

1294 Uppsatser om ATP-scale - Sida 58 av 87

Har du ens l?st domen? ? Domstolshandlingar som k?lla till samtida svensk prostitution

Prostitution has for a long time been an understudied field in economics. Due in part to a lack of quantitative and empirical material, itself largely a result of the illegality or semi-illegality of the activity in most countries, the factors that explain the prevalence of, and pricing in, prostitution have remained largely undiscussed. In the last 20 year, this have begun to change: new theories ? notably by Edlund & Korn (2002), Rao et al (2003) and Della Giusta et al (2009) ? have been formulated and the rise of internet based escort sites have made large scale quantitative studies possible. This thesis examines if, and in what way, court documents can help expand the understanding of the economics of prostitution in Sweden.

Grönt perspektiv på planering! : ortsanalys med grönt perspektiv, exemplet Örkelljunga

Often, the green is handled as an opposite to the built, but if it could be seen as a part of the built and the society, the planning will be easier to handle. The thesis work wants to create a method that treats villages in an analytic way in a context; with green, blur, grey and all the other colors that together are the completeness.This master's thesis is made to be used as foundation in detail plannng in the municipality of Örkelljunga. Target audience is on one hand those who work with planning and green matters in Örkelljunga municipality, but also other planners who work with landscape.Literature in the field of green city planning has been studied and 30 methods for analysis have been valued. The method for analysis that has been used in this work is a merging of ten different methods and has included literature studies, sketches, interviews and work on spot. The ten methods are consciously chosen to together make one comprehensive and true image of the village, as far as it is possible.


The fitting room is an important part of a clothing store, it's often where the customer decides if they want to buy the garment or not. Therefore it is important that the customer can feel safe and comfortable when they are trying the clothing. A typical fitting room in Sweden today has only one bright spotlight that emits light either towards the face or from the ceiling above. This study explores possible lighting solutions that take into account the customer's experience in the fitting room.The study aim to increase understanding of the importance of a good light in fitting rooms, so that customers gets a nice experience and that clothes, body shape and facial features are shown in a natural way. The issue therefore included how lighting can affect the customer's perception of the clothing and how the perception of body shape, facial features and the clothes change in different lighting solutions.To answer these questions, observations were made in various clothing stores, followed by an experimental study divided into two parts.

Vilka träningsmetoder förebygger skador i knä- och fotled inom idrott?: en litteraturstudie

Skador i idrottssammanhang är en av de mest förekommande anledningarna för uppsökande av akutsjukvård. Knä- och fotledsskador är de två vanligaste idrottsskadorna. Att behandla idrottsskador är ofta kostsamt och tidskrävande. En längre tids bortavaro från idrott är en stor psykosocial faktor och för en professionell idrottsutövare kan det resultera i sämre lön och påverka en framtida karriär. Det förekommer en hel del olika preventiva åtgärder för att förebygga skador, exempelvis träning, tejpning och ortoser.

Ledarskapets samband med motivation : - tvärsnittsstudie med handbolls- och fotbollsspelare

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att inom idrottskontexten studera samband mellan idrottares upplevelser av de olika ledarskapsstilarna (1) transformativt, (2) konventionellt och (3) låt-gå med olika motivationsinriktningar inom Självbestämmandeteorin (SDT). I studien deltog 117 handbolls- och fotbollsspelare i åldrarna 16-33 år (M = 19.17, SD = 3.61). Deltagarna besvarade enkäter bestående av Sport Motivation Scale-II (SMS-II) för att mäta motivationsinriktning, Transformational Teaching Questionnaire (TTQ) för att mäta upplevt transformativt ledarskap samt delar av Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ) vilket avsåg att mäta upplevt konventionellt ledarskap och låt-gå ledarskap. Resultaten visade att det fanns statistiskt signifikant samband mellan upplevt transformativt ledarskap och inre motivation samt yttre självbestämmande motivation (identifierad reglering och integrerad reglering). Vidare visades att det fanns statistiskt signifikant samband mellan upplevt konventionellt ledarskap och ickesjälvbestämmande motivation (extern reglering och introjicerad reglering).

Vitamin D - intag och status hos personer med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom

Introduktion: I NNR 2012, har man höjt rekommenderat intag av vitamin D från 7,5 ?g/dag till 10 ?g/dag för personer från 2 år upp till 74 års ålder. Livsmedelsverkets matvaneundersökning Riksmaten bland vuxna 2010-11 visar att medelintaget av vitamin D i genomsnitt var 7,0 ?g/dag. Patienter med inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar (IBD) har en högre risk för osteoporos på grund av medicinering med cortison samt brist på vitamin D.Syfte: Att undersöka om personer med IBD uppnår de nya höjda rekommendationerna gällande intag av vitamin D via maten och/eller kosttillägg och kosttillskott.

