

749 Uppsatser om AMS capacity - Sida 24 av 50

Prestationsmått: Ett verktyg för styrning - eller en rapport bland alla andra. Om mellanchefers tillämpning av prestationsmått i styrningen av operativa enheter.

A performance measurement system can be used as a means to evaluate past performances and to communicate prioritizations. It has also been proposed that a performance measurement system can serve as a method to execute strategies, guide in operational decisions and constitute a tool for making the organization more efficient. Yet one may question if such a system will ever reach this capacity if operating managers do not utilize it as a management tool, but rather treat it as a mere report in the bunch. This paper explores how middle managers in fact apply performance measures and what obstacles there are to integrating them in the management of subunits. Furthermore it serves to investigate whether these managers experience a conflict between how they are expected to use the measures and what they deem possible to adopt.

Vattensväljtest som screening för dysfagi hos vuxna : Normer som funktion av ålder, kön och vattenmängd

Sväljkapacitet kan skilja sig åt mellan olika åldrar och kön. Detta kan inverka på prestationen på så kallade vattensväljtest. Ingen uttömmande studie har gjorts angående effekt av ålder, kön och vattenmängd på sväljförmåga hos friska vuxna i Sverige. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att presentera normdata för tre olika mått på sväljförmåga: sväljtid, sväljkapacitet och antal klunkar vid 1 respektive 2 dl vatten hos friska vuxna, samt att undersöka effekter av vattenmängd och ålder respektive kön på sväljförmågan. 239 vuxna deltagare stratifierades utifrån ålder och kön.

Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?

Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks.

Vattenskydd och krisberedskap hos allmän dricksvattenproduktion : Skydd av täkter, tillgång till reservvattentäkter och andra nödvattenlösningar hos svenska vattenproducenter

The objective of this report was to analyse and compare vulnerability and preparation in Swedish municipal drinking water production, in case the commonly used water sources were inoperative. Methods used were a questionnaire and a less extensive study of regulations for water protection areas. The questionnaire was answered by 41 Swedish municipalities. A handful of them were companies co-owned by a few municipalities. Only one out of four municipalities had source protection areas to all their water sources and for many sources the protection was not satisfactory.

Småhusproduktion : Utvecklingsmöjligheter hos JM AB

The Swedish building contractor JMRegion Öst would like to to investigatethe possibilities of developing andstreamlining the production of singlefamilyhouses. JM are producing singlefamilyhouses with prefabricated framesat a rate of about two houses per week.During construction, the different tasksare performed by JM?s own productionstaff but also by varioussubcontractors.When examining the schedules of recentlyproduced projects, it appears that allthe houses are more or less completedeight weeks before the customer moves into the house. During those eight weeksseveral operations are conducted such asinspections, installation of appliancesand cleaning procedures. The inspectionperiod constitutes between 25 and 35% ofthe complete construction period.By conducting interviews, it has beendiscovered that this final phase is anessential security buffer for delays anderrors that often occur.

Militärtekniskt perspektiv på AUV

Sweden is dependent on secure sea transport. Shorter disruption of imports of fuel and crude oil can be managed with an emergency stock, but a prolonged halt in imports creates problems. For industry, the vulnerability is greater. Fragmented production chains in combination with expenditure reductions in inventory causes a dependency on proper transport of intermediate goods in the manufacturing industry. A lengthy disruption thus involves disruption of production for both domestic consumption and for export goods containing imported parts.In order to secure shipping routes with a limited number of vessels, Mine Counter Measures (MCM) capacity is required, and according to the Armed Forces, developed with new sensors and autonomous vehicles.

Fosforläckage från växtodling - orsaker och ågärder :

Phosphorus is essential to all plants and is taken up from the soil as the ion H2PO4 - (and to some extent HPO42-). Plant availability depends on, among other factors, the soil pH. In order to provide for plant available phosphorus, it is applied as mineral fertilizers and farmyard manure. However, that causes phosphorus leaching from arable land to surrounding surface waters and lakes and contributes to the eutrofication. There are three types of soils in Sweden that are at higher risk of contributing to phosphorus leakage.

I regnbågens skugga : En analys av kommuners diskurser kring våld inom hbt-relationer

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish municipal welfare system, in their capacity as discourse makers, construct Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the relationships of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people. A discourse analysis of their official plans of action regarding IPV and the information directed towards their citizens through their webpages showed that the discourse surrounding IPV revealed a gender dichotomy, where the victim was mainly constructed as being female and the perpetrator as male. As a consequence of this, gay and bisexual men were rendered invisible from the discourse surrounding victims of IPV, although they could be included in the construction of perpetrators of it. Lesbian and bisexual women were often included in the understanding of victims of IPV, but in the discourse surrounding perpetrators of it they were made invisible. The discourse about IPV also excluded the experiences and vulnerability of people who identify as being transgendered.

