

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 2 av 84

Three-Component Model (TCM) of commitment i svensk kontext : En undersökning av relationen mellan commitment gentemot organisation och närmaste chef

Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan commitment gentemot organisationen och chefs-commitment i en svensk kontext med hjälp av TCM Employee Commitment Survey. Metoden för att undersöka detta var en webbenkät som delades ut till sammanlagt 188 personer, med en svarsfrekvens på 35%. Respondenterna arbetade i tre olika organisationer inom offentlig sektor. I enkäten fick respondenterna ta ställning till påståenden rörande sin organisation och sin närmaste chef. Resultatet visade att ju lägre continuance commitment är gentemot närmaste chef, desto högre är affective commitment gentemot organisationen.

Vårdhundens betydelse för personer med demens

At two nursing homes for people with dementia a qualitative study was performed. The purpose was to investigate the therapy dog?s meaning to people with dementia from their perspective. Two women and five men with dementia were interviewed, everyone being somewhere between 60 and 87 years of age. All but one had previously owned a dog at some point in their lives.

Vindkraftsacceptans i olika etableringsfaser. En jämförelse av acceptansnivån i tre områden inom Mariestads kommun

The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a deeper understanding about the acceptance of wind power. Our basic assumption is that local conditions are important and can explain how the acceptance of change at different stages of establishment. The main purpose is to see if there are differences in the acceptance of wind power in different stages, and examine the factors that influence acceptance. That includes how people in three different areas of study estimates that they value their environment and how it is affected by wind turbines. The project was conducted interdisciplinary geo-targeted and consists of three parts.

Relationen mellan anställdas typ av individualism och commitment till organisationen

Dagens organisationer verkar på en marknad präglad av hård konkurrens om såväl marknadsandelar som kompetent personal. Detta ställer krav på kostnadseffektivitet samt lojala och engagerade medarbetare. Ett fenomen som visat sig kunna bidra till just detta är commitment, som beskriver den anställdes bindning till organisationen. Individens värderingar i förhållande till commitment är delvis outforskat. Individualism är ett ramverk av värderingar som bland annat beskriver individers relation och identifikation med grupper.

Tillit och engagemang i organisationer

Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between trust and organizational commitment. Our research questions were if the three trust-variables ability, benevolence and integrity predict organizational commitment differently. Further we examined if the length of employment affected the relationship between benevolence and organizational commitment. Due to the fact that past studies has shown that benevolence develop during a longer period of time than do the other trust-variables. We made a survey using questionnaires (n=50) in a ?caretaking facility? and using a multiple regression analysis we found that ability was a significant predictor (p=0.032) for organizational commitment.

Att mäta psykologisk inflexibilitet hos patienter somgenomgått bariatrisk kirurgi : En psykometrisk utvärdering av mätinstrumentet AAQ-W

För att utvärdera effekterna av psykoterapeutisk behandling av obestitasopererade finns det ett behov av psykologiska mätinstrument med goda psykometriska egenskaper. Acceptanceand Commitment therapy (ACT) är en behandlingsmetod som har visat sig effektiv för gruppen obesitasopererade. Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-related Difficulties (AAQ-W) är ett formulär som används som utfallsmått i behandlingen. För attundersöka AAQ-Ws psykometriska egenskaper genomfördes reliabilitetsmätning med upprepad mätning samt beräkning av intern konsistens. Validiteten i AAQ-W testades genom samtidig mätning av mer etablerade mått samt en faktoranalys.

Hur påverkas utbildade vårdhundar (Canis lupus familiaris) av sitt arbete inom humanvården?

Today therapy dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) service people more than ever and different categories of work places use therapy dogs to help their caretakers. Many studies have been made on the positive effects in patients when they are given contact with a dog, but very little have been done on how the dog experience its situation and what kind of behaviour a therapy dog shows during its working days. This work was made to investigate the behaviours that educated therapy dogs in Sweden showed when they were in contact with a caretaker and to find out if the dogs showed any signs of stress or some other kind of discomfort. To do this a survey was sent out to 17 educated therapy dog handlers in Sweden that together had 18 educated therapy dogs. The survey contained 39 questions about the daily work of the therapy dogs when they were together with caretakers and some questions about the therapy dogs spare time. A question about what kind of dog breed the therapy dog handlers had were also in the survey to investigate if some breeds were more usual as therapy dogs.

Musikterapi för patienter med schizofreni och annan psykossjukdom

The aim of the study was to illustrate how music therapy can be used in the care of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic illness.The method used was a literature review. Scientific articles were searched in PubMed, Cinahl, PsycINFO och Scopus databases with an outcome of ten articles, with in total 330 participants, that underwent quality and outcomes analysis.The results showed that music therapy could provide potential improvement in the patients' social functions and that it could also improve negative, some positive and general schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in some patients. The form of music therapy used was often creative music activities with music therapist, with or without structure, or individually customized. The length of treatment varied widely. It was not possible to draw conclusions about which type of music therapy was best.

