

419 Uppsatser om . outdoor. - Sida 4 av 28

Att utveckla en förskolegård : exemplet Kungstäppan

Studies in the recent years have showed that the preschool playground is important for both the physical and emotional development of children. The Botkyrka local government has decided to improve their preschool playgrounds in order to take advantage of these studies. The administration of childcare and education in Botkyrka is arranging a network between the different preschools where they work together to improve their outdoor environments. The network is arranging workshops and seminars where people from the different preschools can come and gain inspiration for improvements of their own preschools. The administration of properties has created a document where they describe the changes that are supposed to be made to the different outdoor environments. Through the administration of properties and the person who is responsible for the outdoor environments I was introduced to their work with the preschool playgrounds.

Innovationens ramar - en kvalitativ intervjustudie i kreativitetens begränsning och dess inverkan för grönare restaurangmenyer

Outdoor recreation habits in metropolis and rural areasThis study aims to examine the perception of nature and outdoor recreation habits from an urban-rural prospective. The urbanization process continues in Sweden and the populations of the cities are growing continuously. Trends to build more compact and ?climate smart? reigns and with this a risk that green areas and areas where outdoor recreation can be practiced are situated further and further away from the urban population. Analyzing the responses from a survey made by the research program Friluftsliv i förändring 2007 we have examined if and which differences exists between urban and rural areas regarding their perception of nature, outdoor recreation habits and factors influencing the practice of outdoor recreation.

Barnens trädgård : Barnsjukhusets utemiljö - Uppsala

The outdoor environment at Children's hospital, the University Hospital, Uppsala, is used by sick children at the Children's hospital, their families and the hospital staff. The staff at the Children's hospital wanted to render the site more attractive and available. This graduation thesis is a proposal about how the outdoor environment at the Children's hospital can be improved. The aim is to design an environment for the sick children, their families and the hospital staff that will serve as a place for relaxation and privacy, as well as for play and movement. In order to find support for the redesign of this site I read literature about theories concerning healing environments, healing gardens, children's play and designs for children.

Uppfattningar om utevistelse i förskolan : En fenomenografisk analys

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Det är bra för barnen att vara ute! : Fem fritidspedagogers uppfattningar om utomhusvistelsen på fritidshemmet

The purpose of this study is to examine some after-school teachers? perceptions about the outdoor stay at the after-school care centre in the schoolyard and in the leisure- environment.Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with the after-school teachers at five after-school care centres in the Stockholm area.In the theoretical part presents the leisure- governance and ongoing research on outdoor learning, research on the school playground and kindergarten local environment affects children in their development and learning, and after-school teachers? professional identity.The theoretical foundation is based on the phenomenographic approach.The questions are:? What is outdoor education according to the after-school teachers?? According to after-school teachers, what educational opportunities are provided by the schoolyard and the local environment?? How do the after-school teachers use the schoolyard and local environment?The result shows that outdoor education can be a knowledge invigorating complement to the indoor teaching and a way for the after-school centre to supplement the compulsory schoolday. The play outdoors can help to increase children's social development, creativity and imagination. The after-school teachers used the schoolyard and local environment for various purposes which may be due to different circumstances, knowledge and experience to carry out educational activities outdoors. But it may also depend on whether the after-school teacher focuses on the regular school day or in the afternoon at the after-school care centre..

Utomhusmiljöns betydelse för hälsa och lärande : en enkätundersökning om gymnasieungdomars upplevelser

One of our big public health problems in Sweden is that human beings are too inactive in outdoor settings. That is why stress related diseases increase and influence humans both mentally and physical. The physical activity is halved among many children when they start school and the older they become the less they enjoy school. It is also an increasing problem that children and youth in today's society have lack of worthwhile experiences in the nature. The aim of this study was therefore to examine how the experience of outdoor environment had importance for health and learning on upper secondary school pupils.

Sambandet mellan saldodifferenser och effektivitet : En fallstudie på utomhuslager inom Sandvik Materials Technology

To meet the needs and demands of the costumer, accurate information about how much is available in stock is necessary. When the information in the system does not match the physical inventory, inventory inaccuracy occurs. Inventory inaccuracy is common among companies and may contribute to increased labor cost, excess inventory, production disruptions, waste of time, late deliveries, poor service and lost customers.The purpose of this study is to identify contributing factors to inventory inaccuracy for business with outdoor storage. The study also aims to investigate how efficiency factors can reduce the inventory inaccuracy for business with outdoor storage.A case study was conducted to answer the purpose. A company in the steel industry was chosen to examine inventory inaccuracy on business with outdoor storage.

Förskolegård för ett Reggio Emilia inspirerat tankesätt :

The shape and arrangement of the outdoor environment at a preschool has a critical impact on the possibilities to practice different pedagogic activities (Grahn et al.1997). At the preschool at Edwin Ahlqvists road, the employees are inspired by Reggio Emilia in their way of thinking, and they consider their outdoor environment is not suitable for the pedagogic activities they use. Reggio Emilia is a city in the north of Italy (Wallin 2001). The preschools there are famous for their pedagogy, their creativity and their democratic way of working (Dahlbech & Johansson 1986). The Reggio Emilia pedagogy is constantly renewed and developed, but with the children?s needs in focus and simultaneously with the quick changes of the modern society.

