

749 Uppsatser om AMS capacity - Sida 23 av 50

"Rätt man på rätt plats" - men hur väljer man rätt?

The aim of this thesis is to investigate which the main determinants of capital structure in Swedish listed firms are and to identify which incentives lies behind managers choice of capital structure determinants. Further, the study investigates whether the Post Keynesian theory and theories which incorporate behavioral aspects can be used to explain the capital structure decisions or if the traditional Neoclassical theory give an better explanation. We have used a qualitative method to analyze the determinants of capital structure and the managers incentives behind capital structure decision. We conducted a survey which was sent to 83 Chief Financial Managers and financial executives in Swedish firms listed on Mid Cap or Large Cap. The questionnaire was on-line which enabled for the respondents to quickly and convenient respond.

Feminism till höger och vänster? : En jämförande studie emellan Sverigedemokraternas och Kommunistiska Partiets feministiska teori och praktik

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if the reading habits of teacher students are influenced by merit and descent. The empiric material consists of six questionnaires answered by students at the teacher training with Swedish at the upper secondary school as their first topic. The questionnaire comprised questions about reading habits in the childhood and today and information concerning merits and descent.Pierre Bourdieu?s sociological ideas about cultural capital transmitted from parent to child and the concept of habitus are used as a theoretical framework regarding descent.

Släpslangspridning av gödsel, kan det löna sig? :

I have chosen to work with drag hose system and try to find an alternative to spread manure with a usually tank system, see if you can make a profit and what advantage and disadvantage the system has. The purpose whith the project has been to try to make a system that can spread manure at better occasions than farmers do today and above everything make a financial addition. Today it is just a heavy work and takes a lot of time. I have counted on investment costs and carefully examined what equipment you need. I have not the technical details in my project, I have just tried to understand how it is to spread manure with drag hose system today. What is drag hose system? You put a hose in your manuretank, connect it to a pump that is driven by a traktor or stationary engine. You place a hose that reach the field were you are going to spread.

Mask + löv = jord : En undersökning om sexåringars förmåga att utveckla sina ekologiska tankar

SammanfattningSyftet med den här undersökningen är att ta reda på hur barns tankar kring ekologiska processer kan utvecklas, samt att ta reda på vad i undervisningen som anses vara avgörande för att förmå barn att utveckla sina ekologiska reflektioner. Kvalitativa intervjuer och ett undervisningstillfälle ligger till grund för undersökningen. Därefter sammanställdes och kategoriserades barnens ekologiska processtankar. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att förutsättningen för utvecklande undervisning, är pedagogens kännedom om barnets individuella erfarenheter. Det är utifrån dessa som barnet tar emot ny kunskap och sedan kopplar ihop den med tidigare upplevelser.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelse och hantering av stress på en akutmottagning

SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to explore how nurses in the emergency department experience and cope with stress in their workplace. The study had a qualitative, descriptive approach and was based on nine individual, semi-structured interviews. They were then processed using content analysis. The content analysis of interviews resulted in two categories, "the nurse's experience of stress," "the nurses coping with stress." Together, the categories highlighted how nurses experienced stress during and after their shifts. The study showed clearly that all nurses experienced and coped with stress in their daily work activities..The authors noticed that stressful time for the nurses were repeated at each session and were similar in character.

Visualisering av produktionseffektivitet : Utveckling av ett verktyg för övervakningav avbrott och presentation av TAK

Many companies do not register all the stops that occur in a production plant, it often takes longer to report than to fix the problem. If no problems are registered, you cannot trace where the problems arise.This master thesis was performed at AcobiaFLUX and they have noticed an increased demand from their customers to trace problems raised in their processes. The aim of the thesis was to find out how a tool to monitor a process best could be developed. Then the most essential from the theoretical base was developed into a useful tool for operators. For the operators to know if the process utilizes the full capacity of a process, the tool presents a measure of the Overall Equipment Efficiency, OEE.

Flavan-3-oler och endotel -dysfunktion

Background: Flavan-3-ols are polyphenolic phytochemicals belonging to the flavonoids. Flavan-3-ols are present in many higher plants and are particularly concentrated in e.g. Camellia sinensis (tea) and Theobroma cacao (cacao) and have got attention due to their antioxidative capacity. Many studies have been able to associate flavan-3-ol-rich foods to improved endothelial function. The aim of the present work is to review the scientific literature and evaluate the evidence for positive effects of flavan-3-ols on endothelial dysfunction in humans. Method: Scientific articles describing intervention and observational studies about flavan-3-ols and endothelial dysfunction, were searched for on http://www.pubmed.org.

1553-Simulator. In-/uppspelning av databusstrafik med hjälp av FPGA

At Saab Aerospace in Linköping, components for measurement systems to the fighter aircraft JAS 39 Gripen are developed. In this activity you sometimes want to record the traffic transmitted on the data busses that connects different sys-tems. This traffic on the data busses is using the military standard MIL-STD-1553. This project has aimed to create a system for recording and sending 1553-data. The system is used on an ordinary personal computer, equipped with a recon- figurable I/O card that among others has a programmable logic circuit (FPGA).