Pelletskvalitet : Test av olika råvarumixer i pelletstillverkningen vid Rindi Västerdala AB:s bioenergikombinat i Vansbro

Fuel pellets are a refined bio fuel mostly consisting of residues from sawmills and wood industry. At Rindi Västerdala AB's combined bio energy plant in Vansbro fuel pellets are produced, while the waste heat from the process is used for district heating. The pellets are produced from sawdust, wood shavings and dry wood chips that is dried, milled and pressed into small cylindrical rods. The advantage of refining the wood material in this manner is that the energy value is greater per unit volume and unit weight, thereby the cost of transportation per energy unit is reduced. Also, less storage space is needed.Pellet manufacturing is a complex process since many parameters affects the final results.

Torkat bioavfall som jordförbättringsmedel

The main project Dry preservation of source-separated organic household wastes involves a new technique for treatment of biowaste through drying. Investigations are going on to determine how the dried biowaste best can be used to close the natural circular flow of nutrients. The objective of this degree project is to determine if the dried biowaste can be used as a soil conditioner. By restoring the nutrients in the material to the ground, the natural circular flow is closed. A declaration of contents, including the nutrient levels, C/N ratio, pH and the electrical conductivity of the dried biowaste, was constructed and a germination test was done to make sure that the material did not inhibit sprouting.

Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :

In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level. In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : Hur kan en verkningsfull återföring skapas mellan produktion och kalkyl?

Sweden is dependent on secure sea transport. Shorter disruption of imports of fuel and crude oil can be managed with an emergency stock, but a prolonged halt in imports creates problems. For industry, the vulnerability is greater. Fragmented production chains in combination with expenditure reductions in inventory causes a dependency on proper transport of intermediate goods in the manufacturing industry. A lengthy disruption thus involves disruption of production for both domestic consumption and for export goods containing imported parts.In order to secure shipping routes with a limited number of vessels, Mine Counter Measures (MCM) capacity is required, and according to the Armed Forces, developed with new sensors and autonomous vehicles.

Småföretags framtida utvecklingsavdelning : En katalysator för innovation?

Det kunskapssamhälle som råder idag medför att organisationer måste rusta sig och hålla ett högt tempo i den förändringsbenägna omvärlden. Kunskap och lärande ses däremellan som nyckelaktiviteter i relation till förändring vilket i sin tur föder innovation. Forskning har påvisat att småföretag förväntas bidra till en större del av näringslivets tillväxt, men att småföretagen samtidigt har behov av att höja sin innovationskapacitet för att möta utmaningen. Studien avsåg därför att utforska småföretag i extern samverkan för att se huruvida ett sådant kunskapsutbyte skapat förutsättningar för innovation hos den egna organisationen. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ forskningsmetodik undersöktes sex småföretagsledare som deltagit i det lärande nätverket, Tillväxtmotorn, via semistrukturerade intervjuer.

Kunnig för uppdraget? En studie av kunskapsöverföring åt tillfälliga bemanningskonsulter

It can be difficult for young people to find their first job; a solution to this problem may bethrough temporary work at a staffing agency to gain their first experience. As temporary workers,individuals are often forced to frequently change their jobs, which require that the company'sprocesses for introduction are able to transfer the needed knowledge and the temporal employee´s capacity to quickly learn a new role. Knowledge management and knowledge transfer areimportant aspects to most organizations, but how are these aspects used when introducing temporarystaffing personnel to new work? The purpose of the study is to identify the process oftemporary staffing to identify possible suggestions for improvement based on principles ofknowledge transfer. The research question "How can the transfer of knowledge be developed forthe introduction of new staffing personnel?" is divided into sub questions;? ?How is the processto hire temporary staff performed??, ?What problems can occur in the process of introduction ofnew temporal staff?? and ?How can ICT be used to support the introduction of temporal staff??.The theoretical framework is based around theories of the context in which the knowledge transferred,what type of knowledge is to be transferred, the channels that are possible to use to transferknowledge through, employees function as channels to transfer knowledge with a special emphasison the role of the mentor, and the transferee's own motivation and the capacity to receivethe knowledge that is being transferred.To understand the process of hiring temporal staff, a survey was performed using open-ended interviewswith consultants at employment agencies, and with the support of the frameworkDELTA Meta Architecture.

"Att äga och inte ägas" : en intersektionell analys av hur muslimska kvinnor upplevelser sig representerade i svenska medier

With examples from a single classroom situation, several educational moments show what goes on between the teacher and the student. The teacher?s responsibility in the learning process is, with a gesture frozen in the air of the moment, to lead and follow the student in her tentative efforts at seeking knowledge. Initially, it is an attempt to shed light upon the "not yet seen" with a certainty that the student herself possesses the capacity and the aptitude to reach greater insight and clarity in her understanding. The Validation/Feil Method presented in this instructional situation illustrates how best to communicate with elderly people suffering from Alzheimer?s dementia.

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