

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 18 av 84

Terapival vid behandling av lunginflammation hos kalv : en enkätundersökning

The purpose of this study was to investigate the kind of treatment strategies used by Swedish Veterinarians with cattle practice when treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia. A questionnaire, consisting of seven questions, was sent to one hundred veterinarians who have had practice with cattle and are employed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The survey was answered by a total of 73% of the Veterinarians. Of the respondents, 73 % use Penicillins as their first choice of drug for treating calves with symptoms of pneumonia, and as their second choice 64 % use Tetracycline. Supplementary treatment such as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and/or SAID (steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) are used by 97.5 % of the respondents.

Chemical and sensory analyses of juice, cider and vinegar produced from different apple cultivars

The interest for locally produced food is increasing due to consumer concern about the environment, distrust of industrial foods and a demand for high quality products. Apple is the predominant fruit crop in Sweden, and by processing apples into cider and vinegar, these products could significantly contribute to the development of the market of local foods.In this study different yeast types and different bacterial cultures were evaluated for their suitability in cider and vinegar production from cloudy apple juice. Ten apple cultivars (Aroma, Baldwin, Belle de Boskoop, Bramley, Cortland, Gravensteiner, Ingrid-Marie, Jonathan, Rubinola and Spartan) were also evaluated for their suitability for production of juice, cider and vinegar. Chemical analyses including total soluble solids, titratable acidity and total phenols were performed on the products along with sensorial evaluation by taste panels.The yeast strains were shown to have an effect on fermentation rate and the resulting content of total phenols in ciders fermented from cloudy apple juice. Dry commercial starter strains gave a higher appreciated cider compared to cider that was spontaneously fermented, and the ale yeast Safale S-04 was concluded to be the most suited for fermentation of cloudy apple juice.For vinegar production, the bacterial culture had an effect on TSS, but not on any other chemical or taste characteristics.

Patientens upplevelser av hundens närvaro i vårdandet

Hunden är människans bästa vän, men det är först på senare tid som hundens hälsoeffekter har börjat undersökas. Internationellt sätt används hundar i vården i en helt annan utsträckning än i Sverige. Hälsoeffekter i form av kortare vårdtid, snabbare rehabilitering och bättre egenvård har påvisats. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva patientens upplevelser av hundens närvaro i vårdandet. Studien var en litteraturstudie med 15 vetenskapliga artiklar.

Relationskomponenternas betydelse i en upphandlingprocess mellan konsult och kund :  

This paper investigates a number of components that influence the relationship between consultant and client in a procurement process of ERP. The paper deals with Trust, Commitment, Cooperation and Satisfaction. The problem lies within the fact that consultants do not know how and to what extent the components affect relationship quality. Based on the theories in the areas of procurement, relationship marketing and relationship quality, information has been gathered about how the various authors believe a procurement process works, how they view relationship marketing and how relationship quality is created. The components discussed are trust, commitment, cooperation and satisfaction.

Arbetskravsanalyser av arbetsuppgifter i Hälsans trädgård i Linköping utifrån The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ)

Hälsans Trädgård is a project which is going to start in Gamla Linköping, Sweden. The authors were commissioned by Arbetslivsresurs, a company working with work rehabilitation, to select, define and make job analyses on five work tasks at Hälsans Trädgård in Gamla Linköping. A job analysis means an analysis of the demands the job make of the individual. The job analysis used in this study is called The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) and is from the US Department of Labor (DOL). As RHAJ is an American instrument, the authors produced a form where the concepts are translated into Swedish to make the analysis easier.

Om reklam på Facebook : En attitydundersökning bland ungdomar

This thesis deals with young people´s attitudes towards advertising on Facebook, which type they prefer and how it should be presented. The purpose of the essay is to offer advertisers a better knowledge concerning the Facebook users advertising preferences. This knowledge can be used to produce advertising with a higher chance of acceptance among Facebook users. The results have been collected by a quantitative survey and they are presented in statistic form. One of the main results was that young people wanted a more individual adapted type of advertising.

Hundars inverkan på hälsa hos vårdtagare på vård- och omsorgsboende - en litteraturstudie

ABSTRACT Background: Aging and losing cognitive and physical functions is difficult. To also be affected by dementia means that you lose some part of your identity and the ability to take care of yourself. It is important to find alternative, non-pharmacological ways to increase health for the elderly and those who are affected by dementia. When dogs are used for therapeutic purposes in health care it is roughly divided into two different forms; AAA (Animal Assisted Activity) and AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy). AAI (Animal Assisted Intervention) is also used as a term, in which AAT is included.

Balansgången mellan forskning och praktik : En kvalitativ studie av familjebehandlares kunskapsinhämtning- och tillämpning i evidensbaserad praktik.

AbstractAuthors: Carolina Magnusson and Johanna MagnussonTitle:  The balance between research and practice. A study of family therapist?s knowledge retrieval and the application of evidence-based practice.Supervisor: Jan Petersson Assessor: Peter HultgrenDuring our research we discovered that a very small amount of research had been conducted about the effect of the social services. It inspired us to fulfill this study. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze what knowledge family therapists in two Swedish municipalities use in family therapy work.

