1294 Uppsatser om ATP-scale - Sida 3 av 87
Uppgradering av biogas med aska från trädbränslen
The Swedish production of biogas was 1,5 TWh 2011. About half of the production was used as vehicle fuels. The cost for upgrading biogas depends on the size of the biogas plant and its gas production. If the gas flow is low the cost will be high. However, further development of existing upgrading technologies or development of new ones, have good potential to decrease the upgrading cost for small scale biogas plants.
Motivation som anledning till att fortsätta i ungdomsidrotten : En kvantitativ studie av motivation hos ungdomar som deltar i breddidrott och elitidrott
Studies in Sweden have shown that about 80% of all youth in Sweden have participated in organized sport during their upbringing but at the age of 20 only 50% of these continue. There have been several attempts to understand why youth stop participating in sports but few aimed to understand why they continue. The objective of this study was to examine if there is a difference in motivation between youth (in the ages of 16-20 years) who participate in recreational and elite sports. The study was carried out as a quantitative survey where both recreational (n=35) and elite athletes (n=33) particpated. The study used a Sport Motivation Scale questionnaire translated into Swedish.
?Bara jag blir smal så blir jag lycklig? Livstillfredsställelse, kroppsuppfattning och självkänsla efter Gastric Bypassoperation
I denna studie undersöktes hur 291 individer som genomgått en Gastric Bypass för mer än två år sedan skattade sin psykosociala hälsa. Syftet med studien var att undersöka samband mellan den psykosociala hälsan och hur länge respondenterna hade varit opererade, eventuell viktuppgång samt hur länge i livet respondenterna haft obesitas. Mätinstrumenten som användes var Satisfaction With Life Scale (livstillfredsställelse), Social Physique Anxiety Scale (social kroppsångest) samt Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (självkänsla). Resultaten visade att ju längre tid det var sedan patienterna opererades samt ju mer patienterna ökade i vikt, desto lägre skattades den psykosociala hälsan. Vidare skattade de patienter som varit obesa hela livet, högre social kroppsångest jämfört med patienter som rapporterade att de haft perioder i livet som normalviktiga..
Environmental impact assessment of energy recovery from food waste in Singapore : comparing biogas production to incineration
As a small and land scarce country, effective waste management is ofoutmost importance in Singapore. In this study the production of biogasthrough anaerobic digestion from the organic fraction of municipal solidwaste (OFMSW) was compared to incineration of the waste. At the momentalmost all of the OFMSW in Singapore is incinerated. Three differentscenarios were compared to the reference scenario (incineration): one with alarge scale biogas plant that can treat half of all OFMSW in Singapore, onewith a medium scale biogas plant about 15 times smaller than the large oneand one with a small scale biogas plant that can treat waste from e.g. ashopping center or a food center.By using life cycle assessment (LCA) the different scenarios were comparedin terms of global warming potential (GWP), acidification, eutrophication,energy use and land use.
Psykometriska egenskaper hos Affektiv självskattningsskala, AS-18, för patienter med bipolär sjukdom, typ I och typ II
I syfte att undersöka psykometriska egenskaper hos Affektiv självskattningsskala (AS-18) fyllde 88 patienter med diagnos bipolär typ I (N=46) eller typ II (N=42) i självskattningsskalorna AS-18 och MADRS-S vid två tillfällen med en dags mellanrum. Principalkomponentsanalys för AS-18 genomfördes med extrahering av två komponenter. Items laddade i de delskalor de tillhörde. Intern konsistens mättes med Cronbachs alfa och överensstämmelse med Cohens kappa. Test-retest-reliabiliteten beräknades.
Fruits of knowledge : a case study of marketing strategies for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province, Kenya
This report is focused on marketing opportunities for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province in Kenya. Kenya is a large horticultural producer in the world. Horticulture is an important income for a large share of the rural population in Kenya but profitability is low due to inefficiencies in marketing systems and poor infrastructure. The conditions for growing mango in the Nyanza Province are very beneficial and there are two harvesting seasons. Mango offers good income opportunities for small-scale farmers in the Nyanza Province.The aim of this study is to identify marketing conditions that will enable prospering business for small-scale mango farmers in the Nyanza Province, Kenya.
Högskolestudenters motivation : Har självkänsla och locus of control någon betydelse?
Motivation är en viktig drivkraft för individers beteende. Den har betydelse för att handlingen såväl påbörjas som uppehålls. Forskning inom området har konstaterat att motivation uppkommer av både inre och yttre faktorer samt att en del handlingar är relativt omotiverade. Den hierarkiska modellen för inre och yttre motivation anger även att motivation förekommer på flera nivåer inom individen. Studien undersökte relationen mellan högskolestudenters kontextbundna motivation, globala självkänsla och generaliserade locus of control.
