

130 Uppsatser om Academically trained - Sida 6 av 9

Tiga är silver men tala är guld ? Lärares tankar kring möjligheterna att skapa en god språkmiljö i förskolan

AbstractAim; With this study we aim to know more about the possibilities teachers in pre-school regard useful in their work, when encouraging children?s language development. In the study we are inspired by the thoughts and ideas of Lev Vygotskij. Method; We interviewed eight trained teachers at four pre-schools in Sweden. The interviews were recorded and later written down.

Prestationspåverkan av flerträdshantering i klena gallringar

The aim of this study is to investigate how multiple tree handling harvesters perform compared to earlier developed standards. The study shows that multiple tree handling harvesters are more efficient in thinnings stands with mean stock volumes less than 0,12 m3fub per stock. The increased efficiency is different for different mean stem classes. In stands with a mean stem volume of 0,04 m3fub per stock, the increase can be as high as 40 percent while it is about 10 percent in stands with a mean stem volume of 0,12 m3fub. Comparisons have been done between stands that are felled with partly limbed stands and stands without partly limbed assortments. The difference in performance is clear and shows that the partly limbed assortments strengthen the multiple tree handling harvesters positive effects in low dimension thinnings.

iPad som pedagogiskt verktyg i grundsärskolan : Några lärares beskrivningar av hur de arbetar med iPad i ämnet svenska

The aim of this study is investigating how some Elementary School teachers of special classes describe how they use iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish. To find out I have carried out an interview investigation. I have analyzed results using theoretical concepts from the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding and artefacts.The cummulative result shows that teachers describe that they practice linguistic consciousness and that pupils are trained in writing Swedish in this subject. Another result shows how all teachers describe that they work face-to-face with pupils using iPads in Swedish lessons. Further results show how teachers present possibilities of using iPad as an educational tool when teaching Swedish.

Bibliotekariers syn på utbildning och kompetens ? de små folkbibliotekens perspektiv

The aim of this thesis is to examine librarians' view on the knowledge and competence required at a small public library and how they look upon their education in retrospect. Library education in the 1970's and 1980's was mainly practical, a vocational training, but since 1995 the education results in an academic degree in Library & Information Science. Due to this, we focus on the ongoing generation shift in Swedish libraries as an aspect of knowledge and education. The empirical study is based on interviews with librarians working in minor public libraries. The informants form two groups, based on their education; ?old? ones and ?new? ones.

Kommunanställdas uppfattning om och nyttjande av kommunens friskvårdsinsatser.

The personnel policy program for the employees in studied municipality includes guidelines for the working environment, saying that health promoting activities is offered to all employees.                              Objective: To investigate how these activities were used and how the staff perceived the activities offered. The aim was also to find out how well the information about current health promotion efforts reached the staff.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of municipal employees from seven different work sites.  A total of 12 women aged 32-52 years participated. The interviews were recorded and a hermeneutic theory was used to interpret the results.Results: The results showed that most informants used some form of fitness activity. In most cases health care-time was used for anything from walking to organized workouts. The great barrier was lack of information and lack of trained and dedicated health motivators. In several cases, informants had no knowledge about what a health motivator is supposed to do. The informants own suggestions for health promotion interventions included stress management and foot care.Conclusion: The survey showed that respondents were poorly informed about which wellness activities the municipality offered. The result could also be interpreted as a communication gap between the local authority, health motivators and the employees. A request for group activities was detected.  .

IKT på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter om IKT på fritidshemmet

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are constantly evolving in today's information society. The school uses ICT as a teaching tool and it begins to be included at the leisure-time in school by the educators.Aim of this study is to examine how educators describe their perceptions and experiences of using ICT in the leisure activities. The questions is about how the educators use ICT, what they believe children learn of ICT, and which advantages and disadvantages they see with ICT at leisure-time in school.Through a qualitative approach, I have had my questions answered by six trained educators, five of whom are recreational educators and one who is a preschool teacher. These have individually answered my interview questions as an interview took place over a phone call, while the others answered the same questions by e-mail. The interview questions were open-ended questions that were formulated so the educators could respond so freely and fulfilling as possible.The survey shows that teachers use ICT in multimodal approach at leisure-time in school, both in informing parents and in activities with the children.

Den paradoxala internkommunikationen : En studie om den interna förändringskommunikationens roll i ett gasellföretag

For some time researcher has focused their interest on how women are being treated in sports and what impact it has on the development of the sports movement. Researchers in the field have tried to clarify where the problem lies, if it is gender or sex. Are the differences between the sexes caused by how society portrays women or because women and men are built for different purposes. This research paper studied how women in the sports of snowboarding and freeskiing perceived their possibilities to practice their own sports. Furthermore, the study tried to answer if the problems are originated from the culture of the sports, what the possibilities and opportunities women had to make ?it? and what women think is the reason why there are so few female athletes in their sports.

