

324 Uppsatser om Abnormal returns - Sida 12 av 22

Marknadsundersökning av Södra skogsägarnas medlemmar inom Vimmerby verksamhetsområde

This thesis is based on a market survey sent to the passive members of Södra skogsägarna within the scope of practice of Vimmerby. A member of Södra skogsägarna is considered passive if the member not has delivered timber to the association during the past five years. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain as much information as possible about the forest owners, to be able to interpret why the member did not choose to deliver their timber to the association. The survey was worked out in close collaboration with Södra skogsägarna to answer this question. The responses indicate that economic returns are important to the individual landowner. The price of timber is most important in a timber business and the majority of forest owners want to have a personal meeting if you can choose how you wish to be contacted by the inspector.

Motiven bakom en investering i crowdfunding

It is well known that small businesses and entrepreneurs in the initial phase has difficult to gain access to external capital and bank loans. With the background of the problems that entrepreneurs face when they ask for capital has since the financial crisis the phenomenon of crowdfunding developed and evolved. Crowdfunding is an alternative source of funding for entrepreneurs to fund their ideas through small or medium-sized capital contribution from a larger amount of investors, often investors who have any kind of relationship with the entrepreneur or to the very idea. This study examined the factors that motivate and guide an investor's decisions when they select their projects. The results of the study show that the motives of the various existing forms of crowdfunding is big.

Goodwill och Marknaden: En studie av relationen mellan goodwillnedskrivningar och investerare

Following the implementation of IFRS with yearly impairment tests, the question of correlations and causalities between impairments and investors? decision making is gaining interest in academia. This essay will study the relationship between significant goodwill impairments, communicated on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm webpage between the years 2005-2009, and the impact those announcements have had on investors? decision making. Furthermore, the causality behind the impairments will be in focus.

Profylaktiska åtgärder för kaniner

Rabbits, Oryctolagos cuniculus, rapidly increases as pets. During the right circumstances, rabbits are friendly, social and playful. A rabbit who shows an abnormal behavior should always be examined by a veterinary, though there is almost always a medical problem. This essay is a result of a literature studie with the aim to find the prophylactic measures that may give pet rabbits a more healthy life. Rabbits have got a lot of common health problems, including dental, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Inflation och Investeringar med Särskilt Fokus på Realränteobligationer

Title: Inflation and Investments, with Focus on Inflation-linked Bonds.Investors face many types of risks when allocating assets in a portfolio, e.g. volatility and inflation risk. Inflation risk will mainly affect investments in the long perspective. This thesis will examine those risks that an investor is commonly exposed to when allocating assets in a portfolio and in particular inflation-linked risk and how to eliminate it. We examine the correlation between different assets and inflation to determine the assets? ability to hedge inflation risk.

Möbeltapetsering med inspiration från angränsande hantverk : om konstnärligt skapande utifrån gamla metoder och material

With abroad education of arts, textiles and nowthe upholstery there were nota long step to become interested inthe visual withinthe upholstery trade. I have chosen to highlight the shapethe world with boththe artist and thecraftsman's eye. I have explored hownew expressions canbe created from traditional methods and materialsfrom upholstery andrelated crafts suchas tailoring for Royal andsaddler. These craftsmake up a webof technologies, materials,and to some extent tool returns and borrowed.By looking at afew items fromthese crafts haveI let myself beinspired and made ??use of knowledgehow to buildforms and eventransfer them tonew areas inan aesthetic andartistic direction.

"I skolan var det svårare, speciellt på gymnasiet" : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en skolas syn på lesbiska och en lesbisks erfarenheter av skolan

The purpose of this essay is to highlight the conceptions that exist in school towards homosexuality. My overall essay questions are: What rules does the school have to apply concerning homosexuality? What approach do the professors have towards young lesbian women and kind of support is offered to the group? In order to answer these questions I interviewed a professor and a young lesbian female. One of the surveys that has been made, as a normative order, about heterosexuality in the last decade is known as queer theory.One of the theories that in surveys investigates homosexuality as a normative order is known as ?queer theory? and it is the one I decided to use in this essay.Inspired by feminist research, gay and lesbian studies and the poststructuralist theory, the queertheory focuses on some peoples way of organizing sexuality is privileged, sanctioned and is perceived as normal, while others are seen as deviant, abnormal and therefore unwelcome.

Tre Svenska bankers landsfonder med avseende på riskjusterad avkastning

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how three banks country funds are performing relative to each other in regard to risk and return. And to find out if there is any underlying factor that may have affected the stock exchange in the different countries.Methodology: The study is based on secondary data and will apply the quantitative method, based on a deductive approach. The sample consists of three major Swedish banks and from them we have selected three country funds. The calculation formulas that have been applied are: Sharpe ratio, standard deviation and Arithmetic Average.Conclusion: The Writers concluded that Sweden funds had the highest yield to lowest risk in both periods in all three major banks. We have also concluded that the underlying factors affecting a country fund.

