768 Uppsatser om 1900th century - Sida 50 av 52
I huvudet på Johan Magnus Wickelius
Denna uppsats försöker beskriva Johan Magnus Wickelius (1817-1867) livsförståelse. Eller hans teologiska typ. I det arbetet har jag använt Benkt-Erik Benktsons typologiska metod, inom vilken man arbetar med schematiserade typer som Wickelius är jämförd med och placerade inom (eller inte) under arbetes gång. Denna typologiska metod är inte en klassificering där individen, som undersöks, är placerad i ett fack för alltid. Individen är istället placerad i ett landskap där de schematiserade typerna är som kullar emellan (eller på) vilka individen sedan placeras.
Sametinget: en institutionell analys
The Saami, a Nordic indigenous people scattered over four countries, has for centuries been regarded as parts of the national populations of the countries in which they live. During the 19th century saami demands for greater influence resulted en several changes, among them the founding of a Swedish Saami Council in 1993. The council became a popularly elected, representative institution with an agenda of its own, but also a public authority answerable to the government. The decision to attribute the council this twofold role was unusual and, from a certain point of view, even controversial: it makes it difficult to determine the location of the power to act in saami-related issues and the legitimacy to do so.This essay is about how the twofold role came into existence, what it leads to and how the seemingly contradictive duality is managed. It has an institutional approach with theories concerning institutions and etnicity as well as institutional change and handling of complicated and ambiguous demands.
Livet mellan husen : ett utvecklingsförslag för Disagården
The open air museum of Disagården is situated in the Old Uppsala parish,
Uppsala municipality, are projected to portray a double row village, before
the land enclosure, on the Uppsala plain during the 1860s and 1870s.
Disagården operates under the County Museum of Uppland and serves as an
exhibit of Uppland's farming culture during the late 19th century. However, an
open-air museum is a complex institution where many interests are linked
together. Disagården aims to simultaneously portray an historical
environment while offering broad public appeal.
The Disagården open air museum was inaugurated in 1931 and consists of
relocated buildings that together form three farm complexes "Gränbygården",
"Skuttungegården" and "Bärbygården".
The thesis explores how the close surroundings of a typical farm in
Uppland looked during the 1860s and 1870s. This historical depiction has then
been applied to Disagården in a development suggestion creating a
foundation from which Disagården can structure the close cultivation of the
different farms. The basis of the development program has primarily been
compiled through archival and literary studies but also through on-site visits
and interviews.
How did the concept of open air museums start and what were the ideas
behind the concept? Which external influences affected the situating of
cultivations and buildings? Which crops and species were present on the
farms in Uppland during the specified time period? What was the relation of
the different structures to each other? Which organizations had influences on
the farmer's household of the Uppland plain? The thesis attempts to clarify
the answers to these questions.
The influences affecting on the farmer's household in Uppland were
probably numerous.
Kan biologisk mångfald ökas i ett avsatt skogsområde? : skötselplan för Storskogsberget på Holmen skogs marker, distrikt Umeå
The biodiversity of the Swedish forest has degenerated since the beginning of the 19th century when fire suppression and large scale logging first occurred. Together with a changed land use, these actions today have had a negative influence on many forest dwelling species, due to gradual reduction of natural processes, successions and different structures from the forest ecosystem. The Swedish Forest Act, together with different environment certifications, have today encouraged private persons and forest companies, among them Holmen Skog, to work actively to improve nature conservation. The aim of this study was to, by field inventories of already existing nature values, literature studies, recommendations from scientific reports and ecological gap analysis as a basis, make a management plan, for a non-production area, to conserve or improve the prerequisites for biodiversity. ?Storskogsberget? is located in the coastal area of Västerbotten County, 35 km from the city of Umeå.
Linderödsgrisen : en inventering av populationsstruktur och produktionsnivå
In 1993, Sweden signed the Convention on Biological Diversity and thus agreed to conserve our indigenous biological diversity. As a part of the convention, Sweden is obliged to conserve a number of domestic animal breeds and among them the Linderöd pig. In 1952, the zoo, Skånes Djurpark, took care of a pregnant sow that was regarded to be related to the old "forest pig". The old forest pig was thought to have been extinguished by the early 20th century as a result of the ban on boars not approved by state inspectors. However, according to later accounts, several farmers still kept some of these non-approved pigs.
Kungsängsverket : ett reningsverk omvandlas till park
Today, there are few industries left in our cities. Industrial areas thatare located in urban settings close to water or city centers are oftenreplaced by housing. In my thesis I want to explore how such industrialsite located in an urban setting can be transformed into anindustrial park where the industrial structures are saved. By approachingthis type of environment in a positive manner, I wish tohighlight the potential aesthetic and functional value in the existingindustrial structure. Through the transformation and design of anexisting industrial site I will convey the previous use and history ofthe place.The wastewater treatment plant, Kungsängsverket, is located in thedistrict of Kungsängen in the southern part of Uppsala.
Stureholm - en herrgårdsträdgårds historia, utveckling och framtida skötselmål :
Stureholm Manor and garden is a relatively young farming unit on clay soil in the north
western part of Skåne, a province in Southern Sweden. Since the middle of the 19th century
the landscape has been actively cultivated and has been transformed from oak forrest into
farmingland of high efficiency.
The industrial era during the 19th and 20th centuries meant new posssibilites for cultivation of
these clay soils. With equipment like steam ploughs and the possibility to obtain fertilizers,
the harvest increased considerably. This increased prosperity provided estate Stureholm with
a beatuiful corps de logi, a manor.
