ? Ämnesbestämning, klassifikation och indexering av tecknade serier

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how comics, here defined as a combination of text and images, are handled by the libraries in regards to subject analysis, classification and indexing. A comparative approach has been used in this study. First, common practices, methods and theories concerning subject analysis developed for documents consisting of text or images are presented. Then the current systems at two special libraries, specializing in comics and consequently dealing with both text and images, are examined and related to the above mentioned practices, in order to discover differences and similarities.

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