

4131 Uppsatser om Academic stress - Sida 2 av 276

Sjuksköterskors upplevda stress och stresshantering. En empirisk studie.

The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate if stress exists among nurses, and if it exists how do they experience it and how do they cope whit it. The nurses also got to define the word stress. Karasek and Theorells demandcontrollmodell were used as a theoretical framework. The result of the study answers our research questions and gives us a good insight how the nurses experience stress and how they cope with it. The result shows that 56 of 60 nurses indicated that they experience medium to high level of stress a couple of days a week or more often and that it affects their work.

Syskonplacering, studieresultat och prestationsbehov hos gymnasieelever

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between birth order, academic performance and need for achievement. 166 students from Alvesta Gymnasium/ High school and Växjö Fria Gymnasium/ High school participated in the study. The result showed a significant correlation between birth order and study result, but unlike previous studies this study showed that it was the youngest siblings that had the best academic performance. Furthermore, a significant correlation between academic performance and need for achievement was found, also that higher need for achievement results in higher academic performance. The study also showed that there is a significant correlation between birth order and need for achievement, and it is the youngest children that have the highest need for achievement.

Barn och stress - Specialpedagogens roll i det förebyggande arbetet/Childern and stress - the roll of the education teacher in the stress prevention

Sammanfattningvis visar resultaten på att barn och ungdomar är och upplevs mer stressade idag. Det finns många orsaker till barns stress och och den tar sig i olika uttryck. Skolans inre och yttre miljö är en stor stressfaktor som påverkar både yngre och äldre barn. För att kunna förebygga och motverka stress är det viktigt att identifiera stressen tidigt i livet..

Stress. Ur ett kvinnligt perspektiv

Stress är ett samhällsproblem som påverkar människan fysiskt och psykiskt. Att dessutom vara kvinna kan upplevas som extra kravfyllt då samhällets normer fortfarande klassificerar mannen som normen. Stress är ett fenomen som är svårt att påvisa då alla individer upplever stress på olika sätt. Detta problematiserar troligtvis forskningen då stress inte är påvisbart i samma utsträckning som andra företeelser. Dock har det gjorts en hel del forskning i ämnet och det finns även pågående forskning.

Har du tid? : en studie av hur företag hanterar stressjukdomar

Background: The stress in the society seems to having become more amplified and more trying. Statistics show that the appearance of stress related industrial diseases have increased strikingly. What can be stressing at the workplace? The work conditions are not the only thing that causes stress but no matter what the causes are employers have to restore the employees to their former positions. How are companies dealing with the problems of stress in reality? Do they have formulated strategies for how to manage the problems? Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to try to see pattern in how companies manage and treat stress and stress related industrial diseases.

Högskolebibliotekariens pedagogiska roll

The Swedish academic libraries have gone trough radical changes during the last decades. The development of information technology, the educational expansion and new pedagogical ways of learning within the higher educational system have changed the conditions, not only for the academic libraries, but also in many ways for the librarians. The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine how Swedish librarians experience their pedagogic role and task in the context of an academic library. The following four questions in this investigation were asked: How do the librarians experience the formal task that they have? How do the librarians experience the physical library environment? How do the librarians experience the co-operation with others involved in their work? How do the librarians experience their own pedagogic knowledge and competence in their daily practice? The study showed that these librarians believed the physical environment to be very important and is seen as a pedagogical tool in their daily work.

Barns medvetenhet om stress: en undersökning på en begränsad barngrupp

I dagens samhälle möts barn av enorma krav från olika håll, skolan är en stor del i barnens liv, och vi har i denna uppsats fokuserat på hur barn upplever stress och vad som orsakar deras stress. För att ta reda på detta har vi använt oss av den kvalitativa metoden i form av intervjuer med barn och en pedagog. Problemformuleringarna vi har använt oss av består av dessa frågor: är barnen medvetna om sin egen stress? Hur känns det i kroppen då de är stressade? Och vet de varför de är stressade? Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att vår barngrupps medvetenhet om stress inte är särskilt stor. Barnens svar kretsar runt tid och vuxnas stress, av 11 intervjuade barn var det endast tre som kopplade stressen till sig själv och beskrev sin egen stress..

Sambandet mellan stress och neuroticism ur ett könsperspektiv

Stress är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle. Tidigare forskning har påvisat en koppling mellan stress, personlighet och kön. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan upplevd stress och karaktärsdraget neuroticism, med hänsyn till kön bland studenter. PSS och SGC-1 formulären delades ut till 109 studenter, varav 62 män och 47 kvinnor. Resultatet av studien visade att det fanns ett positivt samband mellan upplevd stress och neuroticism, när det kontrollerades för kön.

Vetenskapligt skrivande i gymnasieskolan : Hur gymnasieelever närmar sig vetenskapliga textgenrer

The aim of this study was to examine ways in which High School Students approach academic writing. Both discursive and critical-analytical levels in 21 PM-texts and 14 investigating literary essays were analyzed through a genre theoretical and sociocultural framework in order to widen the understanding of students? usage of explicit textual and interpersonal markers as well as their techniques of writing abstracts. The results showed that nearly 25 percent of the putative abstracts consisted of sampled and reshaped text sequences. The majority of these were on the other hand results of a creative process in which the students reshaped utterances from different sources.

Leder ökat individuellt inflytande till minskad stress? : Undersökning av tjänstemän inom Karlstad kommun.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine whether the individual influence at the working place leads to the perception of decreased stress. Also I looked at whether stress and individual influence is affected by the employees age, sex or employment years. Previous research shows that individual influence decreases stress but strangely enough do the research show that individual influence seem to decrease in today?s work environment. This research is quantitative with questionnaires, answered by 74 civil servants working in a department in the municipality of Karlstad.

Elitidrott+akademiska studier=En utmaning : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheterna och svårigheterna med kombinationen elitidrott och akademiska studier

Elite sport is becoming more professional, and elite athletes have to be more committed to spend several hours in training to achieve elite level and this means that the time to pursue a university academic career to the side of elite sport is minimized. Still only few elite athletes will be able to make a living of their sport. The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the opportunities and difficulties for a student who combines academic study with elite sport. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with eight students studying at the University of Umeå, combining elite sport with academic studies. Results show that there are high demands on elite students to structure and plan for the combination of studies and elite sport.

Initiativ till förändring av det vetenskapliga publiceringssystemet : med fokus på högskolebiblioteket

This masters thesis shows that the changes in the scientific publishing system have affected the academic libraries. Both technological change and the increased prices on scientific journals have forced academic libraries to take action. Some Swedish academic libraries have started publishing the university s own research material. The issue has in many cases been treated more as a library concern, than as a concern for the university as a whole. Neither has there been a national coordination of these matters in Sweden.

Pedagogers stress Krav Kontroll Stöd. The stress of the pedagogues`- Demand Control Support

Arbetet är en komparativ studie om stress mellan nyutexaminerade pedagoger och de pedagoger med många års erfarenhet. Vi undersökte vilka stressituationerna är, hur de hanterar dem,vilket stöd från kollegor och ledning de får och vilken stressutbildning pedagogerna har..

Faktorer som har samband med stress vid IT-användning

Idag utlöses stress i arbetslivet till stor del av psykosociala faktorer. Den ökade användningen av IT sedan 70-talet har lett till att nya faktorer kan utlösa stress. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som eventuellt skulle kunna ha samband med stress kopplat till IT-användning. 75 besvarade enkäter låg till grund för analysen. Resultatet av faktoranalysen blev tre faktorer, varav två var kopplade till stress.

Den stressade eleven : En enkätstudie om stressorer som utsätter barnen för stress

Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.

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