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Instrumentbordets sterilitet

Background: Postoperative infections are a serious patient safety problem and affects about 3 % of all patients undergoing surgery. The consequences are prolonged hospital stays, high social costs, increased use of antibiotics and impaired quality of life for the patient. It has been shown that postoperative infections may be caused by contamination already in the operating room. Today we know that there is growth of microorganisms on the instrument table´s top, but there is a research gap about the instrument table's edges.Aim: To examine if the sterile drape on the instrument table´s edges are sterile after finished surgery.Method: Contact plates are printed on strategically selected areas on the sterile drapes top and edges. In the pilot study, a total of 51 cultures were taken at the end of three operations which lasted over three hours.Results: Growth on the top surface and the edges of the sterile drape were detected.


The aim of this thesis is to examine whether law reforms in the detailed planning process can be an aspect that gets in conflict with the citizens rights to participate in the Swedish planning through dialogue, and how five chosen municipalities are working with citizen participation. To be able to answer the aim of the thesis a literature study and five semi-structured interviews was performed in purpose to get wide-ranging information from municipal officials working with detailed planning handling. Law changes that aims to make the detailed planning process more efficient has been implemented partly to satisfy the needs of dwellings since the detailed planning process among master builders seems to be slow and inefficient, which to the them means higher costs. The requirement on having a detailed planning program was taken away when the new planning law was adopted year 2011. The planning program was including a moment of citizen dialogue. The case studied municipalities have not been affected in this law change arguing that it?s still possible to bring a program if needed.

Mellan dig och mig

How can I make art that face people in their everyday lives, which is integrated into their lives, becoming a part of the discussions both in the mundane and in the room of society? Can I do this by working with performative interpretations that are participatory driven? I have explored how artists and participants can create spaces that are both open and confiden- ce-building, and how they at the same time enable us to question established norms. How to engage in dialogues concerning social, political and existential issues like; What is freedom for me - What is freedom to you? What is it that is important? Which topics are never upraised for discussion?The project is about putting thoughts, experiences and bodies (my own, the participants and the viewer?s) in relation to each other and to the location and context they are in. It ?s about creating a broader perspective where everyone?s voice is important and can take place.

En undersökning åt IKEA om ungdomars syn på inredning och design

The purpose is to improve IKEA´s understanding of how their target group of 12 to 18 years old boys and girls thinks when they visit the showrooms in the department stores. What make them enter the showrooms? Is it the colours, the furniture or the whole concept? How are they inspired to furnish their own room? Do they get ideas from the showrooms or are they looking for a specific furniture? These types of questions have increased young people´s interest for design and decoration over the last decade. It transpires with help from an article written by Vittorio Girotto and Michel Gonzalez how children are influenced in an early age by their own temperament and their natural surroundings. Children reasons and acts according to what they believe adults would have done in a similar situation.The methods that have been used during this project are interviews, surveys, observations, hypothetical persona, persona and ABL (IKEA´s own method).

?Det känns som en barnavdelning, det är ingen ungdomsdel liksom?: Ungdomar och det egna biblioteksrummet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how young adults experience the library and the space that they have access to. I used semi-structured interviews to find out about this and interviewed eight youths between the ages of 15 and 18 in a medium sized city in the province of Västra Götaland in Sweden. I then analyzed the material with the help of Goffman?s theory about front stage and back stage. I also did a small comparison with results from previous studies.The result showed that the youths generally liked the library and the staff but they had opinions on some issues.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport : En undersökning av upplevelser och logistik av en storflygplats och dess påverkan på resandet

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the logistic and the configuration of the terminal buildings and the perceptions of the passengers at Stockholm Arlanda Airport are related to each other, and what effect it has on the passengers and their traveling within the airport.The focus will be on the logistic at all four terminal buildings that is within the Airport. To create a perception of the logistic at the Airport and how it is related to the passengers perceptions, the investigators need to make knowledge of the terminal buildings, and thereby try to link the logistic with the perception of the experience room.Swedavia is the company that own, operate at and manage Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The investigators will make an interview with employees at Swedavia to get a more profound understanding of how the company is thinking about the logistic issues that they need to overlook. There will also be interviews with travelers to get their perception of the logistic, design and atmosphere at the Airport.Observations will also be made at various times at the Airport with focus on all of the terminal buildings. The investigators use qualitative and quantitative methods to reach a result. To achieve a result, the investigators will use theories and scientific facts and other available facts that will be helpful to reach a result that will be analyzed..