Redovisningens värderelevans av fritt kassaflöde : för den svenska aktiemarknaden

Problem: Is the free cash flow a value relevant accounting measure in relation to the Swedish stock market?Objective: The aim is that by using an investment strategy to examine whether the free cash flow is an accounting measure that could be perceived as value relevant in relation to the Swedish stock market.Method: The paper is based on a quantitative survey of empirical evidence that has been collected from companies listed on the Large and Mid-Cap lists of the Swedish stock market.Theoretical Frame of reference: value relevance, cash flow, portfolio theory, drive theoryResults: It was concluded that the study results conform to the Finnish survey results. The portfolio shows higher returns than the OMX index..

Kalvens beteende i olika uppfödningssystem :

The purpose of this literature review was to investigate how the rearing systems influence the behaviour of dairy calves. Calves are social animals that form groups within the herd where play and social licking between calves are important social activities. Suckling is a complex behaviour and essential for the calf's survival. In the modern rearing systems the calf is usually separated from its mother soon after birth. Calves are then kept in individual pens, group pens or, more rarely, with a foster cow.

En eventstudie om marknadsreaktioner vid offentligg?rande av nedskrivningar p? olika typer av tillg?ngar

Bakgrund och problem: Bakgrunden till uppsatsen grundar sig i om historisk aktiekursp?verkan kan vara en p?verkande faktor f?r f?retagen g?llande deras informationsgivning g?llande ov?ntade nedskrivningar Syfte: Syftet med studien ?r att unders?ka marknadsreaktioner vid nedskrivningar av olika tillg?ngar och utifr?n resultatet unders?ka f?retagsledningens incitament till att offentligg?ra informationen ut?ver kvartal- och ?rsrapporter Avgr?nsningar: Stockholmsb?rsens Small-, Mid-, och Large Cap. Inkluderar endast pressmeddelanden som offentligg?rs ut?ver kvartal- och ?rsrapporter Metod: Kvantitativ Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar skilda CAR f?r kategorierna vilket indikerar att vilken typ av tillg?ng som skrivs ned p?verkar aktiekursen olika. En stor del av testerna var av l?g signifikans och g?r att vi inte kan s?kerhetsst?lla att resultaten ?r utan slump. F?rslag till vidare forskning: Inkludera fler observationer genom att ?ka tidsspannet, inkludera fler variabler f?r att unders?ka eventuella samband.

"Det går inte att lita på föräldrarna" : Hur skildras omsorgsbristande föräldrar i LVU-rättsfall?

The aim of this study was to, with a social constructivistic approach, examine how parents,regarded as neglecting their children, are depicted in 12 LVU-legal cases from the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden. By using a document analysis influenced by discourse analytical tools, we found that there are repeated descriptions of the parents, which constructs an image of parents as shortcoming in the care of their children. The categories lack of emotions, mental disorder, substance abuse and physical maltreatment were the main reasons for child neglect that the parents were described from. Attitudes towards authority, aggression and immaturity, lack of insight, and deficiencies in the home were repeated in the description of the parent. We further found that mothers were regarded as more responsible of the children compared to fathers.

Finansiella Illusioner : ett test av Stockholmsbörsens effektivitet

Background: Low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to market ratio and low stock prices can give the impression that a stock is ?cheap?. Is it through systematic use of these portfolio strategies possible to beat the market index ? in other words does financial illusions exist? Purpose: To examine if the Stockholm Stock Exchange is an efficient market. Limitations: The efficiency is tested solely through the chosen portfolio strategies: low Price-Earnings ratio, low Book-to-market ratio and low stock prices.

The accruals anomaly in Sweden

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: The accruals anomaly in SwedenSeminariedatum: 2007-06-04Kurs: Corporate Finance - Master Thesis BUS860, D-nivå, 10 poängFörfattare: Hedda Giaever, Tobias GabrielssonHandledare: Maria GårdängenFem nyckelord: Accruals, Anomalier, Hedge, Överavkastning, IrrationalitetSyfte: Undersöka om investerare på den svenska marknaden tar hänsyn till att accrualskomponenten av företags vinster säger mindre om framtidig vinst jämfört med kassaflödeskomponenten.Metod: Vi använder pool data för att undersöka de prediktiva värdena hos företagsresultatets olika komponenter. Ett Mishkintest på paneldata används för att undersöka om investerare tar hänsyn till de olika prediktiva värdena hos kassaflöde och ?accruals?. Vi använder slutligen hedge portföljer för att kvantifiera våra resultat. Teoretiska perspektiv: Effektiva marknads hypotesen, Hypotesen om rationella förväntningar.Empiri: Poster från balansräkning samt avkastningsdata är hämtad från Thomson Datastream.Resultat: Accrualskomponenten av ett företags vinster säger mindre om framtida vinster jämfört med kassaflödet från den löpande verksamheten.

Solvenskrav och riskhantering enligt Solvens II : Implementering av de nya riskbaserade solvensreglerna på ett skadeförsäkringsbolag

The insurance industryis challengedby major changesthrough internationalizationand thusgrowingcompetitionwithmore optionsand greater availabilityfor customers.Solvency II, a new regulatoryframework and anew standard forinsurance companies,is therefore implemented in a steptowardsa more competitive Europeaninsurancemarket. Solvency II will result in extensive structural changes for many insurance companies. Newstandards andinternal models must also be implemented by the companies. Solvency IIhasa tightening effect on thesolvency capital requirements forinsurance companies. At the same time it also leads tomajor changesandincreased demandon risk management andinternal control, alongside with demands fordisclosure of informationto the market.

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