Skattad hanteringsförmåga och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet hos närstående till patienter med kronisk hjärtsvikt och stroke : - En jämförande studie

Syftet med studien var att jämföra skattad hanteringsförmåga och hälsorelateradlivskvalitet hos närstående till personer med kronisk hjärtsvikt och stroke. Ett annat syfte var också att studera om samband fanns mellan hanteringsförmågaoch hälsorelaterad livskvalitet.  Metod: En komparativ och korrelativdesign med kvantitativ ansats användes. För att mäta hanteringsförmåga ochhälsorelaterad livskvalitet användes Jalowiec Coping Scale (JCS) och Shortform- 36 (SF- 36). Urvalsgruppen för studien var närstående till patienter med kronisk hjärtsvikt och stroke (n = 46).

Manure evaluation in dairy cows :

Manure evaluation has been suggested as a cheap, fast and easy method which can give information about the digestibility of the ration, the function of the rumen, where in the gastrointestinal tract the feed is digested and the health of the cow. An experiment was conducted to study how manure evaluation could be used as a management tool in Swedish Dairy farming. Manure was collected from cows on Kungsängen Research Station and from 9 other farms. The manure samples were analysed for dry matter, ash, starch, pH-value and particle size (wet sieved). Also, the consistency of the manure was determined on a 5-point scale and the colour and smell were noticed. Penn State Forage Particle Separator was used for determining the particle size of the roughage.

Hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsform vid neurologiska sjukdomar: Effekt på grovmotorik och livskvalitet

Hästunderstödd terapi är en behandlingsmetod som baseras på att hästens dynamiska rörelse överförs till ryttaren och således påverkar dennes rörelse. Även psykosociala funktionerna påverkas av hästunderstödd terapi. Personer med neurologiska sjukdomar har ofta en försämrad grovmotorisk förmåga och livskvalitet och är därför i behov av en helhetlig behandling med effekter på både fysisk och psykisk funktion. Syfte: Denna studie syftade till att undersöka effekter och det vetenskapliga stödet för hästunderstödd terapi på grovmotorik och livskvalitet hos personer med neurologiska sjukdomar. Metod: Totalt inkluderades 19 artiklar som analyserades enligt ICO-metoden.

Utvärdering av AOT för ett pilotskaligt, recikulerat akvakultursystem för fiskodling

With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area.

MyMusic ? e-shop för musik i Flash

This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working ?bridge? between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP.

Förändringar av marknadsdesign och deras påverkan på balanshållningen i det svenska kraftsystemet : En kartläggning och analys av de balansansvarigas arbetsgång

A future expansion of wind power in the Nordic power system makes the balancing for the transmission system operator Svenska Kraftnät (SvK) more complicated. Up to the hour of delivery the balance responsible parties? (BRP) makes prognoses and plans, for consumption and production, to help maintain the balance in the electrical grid. How well this is accomplished is affected by the setup of the market design. Therefore SvK has proposed the following possible changes in market design: Increase the imbalance costsIntensify the regulation of imbalancesIncrease the temporal resolution on the different marketsPresent the prices for balancing power in real-timeModify the balancing market to simplify auction of consumption bidsA mapping over the BRPs? processes within planning and trading on the day-ahead, intra-day, and the balancing market has been performed in this thesis.

Torkningstekniker i den preoperativa handdesinfektionen - en experimentell studie

ABSTRACTIntroduction: Preoperative hand disinfection aims to prevent surgical site infections. After the preparing hand wash, drying is performed using an aseptic technique. It?s important to dry hands thoroughly in order to achieve the full effect of the alcohol based hand disinfection. Due to the lack of a evidence-based guideline on this procedure, the hand drying techniques differ among operating theatre nurses, depending on which technique seen as the most appropriate.

Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool : klimatpåverkan från samhällsplaneringsprojekt

With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area. The results show that use of locally installed renewable energy sources can reduce the total climate impact when life cycle perspective is applied.

Markanvädnings och markvård på småskaliga farmer i Bungomadistriktet, Western Province, Kenya

In Northen Bungoma, Western province ? Kenya, the Vi-Agroforestry Project (VI-AFP) has introduced a new project that covers 7000 households. To succeed with the project, a water resources protection project, agroforestry methods will be implemented to secure the water quality of the area. In this thesis a foundation is laid for future follow-up studies of land cover and land use of this area. To carry out this study an existing method from a cooperation between VIAFP and Dalarnas University (HDa) has been implemented.

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