

3946 Uppsatser om APU approach - Sida 27 av 264

Den våldsutövande mannen - som vilken man som helst? : En diskursanalys av hur mäns våld mot kvinnor förstås i regeringens handlingsplan

The purpose of this essay is to identify how violence against women is understood in the government's policy action plan called Handlingsplan för att bekämpa mäns våld mot kvinnor, hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck samt våld i samkönade relationer. The main issue that the study is based on, is whether there is a feminist gendered understanding that permeates the action plan. To examine this, I have formulated two more specific questions:     - What is considered to be the main problem of men's violence against women?     - What is considered to be the reasons for men's violence against women?    The empirical material of the study consists of the government's action plan. With the help of Carol Bacchis discourse analytical approach "What's the problem approach", important patterns in the material have been detected.

Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.

Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.

"Balansgången mellan den äldres rätt och anhörigas rätt är inte alltid så lätt" Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av samverkan med anhöriga inom äldreomsorgen"The balance between the rights of the elderly and the rights of the relatives are not always easy"

The aim of our study has been to come to an understanding of how the executive officials within the care of the elderly experience the cooperation with relatives to elderly people who is in need and apply for public home help according to the law of social services. Our expectation of this study is that we gain an increased insight how they as executive officials manage this cooperation situations. The method we used in this study has a qualitative research approach. This design was chosen as the most appropriate approached to illuminate and exploring the experience of the executive officials. Nine executive officials has described their experience in this matter in an interview were we both participate.

Frivillig revision - Vad avgör rekommendationen? : En studie ur revisorns perspektiv

Aim The aim of the thesis is to explain the factors that affect the auditor's recommendation concerning audit services to customers who are not subject to mandatory auditing.Background and problem In 2010 mandatory auditing for small companies was abolished. It is common for the auditor to provide recommendations re-garding whether or not a customer should chose to retain the audit. The question is which factors can explain the auditor's recommendation.Method and empirics This thesis uses a deductive approach with inductive elements and a combination of qualitative and quantitative data is used. The qualitative data consists of a pilot study and the quantitative data consists of a questionnaire survey. The analysis of the empirical data was performed using regression analysis.Theory This thesis applies an eclectic approach where the starting point is legitimacy, institutional theory, professional theory and decision making theory to develop a model.Results and conclusions The notion of the recommendation as well as the extent of the recommendations can be explained by factors related to the auditor's agency affiliation and the auditor's personal qualities..

En vän men ändå inte en vän. : ?En grupp distriktssköterskors beskrivningar av innebörden av att vårda patienter med svårläkta bensår.

AbstractBackgroundWorking in primary care with chronic leg ulcers is both time-consuming and difficult. There is a large category of patients with leg ulcers, that is expected to increase in a number of years, and many of them will probably come to a district nurse for help.AimThe aim of this study was to describe the district nurses' experiences of caring for patients with chronic leg ulcers in primary care.MethodThe approach was qualitative. The study was done with a phenomenological life-world approach. Seven district nurses working in primary care were interviewed. The phenomenological perspective focuses on the respondents? own life-world and has openness to the interviewee's own experiences.

Patienten och sjukhusbiblioteket. En diskursanalys av uppfattningar om sjukhusbibliotek och deras betydelser för patienten i tre svenska bibliotekstidskrifter

The aim of this Masters thesis is to study opinions about the Swedish hospital libraries and their activities for the patients, in a selection of Swedish library journal articles. The theoretical starting point is grounded in Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory. The empirical material consists of 43 articles from three library journals; Biblioteksbladet, Blänkaren and DIK-forum, published between 1990 and 2004. These are analysed through a reading scheme in four levels. In the empirical material two themes appear; the culture theme and the patient information theme.

Positionering - En etnisk identitet som föds?

This study is a qualitative study based on a constructivist approach. Meanwhile, it draws on an ethnographic approach combined a working memory based on memories in various events that took place three years in a former student in the program for sociology and social development. Mainly qualitative interviews are essential for the empirical material analyzed. The study is based on interviews of five college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish at Halmstad University, four women and one man. The aim is to look at how college students with an ethnic origin other than swedish relate to the representations of ethnicity.

