

93 Uppsatser om Absorption - Sida 2 av 7

Ökad resurseffektivitet i kraftvärmesystem genom säsongslagring av värme

Increased resource efficiency in an energy system could result in large economic and environmental benefits. Tekniska verken i Linköping AB (Tekniska verken) is responsible for the district heating network in Linköping. Their vision is to create the world?s most resource efficient region. An important step towards this vision is more efficient usage of produced heat, something which could be achieved through integration of a seasonal heat storage in the energy system.

Tuftade ljudabsorbenter ? väggpaneler för rumsliga och akustiska egenskaper

It is a well-known fact that textiles and carpets have benign sound-absorbing properties. It is desirable to have quantified values of these properties ? especially for architects and interior designers. They often need to be able to giveaccount for the acoustic properties of their designs at a relatively early stage and sometimes have strict acoustic classifications imposed upon them by their contractor. A product with documented acoustic properties would aid when prescribing interior elements.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a wall-mounted panel in hand-tufted material ? aesthetically pleasing and versatile but also having documented and quantified acoustic properties.

Geotermi i Ungern : Undersökning av Ungerns energisituation inriktat på geotermi samt kapacitetsfaktorn för det största geotermiska värmeverket i Mellaneuropa.

Hungary?s share of renewable energy in 2010 was 7.9 %, and their renewable energy goal for 2020 is 14.65 %. Geothermal energy is one option that could help to achieve the goal, since Hungary has favorable bedrock, the temperature gradient is above average and thepermeability is high. Today Hungary is importing just over half of its primary energy supply. Because of political conflicts between nations Hungary wants to expand its own production of energy.

Restvärmeåteranvändning från absorptionsvärmepumpar : en kartläggning av möjligheter och begränsningar vid Vattenfall Värme Uppsala Block 5

Vattenfall district Heating power plant in Uppsala produces district cooling with Absorption heat pumps which leads to a large amount of waste heat that has to be cooled with evaporative cooling towers. The Environmental Court has ordered Vattenfall to survey the possibilities to recover the heat, which is the focus of this thesis.The study begins with an overview of the system, and conditions and limitations for waste heat recovery is examined. In the next step alternatives to recycle the heat is evaluated, either by direct recovering or by upgrading.First, the technical possibility of each alternative is discussed, and then the operation time and the amount of recovered heat is calculated. Those alternatives which are possible are brought further to an economic analysis.The cost of investment for each alternative constitutes the basis for a present value analysis. The results are put together in a table where the total amount of recovered heat is compared with the present value for the different alternatives.

Internkommunikation hos en mobiloperatör : ? en studie av motivation och upptagningsförmåga av information hos butikschefer

AbstractTitle: Internal Communication at a large mobile operator (Internkommunikation hos en mobiloperatör - en studie av motivation och upptagningsförmåga av information hos butikschefer)Number of pages: 43Author: Helena IsakssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall term 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to gain an insight in how a corporations store managers motivation affects the degree of information they absorb from information channels.Material/Method: The method that had been used in this essay is quantitative. It is based around a questionnaire aimed towards store managers and consequently used it to run regression analysis using the software package SPSS.Main results: The main result of the essay is that the motivation among store managers is positively related to the degree to which they absorb information. Thus, a possible problem exists for the corporation in that they need to make sure that the store managers are and stays motivated. Further, it seems that the longer a store manager has been employed by the corporation the less information is absorbed. The reader should although interpret the results with caution, since the limited sample could bias the estimates.Keywords: Internal communication, organizational communication, motivation, information, information channels and Absorption of information..

Pelletering av tallspån : grundläggande studier

Wood pellets are an upgraded product of residuals from several wood processing industries, for example saw mills and pulp industries. The pellets are produced by pressing the milled and dried sawdust to cylindrical units with a higher density than the initial raw material. Pellets have great benefits compared to the raw material: high energy per volume, good transport and storage properties and homogeneity. Several parameters collaborate in the whole process, which makes it complex. Wood is a heterogeneous material, chemically and structurally dependent on wood parts, habitat and storage procedures.

Effekter av högt kaliumintag på magnesiumbalansen hos mjölkkor :

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the body and it participates in many essential processes, such as energy metabolism and protein synthezis. Magnesium deficiency in cattle may occur when they are let out for pasture in the spring, and is associated with tetany, known as grass staggers. A high yielding dairy cow often loses more magnesium daily in the milk than she has available in the body, and magnesium thereby needs to be provided in the feed to prevent the cow from being affected by deficiency symptoms. The uptake of magnesium is mainly located to the rumen and is not regulated by hormones. The surplus is excreted in the urine by the kidneys.

Kemiskt försvar mot havstulpanskolonisering i marina svampdjur

The purpose of this project is to analyze and study the Absorption of the substances ivermectin, spinosad and barettin to hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces, and to analyze and study if the barnacle larva are effected when they try to settle on the treated surface.Incubation tests with barnacle larva in Petri dishes were performed as well as Absorption tests on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces which were tested with ellipsometry. To determine the surface thickness.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling. From the results conclusions could be drawn about the adsorption abilities of the substances to the different surfaces.The barnacles were placed in hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic Petri dishes that had been incubated with ivermectin, spinosad or barettin. After four to six days the larva was counted to analyze the settling.

