

1158 Uppsatser om 24-hour urine collection - Sida 53 av 78

Personalekonomiska nyckeltal - Nyckeln till kommunikation och lärande

Insikten om att människor och deras kunskaper utgör företags viktigaste resurser är inte ny. Trots det betraktas oftast investeringar i människor som en kostnad och inte en investering för framtiden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur personalekonomiska nyckeltal kan användas för att kommunicera värdet av den mänskliga resursen och människans bidrag till ett värdeskapande i företag. Studien avser även att generera en teoriutveckling där teorier av bland andra Ackoff (1974) och Nonaka (1994) används och utvecklas med hjälp av den insamlade empiriska kunskapen från studien. I teoriutvecklingen knyts empiri och teorier om organisatoriskt lärande och personalekonomiska nyckeltal samman.Studien utgår från ett ?Human Resource-perspektiv?, och i problemformuleringen ställs frågor kring HR-avdelningens (HR:s) roll och på vilket sätt nyckeltal kan fungera som kommunikationsverktyg mellan HR och ledningen.

Giftskåpet: Praktik och princip

The aim of this thesis is to examine the historical use of "poison cabinets", or restricted shelves, in Swedish libraries. Drawing upon the theories of Mary Douglas and Michel Foucault, it also seeks to sketch a cultural and ideological context of the practice; with the emphasis on social or mental hygiene, and disciplinary aspects. Through qualitative interviews as well as digitalized recordings of librarians active during the first half of the 20th century, actual examples of poison cabinets are presented. A closer examination is conducted of past collections at Lund University Library, and two large public libraries situated in Växjö and Sigtuna. The essay also investigates views on library censorship, controversial literature, and other related subjects reflected in th elibrary press during the period 1916-1979.

Uthållig sanitet : en förstudie i staden Picota, Peru

The access to good sanitary facilities is an important factor that elevates the experienced living standard as it improves hygiene and reduces the transmission of deseases. The ratification of the millennium goals by 189 countries demonstrates that this is an important international issue. Together the countries have taken upon themselves that the proportion of the population that lacked access to sustainable safe drinking water and sanitary facilities in the year 2000 will have been reduced by half by the year 2015. In Peru, the construction of sewage pipe networks to transport the sewage out of the direct human environment is progressing. The safety and sustainability of these systems can be questioned, since in Peru the sewage seldom receive any treatment before being emitted to a recipient. This is taking place in Picota and sorrunding villages as well. In the last 25 years several systems implementing small-scale onsite treatment have been introduced throughout Latin America in an attempt to give more people access to sustainable and safe sanitary facilities, reducing water consumption and taking advantage of the agricultural values of the sewage fractions while protecting the environment from its negative impact. In this study three different sanitary systems and the effects of different population growths were compared.

Uba?tar pa? djupdyk i svensk media : En kvalitativ textanalys av framsta?llningen av uba?tskra?nkningen i Stockholms ska?rga?rd a?r 2014 i svensk media.

The 17th October 2014 the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) introduced an intelligence operation in Stockholm archipelago after receiving credible observations regarding illegal underwater activities. Following the data collection and associated analysis it could be stated with certainty that a foreign submarine had violated the Swedish territorial waters. Media depend on SwAF to provide them with accurate information due to the confidentiality in these matters and the general area of investigation is therefore how the actions of the Swedish Armed Forces, in the submarine incident 2014, were portrayed in the Swedish media. Newspapers and blogs of defense policy represent the media and the thesis is based on the theories constructed by Graham Allison, the rational actor, organizational behavior and governmental politics. Furthermore, it is relevant to examine if there are any similarities or differences in how the submarine incident is illustrated, and what may be the reason for any possible occurrences.

Det kommunikativa kontoret : En kvalitativ studie om aktivitetsbaserade kontors påverkan på intern kommunikation

TitleThe communicative office ? A study of the effects that Activity based offices has on internal communication.      Authors                             Carl Varli, Jonas Eklund and Petter Göransson Course                              Business administration III ? Organization ? Bachelor? thesis Tutor                                 Olle Duhlin           Examiner                          Mikael Lundgren Background                      The prime focus of activity based office designs are the though of choosing your workplace along with your work task, instead of the other way around. This means that you do not longer have a set workstation of your own, you move around according to where to your current work will be best performed.  Problem                           We want to explore how the communication within a company?s departments has been affected by the introduction of an activity-based office design.Purpose                             The purpose of this study was to get an understanding of how this office design could effect the communication within companies that uses it. Further more, we wanted to study the effects that this kind of office would have on the communication within a department.

Att lyckas med CSR : En fallstudie av Electrolux arbete med Corporate Social Responsibility med fokus på förändring/utveckling av arbetet mellan åren 2003 och 2008

During the last years, the moral and ethics in companies has been a growing subject in media. Large multinational companies are to a bigger extent using workforce in developing countries and the working conditions at the workplaces in those countries, are more or less controlled. Even if a company carefully controls its own business, it can be using subcontractors that for instance use child labour or forced labour, or in some other way makes human rights abuses. When the world gets more globalized and the market where the companies act gets bigger, there will be new issues for companies to handle. The companies have to satisfy not only the interests of the costumers and the shareholders, but also the environment around it, containing many different stakeholders.

Ubåtar på djupdyk i svensk media : En kvalitativ textanalys av framsta?llningen av uba?tskra?nkningen i Stockholms ska?rga?rd a?r 2014 i svensk media.