Small scale dairy farming in Zambia
Milk yield levels in dairy cows are influenced by many factors such as nutrition, breed, health status, management and environment. This study was conducted among small scale farmers in Zambia, where the climate can be dry for up to six months per year and cause a lack of green pasture for livestock and on-farm produced feed. The purpose of this study was to identify management factors that can influence milk yield at small scale dairy farms in Zambia, and present advice that could improve productivity, without the need of expensive investments. The study included semi-structured questionnaires presented to the farmers (n=29) including questions about cattle management and milk production. Testing of somatic cell count (SCC) with DCC (DeLaval Cell Counter) from herd milk samples (n=56) and observation of housing and animal body condition on-farm was also made.
En diamant eller oslipad sten? - Employer branding: om företagsimage och attraktionskraft
Ett av syftena med studien var att undersöka skillnader i Ingenjörsstuderande respektive Anställdas uppfattning om Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Det andra syftet med studien var att se om det förelåg skillnader i uppfattning av en Ideal arbetsgivares image och Lantmäteriets image som arbetsgivare. Studien genomfördes med stöd av en enkätundersökning med Ingenjörsstuderande och Anställda vid Lantmäteriakademin som deltagare. Totalt deltog 102 personer i studien; 55 Ingenjörsstuderande och 47 Anställda. Mätinstrumentet var Employer Attractiveness Scale (EmpAt).
Självskattad self-efficacy och rörelserädsla hos patienter inför total höftledsoperation: Förutsättningar för och behov av personcentrerad vård.
BakgrundTotal höftledsoperation är en vanlig och oftast komplikationsfri operation där patienten kan gå från en smärtfylld vardag till en smärtfri vardag. Operationstekniskt skulle en del patienter kunna gå hem väldigt snart. Dock har vi inte kunskapen om vad som krävs för att komma dit. Ett steg i den riktningen är att införa personcentrerad vård där patienten och vården utvecklar sitt samarbete. General Self-Efficacy Scale och Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, som mäter rörelserädsla, är två instrument som kan ge information om vilka patienter som behöver mer stöd i sin rehabilitering.
Miljöpartiet - ett parti i förändring : En komparativ textanalys av Miljöpartietspartiprogram mellan 1994 och 2005
Following changes in society and other influences, the ideology of political parties can evolveover time. For example, theories exist claiming that all parties in Sweden strive towards the"middle".A good example of a political party in Sweden which recently has gained entry toparliament is the Swedish Green Party (Miljöpartiet, MP).MP was initially influenced by a green ideology (ecologism) which started as a globalmovement stating that no other ideologies shared their concerns about the environment. Thegoal of the ideology was to, via an increased influence within the political system and throughsmall-scale production, increases both natural values and people's well being. By becomingelected into parliament it is plausible that the ideology of MP could have changed due to theinfluence of for example, the realities that parliamentary every day represent.The aim with this essay was to study the changes in MP's party program from the yearof 1994 and the most recent, to see if any changes have occurred related to MP's officialideology. The study was conducted using a comparative text analysis.
Grönstrukturen i Örnsköldsvik : utvecklingen av det gröna Örnsköldsvik, ett led i skapandet av en grönplan
During the autumn of 2008 I obtained office experience by working at the local government of Örnsköldsvik. I started working on the district green plan of the green structure and that led to the work of this exam paper. The purpose of this exam paper has been to define some standpoints for the green structure of the local government district of Örnsköldsvik. I have used both a larger and a smaller scale to obtain a wide a perspective as possible of the green structure. The larger scale gives an overall view of the whole municipality while the smaller scale is found in the study of the two local areas Centrum and Domsjö.
For the local government planning to be able to obtain an agreeable level of verdure to the residents it is necessary that the green structure is brought up on the agenda.
Utvärdering av kognitiv beteendeterapis (KBT) effektivitet : En systematisk replikation
AbstractA systematic replication study was conducted at the training site at the University of Karlstad. Student therapists performed cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as a part of their master?s degree in psychology. The systematic replication that took place was based on the work of Hiltunen et al. (2013), who evaluated the efficacy of CBT treatment conducted at the training site previously mentioned.
A resource based view of productivity, firm growth and technical management tools : a case study of Swedish large-scale farms
The past and ongoing structural change in Swedish agriculture has led to an increasing
number of large-scale farms. The biological factors associated with large-scale farming
operations may cause increasing variability, risk and reduced yields due to sub-optimal timing
and management of field operations. The theory of economies of scale suggests that largescale
production may benefit from lower costs due to scale efficiencies. Thus, large-scale
farms may face cost reductions in terms of long term inputs factors, e.g. agricultural
Gymnasieelevers subjektiva välbefinnande : Vilken betydelse har kön, självkänsla och livskvalitet?
Subjektivt välbefinnande är en del av den positiva psykologin och utgår ifrån människors subjektiva bedömning av hur nöjda de är med sitt liv. Forskning inom området har visat att god livskvalitet har betydelse för högre grad subjektivt välbefinnande och andra studier relaterar till betydelsen av bra självkänsla. Studien undersökte hur gymnasieelevers kön, självkänsla och livskvalitet står i relation till subjektiva välbefinnandet. 92 elever deltog, varav 44 var män. Enkäten bestod av The PANAS scale, Satisfaction With Life Scale, The Self-esteem scale och Life Satisfaction Questionnaire.