221 Uppsatser om A Midsummer Night\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Dream - Sida 1 av 15
Brevbäraren, narren och evolutionen. En evolutionsteoretiskt orienterad komparativ analys av Dag-Otto Flink från Vallarnas friluftsteater och Puck och Botten från "En midsommarnattsdröm".
What is it that makes an audience love a character? Through comparative analysis and anevolutionary perspective, I have examined the relationship between the viewer ? the human ?and three popular characters: Shakespeare?s Bottom and Puck from A Midsummer Night?sDream and Dag-Otto Flink, the most popular character from Vallarnas friluftsteater inFalkenberg, Sweden. In what way do they attract us? Why do they attract us? The aim of thecomparative analysis between the characters was to reveal enough similarities for defining allthree as the same character type: the fool. One of the most important similarities for theevolutionary discussion was that especially Dag-Otto and Bottom are consistently themselves.Furthermore, the Darwinian perspective, especially with theories of Daniel Nettle, indicatesthat there are several factors that come into play for successive fiction.
A better DREAM? : Utvärdering och utveckling av en metod för analys av olyckor inom biltrafikdomänen.
Denna uppsats är en del av trafiksäkerhetsprojektet FICA (Factors Influencing the Causation of Accidents and Incidents), vars målsättning är att genom en förståelse för förarbeteende kunna utveckla aktiv säkerhetsteknologi för fordon. Inom detta projekt kommer en metod för olycksanalys, DREAM (Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method), att användas. Den här uppsatsen handlar om att utvärdera och utveckla denna analysmetod. Arbetet med metoden har främst gällt användbarhetsaspekter av DREAM. Även olika kvalitetsaspekter som till exempel replikerbarhet, har undersökts.
Den amerikanska drömmen i Cynthia Voigts Den långa vägen hem och Det nya hemmet
Cynthia Voigt is a well-known author of children?s books. She deals mainly with contemporary issues, although she also has written some fantasy. The Tillerman saga consists of 7 books. This essay deals with the first two, Homecoming and Dicey´s Song.
Jewellery in the logic dreams - på jakt efter drömkänslan i konsten
Nina Johansson starts her essay by making some examples of dreams to show the diversity of the ?dream world?. She speaks of how all humans dream, that it ties us together. She wants to translate the ?feeling of dreams? into wearable objects, and to be able to do that, she must try and describe what that feeling consists of.
Drömmen om NHL - The American dream : Finns det en eller flera vägar till ishockeyns finrum?
A lot of young athletes have great dreams but only a few reaches the stars. Which ways make it possible for the dreams to come true?This study has made a small research on the Swedish NHL professionals have made their way to the NHL by looking at data about their choices during his career, and tried to see if there is any connection between their paths to every hockey player's dream, the NHL. Results of the study show that there is a anatla different ways to go, but some are more common than others..
DREAM : Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method
Den här uppsatsen handlar om trafiksäkerhet och, mer specifikt, den mänskliga faktorns inverkan vid olyckor och incidenter. Arbetet är skrivet inom FICA- projeketet, vars målsättning är att förstå förarbeteende för att kunna utveckla aktiv säkerhetsteknologi för fordon. I första delen (kapitel 2?6) presenteras ett teoretiskt ramverk för att förstå förarbeteende i olika kontexter. I andra delen (kapitel 7?8) redovisas en metod för att analysera olycks- och incidentförlopp, kallad DREAM ? Driving Reliability and Error Analysis Method.
The Manic Pixie Dream Girl : En karaktärsanalys av det kvinnliga kärleksintresset i romantisk komedi utifrån ett genusperspektiv.
Denna uppsats hanterar hur kvinnliga karaktärer porträtteras i romantisk komedi genom att närmare studera begreppet ?Manic Pixie Dream Girl?. Detta begrepp leder till missförstånd om kvinnans roll i filmens värld och skapar diskussioner om jämställdhet och västerländsk berättarkultur. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka två kvinnor i två olika romantiska komedier uppfyller de kriterier som nämns av Manic Pixie Dream Girl-begreppets myntare, Nathan Rabin, har lagt fram och om det således är motiverat att argumentera att karaktärerna upprätthåller sexistiska synsätt. Den teoretiska grund som uppsatsen bygger på kommer främst från feministisk teori, men även från Laura Mulveys teori om skopofili och den manliga blicken.
En drömsaga. Material till en barnbok
My Exam work is about how to communicate with children. Reading for children is important and meaningful. They get connection with adults and inspiration to read and tell stories by there own. Therefore I created the draft to a children book. I made it up on my own.
