

1158 Uppsatser om 24-hour urine collection - Sida 43 av 78

Identifiering och uppföljning av kvinnor med postpartumdepression : Distriktssköterskors och barnmorskors uppfattning

ABSTRACTBackgroundPostpartum depression (PPD) occurs in 10% of women who have recently given birth. Postpartum depression is treatable but unidentified and untreated it could lead to serious consequences. There are multiple instruments for screening available. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is the most frequently used and is regarded as the best instrument. AimThe aim of this study was to analyze to what extent and how midwifes and primary care nurses identify mothers with symptoms of depression respectively PPD.

Elektroniska tidskrifter - var, när, hur och i så fall varför?

An increasing number of scholarly publishers are beginning to make their journals available electronically. At the same time there is a growing amount of exclusively electronic journals freely accessible on the Internet. These are facts that librarians have to take into consideration.This master's thesis aims to describe the electronic journal and its role in Swedish academic libraries. In a review of current literature about electronic journals, the authors discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and their impact on scholars, publishers and libraries. To investigate the situation in Sweden, a questionnaire was sent out to 43 academic libraries.Questions were raised about the selection and acquisition of electronic journals, access, technology and economy.The results show that almost half of the 35 responding libraries offer electronic journals to their users.

Utvärdering av närstridsillustrator : Piloters expertis till stöd för framtida utveckling

This thesis describes the evaluation of a prototype (Illustrator) for future simulator training of Within Visual Range - combat in the Swedish Air Force. The main focus was to collect and transform user acceptance data (expert opinions) to useful guidelines for continued development. Thirteen active fighter pilots participated in the study. The aim was to use expert opinion to study a) the psychological user acceptance, and b) the technical user acceptance, of the Illustrator together with c) gathering opinions for future improvement. Three psychological aspects were rated before and after the sessions to measure psychological user acceptance.

Användarstyrt förvärv vid tre högskolebibliotek

User-centred acquisitions at three academic librariesA new way of developing collections has been adopted at a number of small academic libraries, user-centred acquisitions. The method implies that the main way of building the collection is by means of receiving suggestions of titles from library users. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate changes in acquisitions of monographs. At a more detailed level it seeks a deeper understanding of what user-centred acquisitions is and how the method effects the acquisitions process. Changes in stock management and the reason why the libraries have chosen the method is investigated as well.

Försvarsmaktens arbete mot en jämnare könsfördelning bland officerare

The number of female officers employed in the Armed Forces is low. Of the total proportion officers, female stand for 4.8 %. The Armed Forces are currently working actively to level out the distribution. This paper is intended to create a better understanding of the slow increase in female officers in the Swedish Armed Forces. The study is qualitative and the results from the data collection have been based partly on a text analysis, partly on a theme-based group interview in which three themes have been discussed.

Folksonomi ? en förklaring i perspektiv av kunskapsorganisation

The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate and to explain the concept of folksonomy in the perspective of knowledge organisation. By creating a conceptual explanation and defining what folksonomy as a concept consists of, the intent is to establish a basis for evaluating folksonomy and to discuss what relevance folksonomy may have in the field of knowledge organisation. By applying a qualitative content analysis a review is performed on how folksonomy is perceived and discussed in a selection of articles written on the subject. Employing the theory of classification, subject indexing and bibliographic retrieval, folksonomy as a method for knowledge organisation is analysed. The practice of tagging in existing systems is also studied.

Metod för urval av bäriga bestånd längs med bäriga vägar i Sveaskogs planeringsområde Råneå och Överkalix :

With increased need for flexibility in timber deliveries, forest roads become an important factor. The disintegration of roads during the spring season can be avoided if it is possible to rule cutting areas to stands with good carrying capacity along roads with good carrying capacity. The goal with this work was to create a method to find the stands with high carrying capacity located near roads with high carrying capacity, and select them into a collection file. The method was based on Esri ArcGIS 9 and the tables that follow within that program. The method resulted in four different themes: 1. Collections with GYL 100 that cross the bufferzon for 0, 1, 2 and 3 class roads. Result 36 collections. 2. Collections with GYL 100 and 200 that cross the bufferzon for 0, 1, 2 and 3 class roads.

Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?

The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what?s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ?long-term health? has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence.

Kartläggning av informationsbehov

This report is the result of a thesis carried out during the spring of 2010 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo. The purpose of this thesis has been to make an inventory and mapping of information used by flow groups that are most relevant for the day-to-day work. This mapping will then form the basis for information supplied by an automated system.The project consisted of:Identifying how the information is supplied today.Inquiring into the needs of an automated system.Which needs of information that will be provided by the system.Data collection occurred in two ways, both through observations and interviews. Observations of the participants were carried out early in the thesis, where the aim was to create a picture of the problem, and gradually develop a basis for the actual interview study. At each observation, an unstructured observation was used, which means that all activity was recorded.

