

1158 Uppsatser om 24-hour urine collection - Sida 8 av 78

Vattnet i vår kropp : Förskolebarns tankar om vattnet innom oss

AbstractThis study deals with preschool children's ideas about water in our body. Ten children with the age of four to five were interviewed individually, the interviews were qualitative. The children were also asked to draw their answers and answer questions about a picture that represented the excretory system. The results of my study show that children did not have any knowledge about the water being vital for us. Preschool children had no knowledge of why it is important to drink water.


Dagdrömmar är en tapetkollektion bestående av tre fondtapeter som kombinerar det moderna, massproducerade digitaltrycket med traditionell, unik broderiteknik. Genom att tillföra handbroderi och dess struktur och textila känsla till ett digitaltryckt tapetmaterial skapas en kollektion som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan design och konst, lyx och budget samt dröm och verklighet.Daydreams is a wallpaper collection consisting of three images that combines the modern, mass-produced digital printing techniques with traditional, unique needlework. By applying embroidery ? with its structure and fabric texture ? to a digitally printed wallpaper material, a collection is created that lingers on the borders between art and design, luxury and modesty as well as dream and reality..

Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skogsbränsleuttag längs skogsbilvägar :

With an increased demand for biomass based energy and with development of better technique harvest biomass, new possibilities open up. With the possibility to combine traditional cleaning of road?s right of way with biomass harvesting, the work of suppressing tree vegetation could become profitable or at least decrease the road maintenance cost. However, knowledge about productivity and profitability in mechanical biomass harvesting in roads? right of ways are still limited.

Blomgren - en mönsterkollektion

This report is about the exam project; Blomgren- a collection ofpatterns. During eight weeks I have from the family Blomgren, whowas my grandfather?s family with siblings and parents, produced fivepatterns for textiles into interior and space. In addition to thefamily as an inspiration, I have taken into account of the collection?sname - as a word and the meaning of the word.

Framtagande av kravspecifikation för standardsystem

There are several methods and models within the areas of software engineering on how to proceed during a software development process. For each of these methods and models there are benefits and drawbacks, depending on how you choose to look at them. A difference of principle between the different models is that they either advocate iterative development or not. In parts of software engineering one makes use of different methods depending on which is most fitting in a specific situation. There are several methods on how to recieve more qualitative data from the end-users during the requirement collection, but the reappearing pattern is still user centric participation, which means that the user participates more actively in part of or the entire development process.

Hembygdssamlingar på folkbibliotek ? en undersökning av bibliotekariers attityder

Local history collections are fairly common among the Swedish public libraries and these collections often contain older or rare material. There are no national policies concerning the preservation of rare books at the public libraries, and the librarians of public libraries may lack that knowledge. The aim of this study is to examine librarians? attitudes toward their libraries? local history collections. We interviewed five librarians in the county of Västra Götaland and also made a small observation study of their local history collections.

Beteenden hos geparder i två stora svenska djurparker

Cheetahs in the wild are declining due to hunting, lack of prey, exploitation of habitats and loss of cubs to predators. Those are the main reasons to why cheetahs are kept in captivity today for conservation. Many cheetahs kept in captivity are seen pacing ? a behaviour that arise when the animal is prohibited from performing natural behaviours. It is believed to being attributed to a lack of stimulation in the environment where they are being held.

Utvärdering av prototypen för ett kollaboratorium inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

This study is a formative evaluation of a prototypecollaboratory for sharing data collection instruments inlibrary and information science (LIS). The aims were to findout: how the study participants, five hospital librarians,experienced the interaction with the prototype while workingwith predetermined tasks; and their views on the differentfunctions of the prototype collaboratory.Methods used for data collection was as a survey; followedby a think-aloud session where the participant verbalisedhis/her thoughts during the interaction with the prototype;and finally a semistructured interview. The survey wasanalysed with a frequency distribution, while the data fromthe other methods were analysed qualitatively by extractingthemes from the transcribed sessions.The results show that although the librarians expresseddifferent problems while working with the interface, mainlyrelated to the language in the prototype collaboratory anddifficulties with the page for applying metadata, all of themwere confident in being able to learn the system after using itfor a while. The librarians had a positive attitude towardssharing data collection instruments as well as comments inthe prototype collaboratory. At the same time, they wereaware that students and researchers might have differentabilities or incentives to work and share information.