KOM LOSS En studie av Läs- och skrivstugans verksamhet på tre bibliotek i Västra Götalandregionen

The purpose of this Master Thesis is to investigate whether the technical service available in the "Reading and Writing Corner" has an influence on the total quality of service in a public library. This service is intended to give sensory/print-handicapped persons access to information. The title KOM LOSS is a Swedish expression for "come on" and LOSS is short for reading and writing support. I have chosen to study three libraries in the region of Västra Götaland, Sweden. The thesis examines total quality from the aspects of goal steering, accessibility, education and marketing.


The aim of this study was to study how Swedish youth national football players handle stressful events in sports. A longitudinal questionnaire diary was constructed from a revised version of Nicholls and Polmans (2007) design with the intention of recording in-sport and psychosocial stress, choice of coping strategy and coping effectiveness. The participants were 59 Swedish youth national football players born 1992 observed during a four day national training camp held by the Swedish Football Association. Data were drawn from a quantifying analyzing method. The main result showed that the most common stressors reported were, physical injury or pain, experiencing teammates or opponents to perform better and feeling generally insecure during training camp.

Matematiksvårigheter : En studie om fyra pedagogers erfarenheter kring matematiksvårigheter med exempel på pedagogiskt arbetssätt

For many years, I have tried to understand why students end up in difficulties in mathematics. As a future teacher, it is extremely important to have knowledge of the various factors that leads to difficulties in mathematics. As a teacher it is obvious to meet the students who find mathematics a difficult subject, and, therefore it is necessary to have a broader knowledge of how to respond and support these students. According to Ahlberg, number of students with mathematics difficulties is increasing every year, therefore, it is important to help students and organize a supporting school environment that promotes and encourages learning (Ahlberg 2001, p. 104-105).

Effekt av utfodring och motion för utveckling av diabetes mellitus hos gråhund och jämthund. :

This study is a follow up of a pilot study made 2004, that evaluated feeding, exercise and weight as possible risk factors for developing any kind of diabetes in dogs. We have selected our material for a certain kind of DM that exists among Norwegian and Swedish elkhounds. These breeds are among the most common breeds affected by diabetes and this kind of DM almost exclusively affects intact bitches. We performed a case- control study where the owners were interviewed over the phone. The owners of a total of 48 case dogs and 58 control dogs were contacted. The questions for the cases focused on the time before the diagnosis and the questions for the control dogs focused on the dog´s adult life.

Ormen på Hälleberget eller Fjärilen på Haga? Om varför socionomen utbildar sig till familjeterapeut

The aim of this study is to analyze why social workers choose to study to becomefamily therapists and how individual motives and structural motive power influencesocial workers before, during and after the education and how the education affectsthe working role and the social work. Through theoretical studies and qualitativeinterwievs with becoming and fully trained family therapists I have come to that socialworkers have individual motives i.e appropriate working skills and a thirst ofknowledge. They have strived for deepened knowledge of the work and personaldevelopment, strengthened professionalism and raised working status. The structuralmotive powers have been i.e raised salary and changed, more attractive workingtasks. Legitimation and possibility to run your own company are both a motive and astructural motive power.

Projekt Pedadoggen - Hunden som pedagogisk resurs i en daglig verksamhet

Through this project -?Projekt Pedadoggen?- I have tested dog training as a pedagogical resource at Daily activities. The study was made together with a group of persons with intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, whose daily activities consist of running a day-care centre for dogs. Each participator of the project trained a dog towards a specific goal. This goal was individually formulated by each participator from his or her specific interest.

Avtalsrättens godtrosrekvisit : Särskilt om kunskapskriteriet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

Kognitiv träning - En litteraturstudie om dess effekt samt eventuella möjligheter inom audiologisk rehabilitering

In recent years cognitive training in order to improve cognitive abilities have becomeincreasingly popular and a lot of research has been conducted within this field. The natural agingprocess has a negative effect on many of our cognitive abilities and this relationship also has a strongconnection with hearing loss. Elderly with hearing loss is therefore a group that could benefit fromcognitive training. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate different types of cognitivetraining directed towards working memory in older adults and to examine the results observedregarding efficacy of this type of training and its transfer effect. Method: A literature reviewconsisting of 17 scientific articles published between 2005-2014.

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