En stabs nätverkstrafik : En analys av användningen av datornätverkskapacitet i en operativ stab under övningen VIKING 11

FM köpte satellitkapacitet för närmare 20 miljoner kronor under 2014 för utbildning, övning och internationella operationer. Enligt HKV räcker dock inte upphandlad kapacitet för att täcka behoven ute hos förbanden.Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på mer hur kapacitetsanvändningen ser ut vid en operativ stab utifrån deras arbete och därigenom se om det finns någon militär nytta att vinna kopplad till kapacitetsanvändning.Utgångspunkten för arbetet är insamlad information om datornätverkstrafiken i de olika nätverken. Detta kvantitativa data jämförs med stabens arbete utifrån kvantitativ och kvalitativ data i krigsdagbok, styrdokument och deltagande studie.Studien visar på att kapacitetsanvändningen ej är relaterad till stabens arbete utan snarare är kopplad till när personal är på plats och personalens internetanvändning. Studien pekar på att det kan finnas en potential att få mer militär nytta, dock måste mekanismer för prioritering i nätverket införas och vidare studier avseende trafiken genomföras..

Förslitning av fräsverktyg

Sweden is dependent on secure sea transport. Shorter disruption of imports of fuel and crude oil can be managed with an emergency stock, but a prolonged halt in imports creates problems. For industry, the vulnerability is greater. Fragmented production chains in combination with expenditure reductions in inventory causes a dependency on proper transport of intermediate goods in the manufacturing industry. A lengthy disruption thus involves disruption of production for both domestic consumption and for export goods containing imported parts.In order to secure shipping routes with a limited number of vessels, Mine Counter Measures (MCM) capacity is required, and according to the Armed Forces, developed with new sensors and autonomous vehicles.

Tsunamikatastrofens politiska efterspel - En fallstudie av ansvarsutkrävandets värde i demokratin

The Swedish society woke up Boxing Day 2004 to the greatest disaster in modern times. As a result of a strong earthquake in the Indian Ocean tsunamis occurred that devastated resorts where thousands of Swedes were. In the disasters tracks were uncovered government paralysis and shortcomings of the systems control. The purpose of this study is to examine the capacity and means to demand accountability of politicians and officials of the Swedish political system. Extensive studies and the report from the commission of disasters will form the basis for the study.

Hållbar och funktionell utemiljö för järnvägsstationer

In a time when milk producing farm businesses face decline in profitability it is of great importance to examine how the situation can be improved. This thesis is a study off efficiency in milk producing farm businesses represented by Swedish, Dutch and German farms. The aim of this study is to investigate whether any differences exist between companies in these countries. Moreover, the study includes a mapping of a number of factors that determine how efficient milk production can be managed. This mapping is based on a literature review on prior efficiency studies followed by qualitative interviews with milk production advisors as well as a questionnaire sent out to dairy farmers in Sweden.

?En virtuell bokcirkel blir mer en del utav vardagen??: En kvalitativ studie av virtuella bokcirklar

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine virtual reading groups, and which meaning the users perceive that the virtual reading groups offer. In addition, the study inquires which details can be improved to further amend the needs and wants among the users of virtual reading groups. Through these outlines, it is discussed how libraries and librarians can make use of virtual reading groups as a resource. The study is based upon qualitative interviews, consisting of asynchronous e-mail interviews with a total of sixteen members in two different virtual reading groups.

Modulbyggd förskola - Framtiden?

In 1999 the childbearing increased, which in combination with the closure of a number ofpreschools led to the shortage and reduced capacity in available places for youngchildren. The lack of places in preschools has led us to try to find a solution to theproblem and in order to solve the problem we have interviewed personnel of preschoolsin Halmstad. The persons we met were asked to list advantages and disadvantages oftheir preschool and also to come up with innovative solutions and new ideas of how todevelop a satisfactory preschool. This was the basis for us when we drew our drawingsand our main objective was to find a new template for the development of pre-fabricatedpreschools.When drawing a new and modern preschool a number of considerations have to be made,first of all the main objective for the children is play and playtime, a second objective issound reduction and laws about sound reduction. Another consideration is how toconstruct the building and which method to be used, for instance should industrialtechniques be considered and pros and cons be listed.The main disappointment amongst the preschool personnel was that they had noinfluence in the planning stage of the new development of the preschool.

Traditionella institutioner i Afrika - Ett hot mot den moderna staten?

The function of traditional leaders in the modern states of Africa has been under debate for decades. The dominant research discourse suggests that these institutions should be integrated into the state in order to minimize the amount of parallel political spheres, since the latters are considered to affect state legitimacy negatively. But are the states in a situation where they need to compete with the traditional institutions in order to gain more legitimacy? If so, is the struggle for legitimacy a zero-sum game where there can only be one winner? Or is it possible for these institutions to co-exist or even benefit from each other? The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to research if, and to what extent, African citizens? confidence in traditional institutions has an effect on state legitimacy. This has been done by statistically analyzing the data from the latest completed round of the Afrobarometer survey, a study that has been conducted in 20 different countries across West- and Northeast Africa.

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