

3937 Uppsatser om APU approach - Sida 3 av 263

Vad har Gandhi med familjeterapi att göra?

Introduction: In this study an innovative and multimodal method in family therapy called NVR, Non-Violent Resistence, is examined. NVR is an approach developed by Haim Omer, professor in psychology at the University of Tel Aviv. This approach is described as coming from the ancient ideological roots used by Gandhi in the Nonviolent resistence of oppressive regimes. NVR advocates that the parents give up the desire to control their children. Instead parents should take control of their own lives by actively resisting any behaviors of the child that are damaging.

Om leken i nödvändigheten

This study aims to examine play as a phenomena from a phenomenological approach. This I do by discussing a dominant approach to play, an perspective which is reproduced in the context of pre-school and in where the play and learning is in single focus. Using alternative perspective on play, mainly by Gadamer and Bakthtins philosophical thoughts about the feast or the carnival, contents differ significantly from educational or developmental psychology perspectives. I open up for an understanding of what play as ontology can be understood as, and thereby enable second readings. I illustrate this thought by an empirical example from a pre-school context which where created alongside with the children in the study.

Förutsättningar för utbildning : En kvalitativ fältstudie på två skolor i Ghana

In today's social work there is an ambition to work evidence-based in order to improve quality and competency in business. This study is made in a disability administration which has introduced a common approach towards users for all employees. The approach is called low arousal approach. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a method takes hold and implements within an organization. The empirical data is analyzed by theories of professionalization, idea dissemination and translation.

Ekosystemansatsen på landskapsnivå

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) promotes the Ecosystem Approach (EA). In this thesis it is analyzed how the EA approach could be applied to regional management of coastal areas in Sweden. The aim of this report is to compare management for preserving biodiversity on a landscape level in two regional coastal areas in Uppsala and Västra Götaland respectively. In Uppsala, one of the plans consists of a previous nature reserve and in Västra Götaland, a Regional landscape strategy has been established. The ecosystem approach is used as a theoretical framework in this thesis.

Integration av ämnesinnehållen i ett temainriktat arbetssätt : Lärares åsikter gällande integration av matematik och naturorienterande ämnesinnehåll i förskolans temainriktade arbetssätt

Recently I discovered that preschool education has evolved from integration of various subject contents and working methods. The purpose of my study is to investigate preschool teachers' attitudes and ways of working with a theme-oriented approach. I also want to examine their opinions regarding the integration of subject content in terms of mathematics and science subjects (NO) in preschools theme-oriented work approach.My questions for this study are:What is a preschool teacher's attitude and their ways of working to a thematic-oriented approach?What is a preschool teacher's opinions regarding the integration of subject content, especially in mathematics and science subjects (NO) in their pre-schools theme-oriented work approach?I have used myself a qualitative method of investigation to produce materials for my research project. I collected my empirical material for my study from the semi-structured interviews that was done with four preschool teachers in two preschools in Botkyrka municipality.

Inkluderande undervisning i matematik : En kvalitativ studie av elevers och lärares uppfattning av inkluderande matematikundervisning i skolår 7 och 8

According to both national and international political regulations, the school should as far as it is possible include students with special needs in regular education. However, when implementing these political intentions regarding an including school environment, problems often arise. The aim of this studie has been to investigate the opinions of teachers and students when it comes to inclusive education in mathematics. The study has partly been based on interviews with students with special needs in mathematics. These students were included in regular mathematics groups.

Kontextbaserad utveckling av klassifikationssystem: Värdet av ett användarperspektiv i en beståndsorganiserande process på specialbibliotek

This thesis treats a new perspective in the theory of classification, the context-based approach. The aim is to find out what kind of value this new approach can have in the process of creating a classification scheme for a special library collection. The first question to be answered is how the context-based approach works in a real life. The second question investigates which role the research in this particular area might have. Illustrating a real-life situation, the unit of Rättsmedicinalverket in Linköping serves as the object of study.

An Entrepreneurial Approach to Marketing Research: Drugstores in Sweden?

The aim of this study is to understand the situation on the Swedish Market for Drugstores and a creation of a new approach to marketing research, based on the thesis? methodological proceeding. With the help of different methodological approaches and different theories the study's purpose will be solved in an uncommon, untraditional way..