The trends prevailing in Europe around the turn of the century 1800-1900 against the growing
industrialism, was turned into a artisan movement known as Arts and Craft. The Swedish
followers idealized our Swedish history and they took the turn of a national romantic
movement that later turned into neoclassicism.
Urbana odlingsrörelser återbrukarträdgårdsstadens visioner
Uppsatsen är både ett teoretiskt arbete om stadsodling och en gestaltning av en köksträdgård.Under vintern 2010 åtog sig sju studenter uppdraget att skapa en experimentell köksträdgårdsom en fördjupning och vidareutveckling av 2009 års utformning av köksträdgården vidingången till Wanås skulpturpark. Mitt examensarbete består i att utifrån en jämförande studiemellan teorierna om trädgårdsstäder kring förra sekelskiftet och den nu pågåendediskussionen om hur staden ska odlas utarbeta ett gestaltningsförslag för en del avköksträdgården.Examensarbetet grundar sig i en litteraturstudie över trädgårdsstaden där jag tar avstamp iEbenezer Howards visioner om trädgårdsstäder som en lösning på de problem som uppkomtill följd av förra sekelskiftets snabba urbanisering. När trädgårdsstadsidéerna konkretiseradesi Sverige mellan 1905 och 1930 blev det i form av förstäder och egnahemsträdgårdar. Mycketav de ideologiska utgångspunkterna om självförsörjande småstäder och kollektivt ägd markgick förlorade. Jag har jämfört trädgårdsstadens ursprungliga ideal med de tankar och visionersom finns i dagens stadsodlingsrörelser.
Tame animals in the wilderness : livestock grazing around summer farms in Jämtland, boreal Sweden 1800-2011
The forest and mire landscape surrounding the north Swedish villages have been of fundamental importance through time for the farmers. In the Scandinavian summer farm system the forest and mire pasture was used to its full potential. The system consisted of smaller summer farms some kilometres from the main farm in the village, and were the livestock grazed in the forest around the summer farm. The livestock affect their environment, and grazed forests generally contain a higher biodiversity than an ungrazed forest. The overall aim of this thesis is to understand the impact of livestock grazing on a northern forest ecosystem over a long time period.
Längs en och samma grusväg. En studie om författarna till några handskrivna sångböcker från sekelskiftet 1900.
Title: Along one and the same road - a study of the people behind some hand written song books from around the turn of the 19th century. It is based on some hand written songbooks found in homes along the small byroad in Kruse, Alva, Gotland. My own connection to the place is that I was born in one of these houses. During the summer of 2008 interviews were made with four people who live or have lived along this road themselves. Some of them have even lived in the same houses as the owners of the books.
Ulleråker sjukhus : trädgård och park : vårdprogram
In the middle of the 19th century came an opposite reaction against the hospitals? treatment of their patients and a more human way was requested. A link between crowded housing, bad hygien and other bad conditions had been noticed and nature was considered to be healthy. Hospitals and sanatiories moved closer to nature due to influences from England, USA and Germany, and cities began building public parks. Employment was seen as calming and healthy for the patients.
Snabbt, säkert eller skönt? : Cyklisters preferenser i trafiken
Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.
?Sumpighet och Vattensjuka? en centralmakts påverkan på ettlokalt landskap
The purpose of this study was to examine the goals, possibilities and rationales that could be found in the discussions concerning the digging of ditches by governmental subsidiaries in order to drain the peat bogs of late nineteenth century Sweden. A further aim was to look at the effect on the landscape on a local level i.e. Släthults moss in Bäckaby parish, Småland in the south eastern part of Sweden. In order to be able to explain the connections between politics and landscape changes in a local population and its deciding bodies, influenced by ideas, science and production, a quadruple helix model developed from a triple helix model by Björn-Ola Linér was used. As a model of environmental history, three step thought was used, borrowed from Donald Worster.
Vägen till välmåendet
Denna uppsats handlade om att genom en textanalys studera hur två hälsotidskrifter, Hälsa och Må Bra, framställde ämnet kost och hälsa. Hälsoupplysningen började under 1700-talet, med skrifter och utvecklades därefter till ett allt större forum i takt med samhällsutvecklingen. I dagsläget kunde jag identifiera flertalet sätt där hälsoupplysning förekom som tex. via TV, internet, massmedia, reklamannonser, apotek, hälsokostaffärer, dagstidningar, tidskrifter, etc. Av detta urval valde jag att genom en textanalys, samt genom att hämta inspiration av några analysredskap, som metaforer, intertextualitet samt modalitet, studera hur tidskrifterna genom sina artiklar valde att framställa kost och hälsa.
Från känsla till handling : Empatins betydelse för frivilligas engagemang
Since the late 50th century, the automobile has been normative in the Swedish society (Lundin 2008). This has led to an urban environment deeply characterized by the motor vehicle and its necessities, while other means of transportation, such as train and bicycle, have been ignored and put aside. However, over the past decades, a new trend has been seen in urban planning as a consequence of the increasing knowledge of the negative qualities caused by the car. As a result, the bicycle is seen as a conceivable transport mode.This thesis examines cycling on four issues:- Why is there a need of more cyclists? - How can the total number of cyclists as well as the number of satisfied cyclists increase? - Which factors affect the choice of transport mode? - Which factors affect the choice of route?The first two questions are discussed from a literature study that was conducted at the beginning of the thesis.