En svensk säkerhetsagent - to live or let die? : En juridisk analys avseende säkerhetsagentstrukturen och frågor om obligationsinnehavares rättsställning vid säkerhetsagentens konkurs.

AbstractA useful tool for companies to use in their differentiation process is proposed to be employee branding. Employee branding is developed and put forth by the management with the main task to formulate the brands vision and values, and communicate them to the employees. To promote the employee engagement and their relationship with the company, corporate storytelling can be applied, with is an internal communication that strengthens the internal rumour and values that represent the brand. Since engagement and motivation is important factors when creating a strong employee brand, there is a need for further research on how corporate storytelling is used by companies to influence employee engagement and motivation, as corporate storytelling leads to deeper commitment among employees.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore how companies use corporate storytelling to influence their employee branding.MethodologyThe authors conducted a qualitative case study on how the retail organization Boomerang. The empirical material was collected thru semi-structured interviews with Boomerangs management and employees.ConclusionThe conclusion shows that the employees prefers when corporate storytelling and various communication is put in context, this because it?s easier for the employees to understand.

Utomhuslekplatsers tillgänglighet för barn med funktionsnedsättning: en uppföljning

Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra antalet anpassade utomhuslekplatser i Norrlands kommuner sedan 2001, och få svar på de ansvarigas uppfattning gällande tillgänglighet och anpassning, då tidigare studier visat på brister gällande dessa områden. Barn med funktionsnedsättning riskerar att uppleva social isolering och diskriminering om utomhuslekplatsers fysiska miljö skapar barriärer. Enligt funktionshinderpolitiken ska Sveriges allmänna platser och byggnader vara tillgängliga för alla år 2016. Metod: En enkätundersökning med mixad metod genomfördes där enkäter postades till de ansvariga för utomhuslekplatser i Norrlands 54 kommuner. Resultat: Resultatet jämfördes genomgående med en studie från 2001.

Tillämpning av Leanprinciper inom produktutveckling

Examensarbetet ?ADP Generator? går ut på att skapa ett datorprogram och en databas somskall effektivisera hanteringen av information från alla stadier ur rymdproduktionen vidJirotex Furudahlsgruppen AB.Informationen i databasen skall hämtas med programmet på ett lätthanterligt sätt.Slutligen skall programmet skapa en sammanställning från produktionen i form av ettdokument, ett s.k. ADP, Acceptance Data Package.Programmet har skapats i Java och databasen i MySQL. Dokumenten är i formatet RTF, RichText Format.I rapporten står en systembeskrivning och förklaringar för valda lösningar..

Corporate storytellings påverkan på ett företags employee brand : En kvalitativ fallstudie av hur företag kan påverka anställdas engagemang

AbstractA useful tool for companies to use in their differentiation process is proposed to be employee branding. Employee branding is developed and put forth by the management with the main task to formulate the brands vision and values, and communicate them to the employees. To promote the employee engagement and their relationship with the company, corporate storytelling can be applied, with is an internal communication that strengthens the internal rumour and values that represent the brand. Since engagement and motivation is important factors when creating a strong employee brand, there is a need for further research on how corporate storytelling is used by companies to influence employee engagement and motivation, as corporate storytelling leads to deeper commitment among employees.PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore how companies use corporate storytelling to influence their employee branding.MethodologyThe authors conducted a qualitative case study on how the retail organization Boomerang. The empirical material was collected thru semi-structured interviews with Boomerangs management and employees.ConclusionThe conclusion shows that the employees prefers when corporate storytelling and various communication is put in context, this because it?s easier for the employees to understand.

Främjande och hämmande faktorer för innovationsspridning inom sjukgymnastik: En litteraturöversikt

Behovet och förekomsten av innovation och forskning inom sjukgymnastik ökar, däremot finns brister i innovationsprocessen som gör att de senaste innovationerna inte används i praktiken. Anledningen till detta kan vara många och finnas på olika nivåer i vårdprocessen. Innovationens och yrkesutövarens egenskaper, patienten, socialt och organisatoriskt och ekonomisk och politisk bakgrund kan vara områden som påverkar innovationsspridningen Syftet med studien var att undersöka förutsättningarna för innovationsspridning inom sjukgymnastikens arbetsfält. Rapporten var en systematisk litteratursammanställning. Databaserna som användes för sökningen var AMED, PubMED och ProQuest.

IBS-patienters upplevelse av låg FODMAP-kosten

IBS patients experiences of eating the low FODMAP-dietIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common, functional gastrointestinal tract disorder. The disease is benign but may cause much suffering for the individual. The treatments available are used to relieve symptoms. One nutrition therapy is to exclude fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharide and polyols, so callde FODMAPS, from the diet. This diet is proven successful and even significantly better than the standard nutrition advice for IBS.

Vatten som väcker sinnena : - förslag för införande av vatten i Alnarps rehabiliteringsträdgård utifrån några miljöpsykologiska teorier

Alnarp?s Healing Garden is a place for rehabilitation as well as an ongoing multidisciplinary scientific research experiment. The garden is built on research results from the disciplines of Landscape architecture, Environmental Psychology and Garden Therapy. In the garden, people diagnosed with burnout syndromes are being rehabilitated. The participants need safe and calm environments which activate their bodies self healing systems. Theories show that water as an element, per se, increases the observer?s preference for an environment.

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