En virtuell klädkollektion : En rapport om processen i att designa och illustrera en virtuell klädbutik till Stardoll.com

This is a report that goes through the design process of designing and illustrating a virtual clothing shop with the theme ?Stockholm Streetstyle? for the website ?Stardoll.com?. The purpose of the report is to examine how you can manage to get as close to designing a certain style or theme as possible, and also how the process of designing a clothing line can work, The illustrations were made in Adobe Illustrator and the final result of the project was an illustrated fashion collection with 21 parts, in the total of 6 outfits, and also a background for the shop. .

Bättre enskilda avlopp i Sigtuna kommun : möjligheter för bebyggelse i Odensala socken

There are around 855 000 on-site sewage systems in Sweden and some 1 800 of these are located in the municipality of Sigtuna. The Sigtuna local authority has set the goal that all sewage systems with insufficient function should be improved before the end of year 2010. A malfunctioning on-site sewage system may cause three main problems: spreading of diseases, discharge of eutrophicating compounds and wastage of resources. The municipality strives to reduce these problems already at the stage of granting permits for installation of on site sanitation systems. The municipality has recently adopted new guidelines, which demands certain minimum reductions for different compounds. The guidelines also state that it is preferred that neighboring house-owners cooperate in jointly built and operated sewage systems and that the system should be able to recycle plant nutrients.

Tecknade serier i bokhyllan: En studie i hantering och förvaring av tecknade serier på svenska folkbibliotek.

This thesis investigates the situation for comics in Swedish public libraries. The main questions is separated into two groups, the first dealing with the physical situation were we investigate placement, cataloguing and shelf arrangement. The second deals with the librarians attitudes towards comics and how they may affect their work. The base for this thesis is the idea that the comic medium may sometimes be treated different than the rest of the libraries collections. Because of this, a theoretical basis is developed which focus on different views on comics.

Ökat flöde genom timmersorteringen vid Ala sågverk

Ala sawmill in Ljusne, Hälsingland, has increased its flow through the sawing plant during the last couple of years. The problem now is the sorting plant, as this part of the mill is now slower than the rest. A close analysis of the sorting plant was therefore necessary to be able to increase the flow through. The aim of the project was to find solutions that can lessen downtime and increase flow. The goal was to increase the flow from 650 to 925 logs through the sorting plant per hour.

Verkbegreppet och bibliografiska relationer. En studie av gränsdragningen mellan olika verk med exempel från Dübensamlingen i Uppsala

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the concept of a work and the problems with its definition and will also examine bibliographic relationships. The main question is what are the boundaries of a work and at what point a work becomes another. What is the meaning of the concept of a work within the context of the library? What are the solutions of bibliographic relationships and the concept of a work in KRS and FRBR? The thesis is based on a literature review. In the literature I have examined the discussions of the work and bibliographic relationships.

Quantification of sleep in dairy cows in three different stages of lactation

The aim of this project was to quantify the total sleep time in modern dairy cows during24-hour periods and to investigate whether the total amount of sleep as well as timespent in different sleep stages varies between the dry period, early- and peak lactation.The distribution of sleep time between night and day was also examined. Furthermore,correlations between sleep and lying time, fluctuations in body temperature and heartbeat were included in the aim. Eight dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed were used inthis study, which was carried out between June and September 2010. In order toquantify sleep non-invasive electrophysiological recordings were performed.Simultaneously with collecting sleep data, body position and body temperature werealso recorded. No heart rate data was obtained due to difficulties of maintainingelectrodes for heart beat measurements attached to the skin.

Ungdomars fysiska aktivitet och dess betydelse för prestationen i skolan

This study where designed to investigate if there are any positive relationship between the extent of physical activity during adolescent's leisure time and the academic performance, and also if there are any negative relationship between the academic performance and the time spent in front of the television or computers. Another part of the study tried to find out if physical activity has a direct and immediate influence on the performance in school. 91 pupils (51 girls and 40 boys) in the 8:th year of the Swedish primary school, from three different schools participated in the study. All 91 pupils first responded to a questionnaire concerning there activities in leisure time. They where then tested in a mathematical test and the results where compared with the extent of physical activity and TV/computer time they had stated in the questionnaire.

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