Utomhusmatematik : Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter presenterar forskningen om utomhusmatematik?

I denna systematiska litteraturstudie sammanställs forskning om ämnet utomhusmatematik. Insamlingen av datan har skett via sökningar i databasen ERIC (Ebsco) efter vetenskapligt granskade artiklar. Artiklarna har analyserats och resultatet av studien har gett en tydligare inblick av utomhusmatematik, men även om utomhuspedagogik. Det som återkommer är sambandet mellan matematiken och elevernas vardag, att eleverna måste förstå dessa kopplingar för att kunna utvecklas i matematiken. Studien har visat på vikten av elevdelaktighet, problemlösning samt för- respektive nackdelar med utomhusmatematik.

Genusskillnader i förskolans olika miljöer. : En undersökning om hur pojkar och flickor behandlas/bemöts olika i förskolan.

One of the importent things that preschool has to learn are to treat each other as different individuals. That´s why It´s sp importent that we as pedagogues are aware of the fact that boys and girls are treated different so we can act of our experiences and learn to concentrate on the childrens individuals. We as adults have to set a good exampel.The aim of this stydy was to find out if the pedagogues treat the children different because of their gender. The purpose was also to se if there were any differences when the children were indoor or outdoor. This study is based on eight observations at two preschools in different activities outdoor  and indoors the preschool.

Ett naturligt lärande : En studie om lärande och kulturmöten i några förskolors utomhusverksamhet

Today many children have limited experiences with the outdoors or nature. In most suburbs where people originate from many countries and have various ways of understanding nature is it perhaps in preschool that several children for the first time experience nature.This survey is qualitative and the main research methods are participant observations and interviews. The theories used in this study are mainly based on the thoughts of Dewey and Vygotskij as well as on ideas from outdoor education and different ways or ideas of understanding nature.The purpose with this study is to make clear in what ways nature is used by the teachers in preschool activities and how this work is done in preschools in multicultural suburbs. Questions at issue are: What way of understanding nature are the teachers trying to convey to the children? How is nature used in the ordinary outdoor activities by the preschool teachers? What are the teachers experiences of success and problems in this work?The conclusion is that nature is used in preschool activities in many ways.

Visten i Lovö naturreservat

Spending a night out in the nature is away for many to experience a slowerpace of life. Refuge cabins are a typeof open-air facility sometimes provided for more far off locations, yet it is in the vicinity of cities and towns that the opportunity for getting out into the natural environment is mostly sought after. Several nature reservs exist around Stockholm with the good intention of promoting the opportunity for outdoor activities. The aim of this study is to investigate how the provision of refuge cabins can be a means of facilitating and augmenting outdoor life experience in a proposed nature reserv to the west of Stockholm.

Barns utevistelse på förskolan : Utemiljöns inverkan på barns lekar och naturintresse

Through interviews with children of ages 4-5 years old and by observing children children at play at three preschools with different types of outdoor surroundings, I have investigated if the preschools outdoor surroundings have any influences on the children´ choice of play. The hypothesis was that natural surroundings can entice children´s interest in nature being in it and play. I have also investigated if the children know why it is important to be outdoors and if they know it has a positive influence on their health.The result of my investigation is that the children play about the same games at the three different preschool gardens, but at the preschool with more natural surroundings, the children have more contact with plants and animals, and could learn of the different phenomena of nature by the preschool teacher answering their questions. Most of the children in the interviews know it´s useful to be outdoors and be on the move and get fresh air, but many of them thought it was most important to play. By being outdoors the children get exercise, fresh air, play and at the same time they establish an understanding of the nature and a healthier life..

Användarinvolvering i produktutveckling på små sportföretag

Small!size!enterprises!within!the!outdoor!industry!seldom!use!a!structured!process!or!method!when!involving!users!in!product!development.!One!reason!for!this!is!that!many!structured!development!processes!are!designed!for!large!companies!with!very!different!resources.!When!involving!users!in!product!development!processes,!the!most!common!user! is! an! elite! athlete.! She! or! he! often! has! different! requirements! than! the! regular!consumer!and!in!the!customers?!point!of!view;!this!leads!to!nonCmaximized!developed!products.!!The! result! of! this! thesis! is! a! user! involvement! process! for! small! outdoor! companies!based! on! the! Sister! Kenny! Research! Center! Innovation! Handbook,! a! product!development!process,!which!itself!is!based!on!a!phaseCgate!model.!The!process!focuses!on!the!user!category!enthusiastic!amateurs,!since!this!is!what!companies!in!the!industry!require.!The!process!also! focuses!on!how!and!where! small!outdoor! companies! should!involve!users!and!give!recommendations!on!how!many!users!that!should!be!involved!in!a! product! development! process,! different! from! what! the! theory! recommend.! The!process! also! builds! on! that! ideas! should! come! from! the! users! first,! and! then! being!further!developed!by!the!company's!product!developers.!The!degree!of!communication!between!users!and!the!company!is!shown!and!the!report!clarifies!the!user!involvement!intensity!in!product!development!processes.!!The!involvement!process!that!has!been!developed!has!also!been!summarized!in!a!guide!that! can!be!used!by! a! company!on! a!daily!basis.!This! contains! information!on,! among!other!things,!how!users!are!selected!and!how!to!plan!a!workshop.!!! !.

Vänsterhandsteknik för klassisk gitarr

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

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