

1294 Uppsatser om ATP-scale - Sida 22 av 87

Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :

This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.

En kvalitativ studie om hur personer med utländsk bakgrund upplever att integrationen fungerar i Sverige

Abstract Aim: Since there is a lack of research based educational interventions concerning the relationship between coaches and young athletes, the aim of this study was to implement and examine the effects of sport psychology intervention for coaches in a track and field club. The research questions were: What are the effects of an educational intervention for coaches, with focus on a motivational climate, on: A) the coaches´ coaching approach B) their athletes´ goal orientation and C) their athletes´ perceived competitive anxiety?Method: The coach education stretched over two months and consisted of four two-hour lessons with focus on motivational climate, goal orientation and sport anxiety. Six coaches (three females, three males), aged 38-52 (M=44.33 years, SD=4.84) and their 59 athletes (27 males and 32 females) aged 12-14 (M=13.10 years, SD=0.82), participated in the study. A control group of 35 athletes (10 males and 25 females), of the same age (M=13.46 years, SD=0.70) and with similar demographic data, was also recruited.

Topografins inverkan på markvattenhalten i ett jordbruksdominerat avrinningsområde

Topography is an important parameter for catchment hydrology, since it is a driver for water flow. Moreover, topography serves as a basis for hydrological models, e.g. ?Top-model?, which is based on a topographical wetness index (TWI). Few studies of TWI have been conducted on agricultural catchment scale. Four fields were studied in a Swedish drained agricultural catchment in order to evaluate the influence of topography on soil wetness.

Landvinning : scenarier för efterbehandling och gestaltning av Aitikgruvan, Gällivare

Open pit mining creates huge amounts of tailings and waste rock deposits. Due to it's content of sulphide minerals, predominantly pyrite (FeS2), there is a risk of oxidation and formation of acid water containing heavy metals, known as Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). To prevent the process of oxidation, the tailings and waste rock have to be reclaimed. The most commonly used methods of reclamation are a coverage of water or soil. Mining also results in a large-scale interference in the landscape that will make an eternal change of its appearance.

Effekten av en kortisoninjektion i bäckenligamenten på personer med långvarig ländryggssmärta : en studie enligt single-subject experimental design

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien var att undersöka effekten av en kortisoninjektion i bäckenligamenten på patienter med långvarig ländryggssmärta.MetodStudien genomfördes utifrån en single-subject experimental design med sex deltagare med långvarig ländryggssmärta. De utfallsmått som användes var smärtskattning (Numerical Rating Scale, NRS), skattad smärtrelaterad aktivitetsbegränsning (Oswestry Disability Index, ODI), skattad rörelserädsla (Tampa scale of kinesiophobia, TSK-SV), rörlighet (Fingertip-to-floor), funktion genom ett dynamiskt balanstest (Star excursion balance test, SEBT), funktionstest (sit-to-stand) och uthållighetsstyrketest (modifierat Biering- Sørensen), samt fysisk aktivitetsnivå mätt med accelerometermätare. Deltagarna genomförde fem testtillfällen innan och fem eller sex testtillfällen efter intervention. Vid sista besöket skattade deltagarna förändring av besvär enligt global index of change. Resultaten analyserades på individnivå genom visuell analys av trender och nivåskillnader i grafer, statistisk analys av graferna genom 2 SD-metoden, i kombination med deltagarnas subjektiva beskrivningar av eventuell förändring.

Stadsplaneringsideal. Med den periurbana zonen i fokus - dess potential för den hållbara staden

To be able to plan for the expansion of a town, one needs a vision of the future appear-ance of the town. It is the current issues (social situation, supply and demand, political control etc.) which decide what the ideal for town planning is. This is turn is the steering factor of the physical structure of the town. Therefore, the town's structure is decided by these ideals.In this report, I will present planning ideals that have historically been, and which criticisms that have been directed towards them. With reference to these issues, I will present those guidelines and ideals we have today for planning of our towns.

Pedagogisk intervention vid audiologisk rehabilitering med hjälp av en textbok. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie.

Hearing is considered to be the most important sense for the communication between people. Several studies have shown that hearing loss can lead to deterioration in quality of life, reduced social activities, feelings of alienation and hence the increasing incidence of depression symptoms.An early audiological rehabilitation is a prerequisite for proper communication among people with hearing loss. Knowledge has been shown to be of great importance and structured learning and individually targeted approach can be expected to facilitate the audiological rehabilitation.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of an educational effort for people with hearing loss where the effort was made in the distance within the audiological rehabilitation and was followed-up by professional phone support, through a randomized controlled study.The study group consisted of 69 hearing aid users who were randomized by an independent person into two groups, an intervention group and a control group. The intervention group (n = 33) had access to the book "When the sounds are weaker - on hearing and hearing aids". The group received weekly topic-based information related to the different chapters of the book, in five rounds.