Sverigedemokraterna - isolerade eller påverkande?

This essay examines the indirect effects of the local strength of the Swedish Democrats on refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities. With statistical methods this essay has aimed to investigate if such effects exist and by using statistical data from three periods of time - 2002, 2006 and 2010 ? the investigation has been able to measure effects over time. Based on former research and reasonable expectations the hypothesis for the essay claims that the Swedish Democrats has got an indirect effect upon the refugee acceptance. With the statistical analyses made, the essay is able to conclude that the strength of the Swedish Democrats in municipality elections as well as the change of this strength between the elections does have a negative effect upon refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities.

Är chefen verkligen jämlik och vad får det för effekter på commitment?

Teorin om Leader- Member Exchange antar att en chef differentierar mellan olika anställda i arbetsgruppen, vilket därav kan kännas av i arbetsplatsomgivningen. Ett högt utbytesförhållande med chefen har visat sig få betydande konsekvenser inom en organisation. Utifrån det kan det vara viktigt att chefen upplevs som jämlik. Denna studie undersökte hur chefen brukar differentiera förhållningssätt gentemot olika anställda samt om chefen uppfattas som jämlik, detta för att utröna vilken påverkan det har på commitment till organisationen, och till arbetsgruppen. Beroende på om avdelningscheferna skiljer sig åt beträffande uppfattad jämlikhet undersöktes om anställdas commitment skiljer sig åt mellan avdelningarna.

Användaracceptans vid systemimplementering.

Användaracceptans är en viktig del i alla systemutvecklingsprojekt och är också en väldigt lättpåverkad variabel för en lyckad implementering. Därför är det viktigt att ha översikt på sådana faktorer som kan påverka användaracceptansen negativt, en sådan faktor är försening. Denna uppsats belyser sammanhanget mellan hur en försening påverkar användaracceptansen. Genom att låta en undersökningsgrupp genomgå en enkät utformad efter Technology Acceptance Model har jag samlat upp en generaliserad åsikt. Resultaten visar att försening som variabel inte påverkar användaracceptansen för fallstudien..

Nulägesanalys med utgångspunkt från införande och utveckling av en intranättillämpning

This report is about an investigation which has been done as an assignment in aninternational company. An Intranet has been implemented in parts of this company, andprimarily there is a local group of people in the company which is responsible for thelocal Intranet as an informationsystem. This local group of people is also responsiblefor further development of the use of Intranet as an informationssystem in the localorganisation. To create a starting-point for this development, I have done aninvestigation that deals with:· acceptance of Intranet as informationssystem among members of the industrialmanagement.- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a negative way- what factors affect acceptance of Intranet in a positive way· rules by which further development of Intranet is supposed to be based on· existing and needed Intranet-applications..

?Livet är en projektledning? : En kvalitativ studie om projektledares utvärderingar, erfarenheter och lärdomar av projekt i praktiken

Syftet med fo?religgande randomiserade kontrollerade studie var att underso?ka effekten av internetadministrerad kognitiv beteendeterapi (iKBT) vid olika former av a?tsto?rningsproblematik. Behandlingen pa?gick i a?tta veckor och baserades pa? beteendeterapi (BT) med inslag av Acceptance and Commitment therapy (ACT). Behandlingen inkluderade en skra?ddarsydd del som riktades mot vanliga komorbida tillsta?nd vid a?tsto?rningar.

Djur inom vården : sett från djurens perspektiv

Animal-assisted therapy had its large breakthrough in the 1960-ties when a psychiatrist named Boris Levinson discovered the great advantages of involving animals in the treatment of patients. Therapy with animals involves that animals are used in a systematic way, in a person's process of treatment. The most distinguished companion animal used within this area is the dog, but horses, cats, rabbits, birds, dolphins and the most common farm animals are used in animal-assisted therapy. Most animals that are to be used for this specific purpose need to be trained in order to maintain their physical and mental health, but also to minimize the risks for the people that are involved. Most studies within this research area are focused on the positive effects on the patients and less on the effects on the animals.

Hästunderstödd terapi : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på Hästunderstödd terapi

Historically, the horse has in many ways been important to human beings. Today, Equine Assisted Therapy is a form of treatment in which the horse is used as a tool from the treatment of the client. Supported Equine therapy has a therapeutic purpose and may vary depending on the patient's needs and the professionals work competence. Various studies show that animals have a positive impact on people. The aim of our study was to explore how Equine Assisted Therapy is used within the practical fields of social work in Sweden.

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