The 17th October 2014 the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) introduced an intelligence operation in Stockholm archipelago after receiving credible observations regarding illegal underwater activities. Following the data collection and associated analysis it could be stated with certainty that a foreign submarine had violated the Swedish territorial waters. Media depend on SwAF to provide them with accurate information due to the confidentiality in these matters and the general area of investigation is therefore how the actions of the Swedish Armed Forces, in the submarine incident 2014, were portrayed in the Swedish media. Newspapers and blogs of defense policy represent the media and the thesis is based on the theories constructed by Graham Allison, the rational actor, organizational behavior and governmental politics. Furthermore, it is relevant to examine if there are any similarities or differences in how the submarine incident is illustrated, and what may be the reason for any possible occurrences.

FE-modellering av hjullast på sandwichpanel

This bachelor thesis in mechanical engineering was performed during the spring2015 in collaboration with Composite Consulting Group in Laholm. TheComposites Consulting Group works mainly with design and details of differentcomposite projects, their main area is FE-calculations, 3D-modelling andmechanical tests with composite materials.The aim of this bachelor thesis was to simplify the calculation process of solidmechanics for sandwich panels by simulation with computer software. The goalwas to decrease the time for the design and calculation process of the constructionand the cost of the practical tests. Our task was to build a static three dimensionalmodel with the computer software Abaqus, where the result should correspondwith the practical pressure tests in laboratory.The project started with collection of material data from Composites ConsultingGroup and by learning the software Abaqus, simultaneously a specification wasdeveloped in corporation with the company. Later on, a static wheel pressuremodel in the software Abaqus was produced which simulated the behavior of thesandwich panel during static wheel-pressure by a pallet truck.

Smittskyddsrutiner vid flytt av djur mellan djurparker

Animals in zoos live in small enclosed areas. If a pathogen is introduced to the zoo, the animals are extremely vulnerable. The highest risk of introducing new pathogens occurs when new animals are introduced to the collection. Therefore it is essential that zoos have a protocol in place for disease prevention. This review has studied literature on the subject of disease prevention protocols when translocating animals between zoos.

Immobilisering av extremitetsfrakturer inom ambulanssjukvård : Ett pilotprojekt med SAM-splint

Within the ambulance care in Uppsala County a vacuum splint is used to immobilize fractures on extremities. The research available on which method of immobilizing to prefer during pre-hospital treatment is limited. The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the perceptions of the ambulance personal in Uppsala County on the issue of usability of SAM-splint and vacuum splint when immobilizing extremities. The project was also aimed at researching if SAM-splint could be seen as an alternative or a complement to vacuum splint, and to get an apprehension on any evident differences in patients? perceived pain when treated with the two different approaches. A descriptive comparative study was carried out. All patients, regardless of age and sex, with the need of immobilizing supposed fractures, were included.  Patients with suspected femur fracture, collum fracture, or where pre-hospital care was not possible or in question, was excluded.

?Man ska kunna komma in vit i ansiktet utan att det är någon som gnäller på en?: En studie av en Unga vuxna-avdelning.

The aim of this thesis is to examine whether the youth section, named ?Young adults?, in the library in our study is justified or not. We will do this by examining connections between society?s and the library?s views on youth and youth culture. In our study we examine the purpose of the young adult-department and which measures are taken to reach the purposes.

Patienters rökvanor, deras motivation till rökavvänjning samt om de har blivit tillfrågade om sina rökvanor av tandvårdspersonal

The aim of the present study was to examine smoking behaviour and motivation for smoking cessation in patients at a dental clinic. Another aim was to examine if the patients had been asked by the dental staff regarding their smoking habits.Twenty-two patients from a student clinic and twenty-one patients from a Swedish Public Dental Service Clinic in southern of Sweden participated in the study. Participants consisted of eighteen women and twenty-five men. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that was directed at smokers. The questionnaire was answered in connection with the visit to the dental hygienist.The patients smoked between eight and twelve cigarettes per day and had on average smoked between 5 -15 years.

Brytning spelar ingen roll! : Elevernas syn på lärarens brytning och dess påverkan i matematikundervisning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the teacher's background affect students' approach to mathematics teaching. Characteristically, in Sweden today is that mathematics is perceived as difficult subject and that the number of foreign teachers has increased. The study examines a phenomenon which the relationship between the teacher's language accent and substance difficulties.The method used for data collection is questionnaires, in order to investigate the phenomenon as the relationship between the teacher's accent and substance difficulties.The investigation has been carried out based on the students' point of view, both secondary and primary school pupils. What difficulties have arisen in teaching?  What is the biggest obstacle to achieve the goals of mathematics, to understand the teacher's language accent first in order to understand the subject, or that mathematics is difficult in itself to be understood as a substance.The result clearly shows that the teacher's accent does not affect teaching and students' view of mathematics as a subject.

Detection of mutations in dihydropteroate synthase (dhps) and dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) in Plasmodium falciparum in eastern Sudan

ABSTRACT: Commercial swab transport systems are used for collection and transporting of fecal and other microbiological samples. This system must maintain viability and contribute to survival of microorganisms during transport to the laboratory. Four swab transport systems have been compared, eSwab, ?- Transwab and fecalSwab, all three with flocked swabs, and Copan Venturi Transystem with rayon swabs. The study followed the recommendations from the Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute; document M40-A for recovery of Samonella, Shigella, Yersinia and Neisseria gonorrhoeae after storage for 0, 6, 24, 48 and 72 h at room- (22-25°C) and refrigerated (2-8ºC) temperature.

Mötet mellan psykiskt funktionshindrad individ och sällskapsdjur : En etnografisk studie om interaktionens betydelse för känsla av välbefinnande.

The purpose of the study was to find out whether the interaction between mentally disabled individuals and pet positively affects the individual and gives a feeling of well-being to the extent that this might be implicated in the psychologically disabled people?s everyday life in some form of rehabilitation measure. The study is qualitative and builds on an ethnographic design. Data collection was performed through six observations, six interviews and reflections. Interviews were also conducted with relatives and assistants for greater opportunity for follow-up questions, and descriptions of the situation.

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