Konkurrens för mindre revisionsbyråer : En kvalitativ studie av möjliga konkurrensstrategier och hur kommande förändringar påverkar konkurrensen på revisionsmarknaden

Title: Competition for small audit firms ? a qualitative study on possible competitive strategies and how the upcoming changes will influence competition on the audit market    Subject: Auditing Tutor: Margareta Paulsson  Authors: Per Dahlström and Martin Holmberg Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding how smaller auditing firms use competitive strategies and why. The result aims to work as a support for owners and leaders of audit firms as they make decisions of how to compete in the future. We would also like to explore how smaller audit firms view the change of the mandatory audit, that is, our intentions are also to examine how they think the consequences on the market will be and their view on its affect on the competition of the market.    Methodology: Our methodological approach was characterized by a hermeneutic approach in order to explain and understand why the smaller audit firms do what they do. Our approach is a combination of inductive and deductive as it allows us to develop an understanding of the subject, then gather our empirical data and from that draw valid conclusions.

Yrkeskunskap på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet : Yrkeslärares och handledares reflektioner kring elevers utveckling av yrkeskunskaper

AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.

Tvåinstansjäv : om domstolars tillämpning av rättsregeln

The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children?s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant?s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children?s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction.

Mentorskap i traineeprogram ? Karaktärsdrag som påverkas hos mentorn och adepten

With an attractive trainee program company?s today hope to attract young devoted people. In the frame of a trainee program, there has been a special focus on a formal mentorship in an effort to develop characteristics with the mentor and protégé. Therefore this study discusses the subject mentorship in trainee programs. Which characteristics are affected with the mentor and protégé during a mentor relationship in a trainee program? The aim of the study is to create an awareness and knowledge of the mentor and the protégés understanding of which characteristics are affected in a mentorship relation after a completed trainee program.

Den viktiga barnlitteraturen : Om förskollärares uppfattningar kring normkritisk barnlitteratur

The purpose of this study is to find out what preschool teachers think about antisocial children's literature. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool that works with a standard critical approach. In order to fulfill my purpose with this study, I focused on how these teachers felt that it was important to use the standard critical children's literature in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers' thoughts were on the concept of standard critical children's literature and how and whether they use it in their daily activities. When I analyzed the results of my interviews I used the queer theories that include standard critical pedagogy and literature in preschool.

Rörlig ersättning till VD : Hur påverkar det företagets lönsamhet?

Background: It is today common for companies to provide some sort of incentive for CEO's and senior management positions to motivate, retain and benefit employees within a company. This is in order to drive the goals of the CEO and management in the direction that is desired by the owner. Currently, the Swedish centre-right government has forbidden the use of such variable pay within state-owned companies. There are two different attitudes to variable pay, one that is in favour and one that rejects it. However most people agree on the fact that a well-functioning incentive scheme can be of great strategic importance for a company.Approach: has variable pay to CEO's had any effect on the company's profitability.Aim: the aim of the study is to compare companies who use variable pay to CEO's with companies that do not in relation to their profitability in terms of profit margins, yearly performance, returns on total capital and returns on equity.Method: the study uses a quantitative approach.

Att arbeta för ungdomar på folkbibliotek: Hur visar sig bibliotekariens synsätt och kunskaper?

The aim of this thesis is to explore how librarians approach to and knowledge of young people can be seen in their work methods and in activities arranged for young people. I also want to investigate other factors that librarians think can affect how they work. Five interviews were carried out with five librarians who worked with young people at public libraries. The literature review covers; young peoples needs and leisure activities, young peoples attitudes to libraries, activities arranged for them and towards departments for young people at public libraries. Literature dealing with librarians` attitudes and knowledge of young people was also included.

Hur kan en hälsopedagog arbeta med utbrändhet?

The purpose of this study is to determine which approach preschool teachers from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool and a traditional preschool have on children, knowledge, learning and their own role in children?s learning. The two pedagogical approaches have different basic visions; Reggio Emilia follows the thoughts of Lori Malaguzzi and the traditional preschool follows the Swedish curriculum Lpfö 98. The main research questions asked were:What view on children, learning and knowledge does the preschool teacher from a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool have in comparison with a traditional preschool?Which role does the teacher believe that they should take regarding children?s learning?What differences and similarities can be identified in the teachers' perceptions?To carry out this study, I used a qualitative research method.

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