Effektivitet på olika biogasanläggningar : Definiering och framtagning av nyckeltal

SammanfattningDet finns tre anledningar till att uppsatsen kom att handla om biogas. Göteborg Energi AB som vi samarbetat med under vårt examensår, hade ett behov av att kartlägga hur effektiva deras biogasanläggningar var. Samt vårt intresse för biogas som bygger på ett stort engagemang kring förnybarenergi, och att branschen spås en lika expansiv utveckling som vindkraften haft det senaste decenniet.Syftet med uppsatsen är att defininera och utveckla relevanta nyckeltal. Vi kommer sedan att samla in data från utvalda biogasanläggningar, för att sedan sammanställa och analysera denna. Frågan vi vill besvara är hur de olika biogasanläggningarna och produktionsmetoderna skiljer sig åt beträffande hur effektiva de är ur energi- och kostnadssynpunkt samt ur ett lönsamhetsperspektiv?För att besvara forskningsfrågan har vi skapat en modell där relationen mellan de olika nyckeltalen illustreras och förklaras, för att skapa förståelse för sambandet mellan intäktsdrivande och kostnadsdrivande produktionsfaktorer.

Kylapotentialen i Drefviken för Vattenfall Heat AB

Vattenfall Heat AB is a district heat provider in Drefviken, but has yet to establish any cooling systems in this area. This thesis examines the potential client base within the area today and over the coming 20 years. The feasibility of the most common cooling technologies is evaluated and results show a total potential for an installed capacity of 30 MW providing 50 GWh of cooling per year. One of the examined areas shows good prospect for heat driven Absorption chillers during the summer months when the heat load is limited..

Validering av metoder för analys av Cu, Fe och Na i processvatten med AAS-grafitugn

Södra Cell Mörrum is one of the five paper pulp plants that are included in Södra Cell, and the paper pulp that is produced here is not only sold to Swedish paper mills. Most of the paper pulp is exported to different countries in Europe. In the manufacturing process the plant needs different kind of process water and there are guideline values for how much copper, iron and sodium this water is allowed to contain. Analyzes of this water is in the current situation done with an atomic Absorption spectrometric instrument (AAS-instrument) with a flame. Measurements done with flame-AAS of samples that have concentrations near the guideline values for copper, iron and sodium, are not reliable. The reason for not being reliable is that the quantitation limits of these metals are higher than the limit values.

Kongenital intestinal lymfangiektasi hos hund : etiologi, diagnos och behandling

Intestinal lymfangiektasi (IL) är en ovanlig gastrointestinal sjukdom som karaktäriseras av patologisk dilatation av tarmens lymfkärl. Sjukdomen drabbar både hundar och människor men behandlingen divergerar inom human- respektive veterinärmedicinen. Etiologin är ännu inte fullständigt belyst. Sannolikt finns ärftliga komponenter och gener essentiella för lymfangiogenes har isolerats. Patogenesen är relativt väl undersökt och behandlingen syftar till att reducera förlusten av plasmaproteiner.

Penetration och absorption av vätska i kartong: en jämförelse av mätmetoder

Förståelse för hur vätska penetrerar in i kartong är mycket viktig vid bestrykning och tryckning. Det finns flera olika tekniker att mäta vattenAbsorptionen i kartong, men vilken information som varje instrument ger eller hur de olika resultaten korrelerar med varandra är inte helt utrett. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att besvara följande frågor: - Vilken information erhålls med de olika teknikerna? - Hur korrelerar de olika instrumenten med varandra? - Hur förändras de olika kartongerna med olika ytlim? - Hur påverkar omrullning kartongen? Ytråhetsmätningar visar att kartongen får lägre topografi efter omrullning. Omrullningen förändrar motsidan mera i ojämnheter som ligger tätt medan trycksidan förändras mera i ojämnheter med längre avstånd.

Mag-tarmkanalens anatomi och fysiologi

Detta examensarbete handlar om mag-tarmkanalen och är uppdelat i två avsnitt. Den första delen handlar om mag-tarmkanalens uppbyggnad, rent anatomiskt men också hur den ser ut histologiskt. Histologin är bara ytligt behandlad då den endast är med som förklaring till vissa händelser inom fysiologin. Den andra delen, fysiologidelen handlar om de olika delarna i mag-tarmkanalen, deras funktioner och vad som reglerar dessa. I fysiologiavsnittet behandlas också nedbrytning och Absorption av de olika näringsämnena..

Trycksårsprevention - en litteraturstudie/Prevention of pressure ulcers - a literature review

Background: Pressure ulcers are a common problem and cause great suffering for those who develop it, and are also an expensive cost to the society. Aim: To describe nursing measures for prevention of pressure ulcers among elderly people in ordinary and nursing homes. Method: A literature review by structured analyze of scientific articles. Result: The analyze resulted in six subjects for prevention of pressure ulcers. These subjects were; risk assesment, nutrition, repositioning, skin/hygiene, nurse knowledge and documentation.

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