Biblioteksrummet som miljöupplevelse

The aim of this study is to understand how the library environment affects the experiences and feelings of public library users. In order to concretise this, the study sets out from the public library in Bollebygd. We wanted to find out how the library users experience the library environment. Does the library environment affect the meeting between library users? How does the environment affect their moving patterns inside the library? Which environmental factors influence the users' experiences? Our questions were: how do users experience the library environment - as a mediating space for information and culture? - as a social room and meeting place? The material used to attain the purpose of the study consists of qualitative observations and interviews, and literature studies.

Tre vanliga grabbar : En studie om platsens betydelse för delaktighet och identitet

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the places importance for young people with disabilities. The study?s central questions are what type of places they visit and what characterizes them. It is also about answering the questions why the places are visited and what meaning this has for participation and identity. The study´s central concept is room/place, participation and identity.

Från whiteboard till pekskärm : En studie av universitetslärares upplevelser av interaktiva klassrum

Information technology (IT) have for several decades been used in university education. An increasing number of classrooms today are built around a concept which uses IT in collaboration with the room itself. However, little is known about the experience of university teachers when working in such classrooms. This study examines the views and opinions of teachers at a Swedish university regarding using and interacting with these classrooms. Furthermore, we identify possible underlying factors that influence these views.

Biblioteksrummets förmedlande roll en studie av Malmö stadsbiblioteks ungdomsavdelning

This master thesis in library- and information science is about the intermediary function of the library room from an environment-psychological point of view. Young people are a group in society who often reduce their visits to the library when growing up. There are lots of reasons for this maybe more attractive activities occur outside the library doors, making the young choose not to use the library. But if the library interior is attractive in itself, and has a welcoming atmosphere, there might be a change and the young people may well choose to pay the library a visit. What is important to young people how do they want their library room to look? Our purpose is to see how the physical environment affects young people in libraries.

Analys av vävnadsprover med endimensionell elektrofores

The following project has been made in collaboration with, Denator AB, a biotechnology enterprise. One-dimensional electrophoreses have been used to analyze protein contents of tissue samples. Tissue samples have been either treated according to the company´s newly developed tissue treatment technique or not treated at all and comparisons between these samples have been made. In order to see differences in protein patterns between samples more clearly, a conversion method has been developed where electrophoresis gel visual patterns are used to produce curves, similar to densitometer curves.Denator AB would like to know if the proteins in their treated samples will change visibly over 48 h when incubated at room temperature. This has been investigated using the above mentioned method.

Språkutveckling genom musik : En intervjustudie om musik som verktyg för språkutveckling i förskolan

The purpose of my report was to find out how music can benefit the language development of children, whilst getting a glimpse of how the educators in preschools use music as a tool for the language development of children. During the course of the report I?ve used the sociocultural perspective theory as a foundation to stand on, this is most of all visible in my analysis and discussion of the result. In the result we can see that the educators possess insight in the importance of music in childrens development, and that they therefore give music a lot of room in their work. Songs where rhyme and language play are allowed are common elements at the preschool that attracts the children and makes them want to partake. Songs sung with movement is a commonly used combination which also serves to further lift the childrens language development when they, through movement, give meaning to the lyrics. It does however take a devoted educator to make music with the preschool children and to support them and making them want to do it.

Varför gjorde jag inte som jag tänkte, för jag kände att det var något fel : Arbetsordningoch upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö på operationssalen

 The purpose of this study was to study how surgical nurses experiences their work order in the operating room (OR), and how they experience their psychosocial work environment and work organization in terms of hierarchical structures..

CFD-simulering av kallras från fönster : Konvektorers och nischdjupets inverkan på lufthastigheter i rummet

During cold winter days it is likely that people in buildings with older windows or high glass facades experience thermal discomfort due to cold air down draughts. Earlier work has been aimed at finding analytical methods to predict the speed of the airflow in a room and in practice heating appliances are often placed beneath the windows to reduce the draught along the floor. In a study from 2012 Mohammad Parchami developed a method for estimating the required heating power to counteract the downdraught with such heating appliances. In this study, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to evaluate the usefulness of Parchami?s method and also to examine the potential of adapting the depth of the inward window sill as a means of decreasing the down draught.

Rockstjärnor har inga tuttar : En innehållsanalys om genusrepresentationen i musikmagasinet MOJO

The purpose of this study is to give an insight in how music press is presented gender wise. The focus area lies in rock music and the study is made on British music magazine MOJO in the year of 2010. The study contains quantitative analyses showing how much room men are given compared to women. The study is also supplemented with image analyses of four covers spread out over the year. The main question is formulated as in, how much room do women get in music magazine MOJO 2010 and what output does this have on rock music?s gender characteristics? The main results show, amongst other things that 79% of all the articles are written with focus on one or more male musicians.

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