BREAM : Domänanpassning av olycksanalysmetod till sjöfarten
Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka hur olycksanalysmetoderna CREAM och DREAM kan anpassas till sjöfartsdomänen, samt hur begreppet den mänskliga faktorn kan beskrivas och hur kan den analyseras. Teoristudier samt intervjuer med anställda vid sjöfartsinspektionen och domänexperter har genomförts. Ett förslag på hur en anpassad analysmetod skulle kunna se ut redovisas som BREAM (Bridge Reliability and Error Analysis Method). Den anpassade metoden har utvärderats med hjälp av experter inom domänen. Utvärderingen visar på att metoden fungerar bra men att ytterligare specificering av metoden till domänen är önskvärt..
Hatten, dockan, capen, byrån : ting och tinglighet hos Djuna Barnes
The inhuman element in Djuna Barnes?s works has been widely acknowledged. So far the research has, however, concerned itself primarily with animality, thus neglecting the importance of things and thingliness in her texts. In this essay I outline a new way of approaching Barnes were things are taken into account as a vital element in her literary world, using theories on prostheses, fetishes and souvenirs. In Nightwood and four of the short stories, ?A Night Among the Horses?, ?Aller et Retour?, ?Cassation?, and ?The Grande Malade?, I examine clothing, interiors, collections, statues and dolls as objects that in different ways harbour meaning, dream, riddle, memory, history, longing and desire.
Hur påverkasogräsuppkomsten av jordbearbetning :
Today it is common to spray against most weeds by using very expensive weed-killers.
The goal for every farmer is to have as low costs as possible for their use of machines and weed-killers.
Therefore it is in everyones interest to find other methods to fight the weeds.
Finding a way to reduce the rise and growth of weeds already at the preparation of the soil would lower the number of laps over the field and also decrease the amount of weed-killing dose.
Tests show that by harrow in the dark it is possible to reduce the population of weeds with up to 60%, but the normal reduction would be about 20-30%.
To verify the results above we made tests by using two different methods of preparing the soil. We tested ploughing and harrowing in daylight and during night. Later we checked the number of different weeds in areas prepared in daylight and during night.
By studying the results from the different methods used we found a considerable reduction of some kinds of weeds in areas prepared during night..
Snowboard - En idrott för alla? : En studie av Svenska skidförbundets satsning på ungdomar med invandrarbakgrund
AbstractAimThe aim of this study has been to survey the background of the youths in the selection group which participated in the Dream action day, to evaluate if the project succeeded and support the Swedish Ski Association with their recruiting process. The questions of issue have been: Which ethnical, demographical and economical backgrounds do the youths of the selection group have that participated in the Dream action day? Is there any common denominator among those who was drawn to continue? Do the youths want to contribute to expand the sport? Is Dream action Day a good way to reach out to the target group?MethodThrough a strategic selection made by the Swedish Ski Association 44 youths participated in a day during which they tried snowboard. They have been a part of our quantitative data collection and we have chosen six to interview. The interviews have been executed in form of semi structured interviews.ResultsThe results clearly show that few of the participants had any connection to the sport, neither from home nor from friends.
Hinder och möjligheter för arbetsmiljöarbete och rehabilitering i mikroföretag
The purpose of this study was to evaluate meals and eating in one day for at least ten truck or lorry drivers. Another aim was to investigate the attitudes by the drivers to food and meals and their expectations on the meals. This is a qualitative study conducted in ten interviews, seven of which were over the phone. The interviews were semi-structured and took about twenty minutes for each driver. Data relating to the food choices for one day were collected and questions asked about their attitudes to food and meals were collected simultaneously.
En kvalitativ studie om medarbetarnas upplevelser av att ha haft en hälsoinspiratör på sin arbetsplats
The purpose of this study was to evaluate meals and eating in one day for at least ten truck or lorry drivers. Another aim was to investigate the attitudes by the drivers to food and meals and their expectations on the meals. This is a qualitative study conducted in ten interviews, seven of which were over the phone. The interviews were semi-structured and took about twenty minutes for each driver. Data relating to the food choices for one day were collected and questions asked about their attitudes to food and meals were collected simultaneously.
Lång dags färd mot natt och Natten är dagens mor : En komparativ studie och analys ur ett genusperspektiv
The aim of this paper is to compare and analyze Eugene O?Neill?s play Long Day?s Journey into Night with Lars Noréns Natten är dagens mor (Night is Mother to the Day). The gender and power structures, as well as the characters in the two plays are analyzed. The main focus of the analysis is on masculinities, and therefore on the brother to brother relationships in the dramas. The presence of ?queer leakage? (as defined by prof.