Biståndshandläggares uppfattning av begreppet skälig levnadsnivå och handlingsutrymme. : En kvalitativ studie.

Our aim of this study is to analyze how the concept of reasonable standard of living is by assistance officers in geriatric care, as well as the impact of their discretion on the assessment. We conducted a qualitative study with the help of interviews. During the collection of the empirical material, we have experienced greater confusion among assistance officers opinion about the concept of reasonable standard of living. We lacked a clear answer to the concept content. The interview subjects' responses did not differ so much, they said, among other things, that the concept is difficult to interpret, fuzzy, or that they do not have a good understanding of it.

Prissättning av IPO:s på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Title: Pricing of IPO:s on the Swedish stock market Authors: Mikael Gustavsson Martin Kvist Henrik Wannberg Tutor: Anders Hederstierna Problem: There are certain sets of problems for underwriters when they are pricing potential stock-exchange companies. The problem partly consists of estimating the demand at an IPO and also to accurately value the business in comparison to the market. To set the price per share is problematic, since the company carrying out the public offering wants to optimise the amount of capital at the same time as they want the share to be subscribed in full. If the IPO would not be carried out, it could cause harm to the position of the underwriters. Purpose: To investigate whether underpricing exists associated with IPO:s on the Swedish market during the period 1995-1999. Method: The collection of data has been achieved by means of: Internet, E-mail and telephone calls. Conclusions: We have reached the conclusion that oversubscribing in comparison to the return at an IPO has an average growth of 3.3 per cent the first day, on every occasion of oversubscribing. For the studied population, including 138 initial public offerings, the average market value rise is 15 per cent the first day. When we made our calculations, adjustments have been made for the general index of Affärsvärlden (AFGX).

Vägen mot den Svenska vardagen : En utvärderingsstudie om kommunpolitikers, Arbetsförmedlingens och Invandrarservice uppfattningar kring implementeringen av Etableringslagen

This essay is an evaluation of the act of establishment (2010:197). The act is about different operators' responsibility and accountability for new arrivals to get a more effective integration into society and to speed up the new arrivals' establishment on the labor market. The purpose of this act is to get more new arrivals involved in the Swedish labor market directly. By doing so, it gives these people a possibility to become self-sufficient. This study has focus in four different operators; Employment service, Immigration service and two local politicians from Social democrats (Socialdemokraterna) and Conservatives (Moderaterna).

Stellectric : En studie om modernistiskt blivande i utvalda dikter av Mina Loy

My essay is an examination of the poet Mina Loy and two poems that are essential in her authorship, these poems also represents a thematic entrance to Loys life and literary concepts. On the basis of Gunnar Harding preface and translation of selected poems from the collection Lunar Baedeker, I have chosen to look further at the poems Lunar Baedeker and Songs to Joanne, poems that accommodate contexts of an esthetical and linguistic complexion.Using terminology from the philosopher Gilles Deleuze as method for analysis, enabling an examination which proceeds from the concepts of nomadism, deterritorialization and line of flight. In the consideration of Loys modernistic and woman ?becoming, a situational and relational context is introduced which includes references to feminism, cosmopolitism, futurism, modernism, Dadaism as well as to acquaintances of Gertrude Stein, Djuna Barnes, F.T. Marinetti and Isadora Duncan.

(O)kritisk informationskompetens? : En utvärdering av undervisning i informationskompetens inom högre utbildning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the benefit of information literacy instruction in two student groups at Kristianstad University, in relation to development of critical information literacy and within the boundaries of the educational goals. This study takes on a critical information literacy perspective that combines critical pedagogy and standards for information literacy in higher education. Two methods have been used for data collection: interviews and questionnaires. According to the results of the study the information literacy instruction provided by the Kristianstad University Library is important and useful for the students in their academic studies. It also becomes clear that the information literacy differs between the two groups as a consequence of the varying information literacy instruction received by the two groups.

Resurser för närstående på Sveriges intensivvårdsavdelningar - En kartläggning

In the care for the critically ill patient the next of kin is of great importance. Their support, love and care for the patient, increases the wellbeing and makes a connection to the patient?s normal lifeworld. For the next of kin to be able to be that support the next of kin needs to be helped to maintain the basic need of for example their sleep, food, hygiene and psychosocial support. The critical care nurse must see to the patient?s whole lifeworld which includes their next of kin.The aim of the study was to identify the resources available for the next of kin in intensive care units in Sweden.

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