Perfektonism och Psykologiska Färdigheter : En Kvantitativ Studie på Svenska Fotbollspelare

Syftet med studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan perfektionism och psykologiska färdigheter hos fotbollspelare. Studien utfördes på 207 fotbollsspelande gymnasieelever som alla gick någon form av fotbollslinje på respektive skola. Informanterna fick fylla i två stycken frågeformulär, Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale som mäter perfektionism och Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool-3 som mäter idrottspsykologiska färdigheter. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av statistikprogrammet PASW där korrelationer (Pearson) mellan sex dimensioner av perfektionism och tolv psykologiska färdigheter genomfördes. Resultatet visade att det fanns flera signifikanta samband mellan de sex dimensionerna inom perfektionism och de tolv psykologiska färdigheterna. .

Om vägen till självförsörjning : En intervjustudie om eget företagande och integration

With a starting point in a project for reinforcing small scale business among immigrants in Sweden, carried out within Swedish for immigrants (sfi), the aim for this thesis is to examine the project from the view and experiences of the participants. Interviews with participants in the project have been inspired by the teoretical and methodological views of Grounded Theory.The interviews show that some participants want to start their own business, but almost as many don?t have that dream. The former group all have experience of being self-employed. They are aware of the difficulties but are nevertheless determined to proceed their dream.

Vad bidrar till valet av precision i produktkalkylen?: En fallstudie om diskrepansen mellan teori och praktik inom produktkalkylering

Studies show that activity based costing (ABC) is not widespread in practice even though it has been present in the academic world since the 80's. This thesis examines the reasons for the discrepancy between theory and practice through a case study of a Swedish manufacturing company. The intension is to answer the question of what contributes to the choice of precision in product costing.We found arguments for increasing precision in product costing but not to the extent of a full-scale ABC implementation. The company's estimation of the value of increased precision. In the study three company unique factors were isolated that affected the company's estimation of value; drifting purpose of product costing, historical use of product costing and knowledge about product costing..

Let a smile be your umbrella : Humorstilar, personlighet och kön

AbstractThe main aim of this study was to investigate if four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour can be related to all five dimensions of the Big Five Factor Model of personality and study if gender has any influence on those relation-ships. A survey questionnaire was distributed among 72 individuals from Kalmar County, in the South-east of Sweden. There were 42 women and 30 men. A humour test questionnaire, Humour Scale Questionnaire (HSQ), with 32 items was used and the Big Five Factor test with 40 items was used for personality test. The results showed that men have a more aggressive humour than women and that the older we get the less affiliative and self-enhancing humour we have.

Utveckling av substratmixen vid Mosseruds biogasanläggning : Substratkartläggning och rötningsförsök i laboratorieskala

The world?s growing need for energy together with a desire to ward off the worst consequences of global climate change has resulted in a never seen desire to invest resources in renewable energy sources. Biogas production through anaerobic digestion is one of those growing energy sources. In Sweden there are over two hundred plants that uses this biological process to break down organic substances while producing carbon dioxide and the energy-rich gas methane.This master?s thesis has focused on development of the mixture of different organic substances that is treated at a specific plant, namely Mosserud biogas plant.

Hot och våld i socialarbetares yrkesutövning : Threats and violence in the socialwelfare secretary occupation.

2004, the SSR, Akademikerförbundet, made a study on the threats and violence as a social secretary in the municipal social services are exposed in their occupation of the "social secretary of threats and violence at work" (T-110192), conducted by Temo ab. We have chosen to use the study on a smaller scale and then made contact with five municipalities in the middle of Sweden to investigate social secretaries experiences of threats and violence. Using the cross-sectional design and a convenience sample, we have gained access to data from 56 people. From a sociological perspective, we have chosen to use Norbert Elias theory of universal configuration and interdependence, and Michel Foucault?s theories concerning power search explanation for the existence of threats and violent situations in the contact between social workers and their clients..

Elektriskt system för detektion vid ballistiskt prov

The purpose of this thesis was to design an electrical system for use in a ballistic test at the Swedish National laboratory of forensic science (SKL). The detector unit would use four main parts: coilsystem, transmitter, reciever and indicator. The coilsystem would be based on a balanced system using three coils. One that creates a magneticfield and the other two will sense the differences when a metallobject is in the coilsystem. This report starts out by investigating possible solutions for this specific task followed by a description of the physics that the metaldetector use.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

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