Quality of Service i IP-nätverk

The original promise behind the Internet Protocol was to deliver data from a sender to the receiver using a best-effort approach. This means that the protocol makes no guarantees except that it will try to deliver the data to the destination. If some problem occurs the packet may be discarded by the network without any notice. No guarantees are made regarding the time it takes to deliver the data, the rate at which data will be delivered or if data is delivered in the same order it was sent. The best-effort approach is arguably the reason behind the success of the Internet Protocol and is what makes IP scalable to networks the size of the Internet.

En litterär kanon : En studie om lärares och elevers förhållningssätt till arbetet med äldre texter

This study is a research on how dystopian features are expressed within different genres. The purpose is to discuss films that contain dystopian features in relation to genre and to examine if there are shared conventions in the films that can make dystopia a film genre on its own. The theoretical base includes genre theory and Rick Altman?s semantic/syntactic approach to film genre. Five films from different genres, all produced within the time period of 2000-2010, are analyzed with a semantic/syntactic approach to genre and then discussed in relation to dystopia and prior research.

Idrottslärares syn på kunskap och status inom idrott och hälsa : en intervjustudie med idrottslärare

The purpose of this essay is to examine how some individual PE teachers view knowledge and what they think about the status of physical education whitin the school. The method used in this examination was both sudies of literature and a qualitative investigation. Six PE teachers, from three diffrent schools in Sweden, were interviwed from a phenomentographic research approach. I made the analysis from a sociocultural approach. The result indicates that th teachers had difficulties to describethe conception of knowledge, but that the pupils/students achieve knowledge in physical education.

Comprehensive Approach eller Pragmatic Approach? : en fallstudie om civil-militär samverkan vid PRT Mazar-e Sharif

Internationellt sker en utveckling mot att genomföra insatser samordnat med resurser från flera politikområden - både civila och militära. Behovet har uppstått ur insikten att hållbar utveckling i en region kräver användning av olika resurser för att uppnå synergier. Samverkan och samordning mellan civila och militära aktörer enligt syftet ovan brukar i moderna ordalag beskrivas som comprehensive approach. Det praktiska arbetet på fältnivån med samverkan för att uppnå synergier i kontexten comprehensive approach kan sägas innebära samma sak som civil-militärt samverkan.Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att med fokus på det svenska PRT Mazar-e Sharif, förstå de svårigheter som finns vid samverkan mellan civila och militära aktörer, med målet att öka synergier av nationella resurser. Med utgångspunkt från tidigare forskning om militär-civil samverkan samt comprehensive approach, skapas en analysmodell med ett urval av identifierade faktorer, för att beskriva samverkan empiriskt främst utifrån intervjusvar från nyckelaktörer ? chefer eller stabschefer samt civila rådgivare.

Why be an Eleatic Stranger?

In the last two decades something called ?the Eleatic Principle? has been quite frequent in philosophical literature. A wide range of philosophers have appealed to this principle when arguing for varioustheses but the principle itself has received comparatively little attention. Especially questions regarding the principle's justificationare often ignored or only mentioned in passing. The aim of this paper is to remedy this situation somewhat by focusing on how it could be justified.In section 2 I give an overview of the various ways in which the principle has been used to clarify just what we are dealing with here.

Bokbussens inköp och urval på 2010-talet.

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyzes how the bookmobile librarians approach to purchase and selection and the range of views that may exist. The study is based on a qualitative method using a document study and three interviews included. The document study looking closely at public libraries library plans in Vastra Gotalands county. The qualitative interviews gets a closer look at librarians´approach regarding the purchase and selection and also if there are any similarities or differences between mobile library activities versus the main library.The theoretical framework is based on Sanna Taljas study where she has identified three different perspectives on the library´s music department. These are categorized as the interpretative repertoires and involves three categories of approach to quality.

Den reflekterande ledarrollen i sociala organisationer

Abstract Author: Annika Sjögren ArvidsonTitle: The reflective leadership role in social service organizations Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson  I have studied the leadership role of unit managers in social service organizations and their relationship to the concept of reflective approach. I started from a curiosity about how and if unit managers within social services use the concept reflective approach in their leadership role, and how their organizations look upon this and what the consequences are. If in the long term, this affects the individual receiving assistance. All the interviewed persons come from different places, services and organizations. The study is qualitative, with a number of interviews conducted with unit managers.

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