

419 Uppsatser om . outdoor. - Sida 20 av 28

Utomhuspedagogik : "Allt man kan göra inne kan man göra ute"

Utomhuspedagogik är ett förhållningssätt som syftar till att lärande sker i utemiljö. Det är också ett växelspel mellan sinneliga upplevelser och boklig bildning. Syftet med vår studie var att ta reda på sex pedagogers uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik och hur dessa tar sig uttryck i samband med barns lärande i förskolan. I studien använde vi oss av kvalitativa intervjuer och inslag av den fenomenografiska forskningsansatsen. I resultatet fann vi att pedagogerna hade varierande uppfattningar kring utomhuspedagogik och hur de såg på ämnet som ett verktyg för barns lärande.

How strain and production system effects chicken welfare and quality in meat : a literature review

There are several reasons why organic chicken production is scarce in Sweden. Lack of slow growing (SG) strains combined with higher production costs, lower meat-yield and uncertainty of consumers? willingness to pay seems to be the main reasons. EU-legislations imply use of indigenous slow- or medium growing strains in organic production, nevertheless, fast growing (FG) broilers are often used due to their effectiveness. Increased consumption of processed food creates a market for conventionally rearing of very heavy broilers.

Svensk plantskoleproduktion 2003 :

This work consists of two studies. One is based on an inquiery to nurseries with production of woody plants, and the other on visits to gardencenters, primarily in Skåne but also in Stockholm. Inquieries where sent to 87 nurseries, 48 of them replied. The purpous of the inquiery was to make a thorough investigation of the ligneous production at the Swedish nurseries, what is produced and in what quantities. Within the inquiery was also a thorough look at the fruit tree production. This to be able to conclude what cultivars that are produced and how large part of that production that is certified according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV).

Gestaltning av tillfälliga städer : en undersökning om egenskaper och gestaltningsprinciper

Designing temporary cities is a study of the design and physical planning of five temporary cities. The purpose was to discuss and note the important questions to be considered, when designing the outdoor environment in temporary cities to create as good an environment for the visitor as possible. The five cities I have chosen are among the most famous ones in Scandinavia, and they represent different kinds of temporary cities. This was a deliberate choice to achieve diverse research material, and with that a broad view of what the planning stage generally looks like. Study of the cities has been done through interviews with the people responsible for the design and/or physical planning of each city.

Utveckling av en äldre villaträdgård : från oplanerad till planerad

The result of this work is a plan for the development of an 1128 m2 elderly raised garden. The purpose has been to create an overall plan covering the long-term development of the garden. The work process has covered a description of the garden of today, review of requirements, analysis of the garden sections, design of a new plan as well as starting the construction of the new garden. The plan covers a time period of a couple of years to create the new garden since the construction work is carried out during spare time with small resources available. The planning must contain review of functions such as protection from insight, eating area and compost area. Also the esthetic expression must be planned. Colors, shapes, choice of material and plants together make up the esthetic expression. It is recommended to include anything you wish to create in the garden. In a raised garden one has to overcome the step to remove trees and shrubs and think different.

Hur påverkar förtätningen stadens grönstruktur? :

Urban density is not new, but rather one side of the continous processes of change underway in the city. During the urbanizing boom of the industrialization, when the cities grew bigger, the first spaces to be built on were vacant and planted areas in the interior of the district. The gardens that once were there were replaced by yardhouses. The idea of urban density is that a dense city means less distance between residential areas and workplaces, resulting in fewer shipments and travelers, which ultimately leads to lower energy consumption and lower emissions. Urban density may lead to shorter distances, but not necessarily. In the wake of urban density the greenstructures of the city is shattered. The possibilities for green areas to contribute to the health of the city and its inhabitants is dramatically reduced.


Den här uppsatsen har utforskat och skapat ett visuellt designspråk för datorförstärkta landskap i Astrid Lindgrens bygd. Uppsatsen ingår i ett pågående forskningsprojekt som heter Datorförstärkta landskap i Astrid Lindgrens bygd, som pågått sedan år 2010. Det är ett forskningsprojekt som National Center for Outdoor Education (NCU) i Vimmerby har tillsammans med Linköpings universitet. Den här uppsatsens roll i forskningsprojekt är att ta fram ett visuellt designspråk för datorförstärkta landskap i Astrid Lindgrens bygd. För att kunna göra detta behövde designern i den här uppsatsen ta reda på vilka kriterier denna applikation ska ha, vilken som är den tänkta målgrupp och slutligen även möta uppdragsgivarens krav.

Lärares uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik i årskurs 3-5 : Viktigt pedagogiskt verktyg eller utelek?

Sammanfattning Det talas just nu mycket om utomhuspedagogik. Med utomhuspedagogik menas då att undervisningen flyttas ut ur klassrummet, för att lära i, och av, omgivningen. Men är utomhuspedagogiken ett viktigt pedagogiskt verktyg i årskurs 3-5 eller är det bara utelek? För att ta reda på det har jag genomfört en enkätundersökning bland lärare som arbetar i årskurs 3-5 över stora delar av Sverige. Av 105 utskickade enkäter har 40 stycken besvarats.

Ekonomi i Passivhus : En studie av två verkliga byggnader

The aim of this report was to investigate the economy of passive houses. The work was focused on economy in total and on the economy of different components such as windows, insulation, heat exchanger and the air tightness of the climate shell. No attention was paid on the comfort factor or to the impacts on the environment.Two houses, aspiring to be passive were chosen; A big one and a small one. Hence, comparisons considering the size of the building have been possible to do as well.The comparisons were made by calculating ?break even? between two concepts; passive and BBR- concept.

Var finns lekplatsen? : Ett examensarbete om orienterbarhet i en parkmiljö

Detta examensarbete har skrivits inom ämnet informationsdesign, som en del av kandidatprogrammet Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Rumslig gestaltning. Platsen som har studerats är Folkets park i Malmö, som i skrivande stund står inför en större ombyggnation. Detta examensarbete har både tagit utgångspunkt i parkens nuvarande, samt föreslagna utformning, vilket gjort att jag under processen behövt växla mellan dessa två olika perspektiv. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att ta fram ett koncept som kan förbättra målgruppens möjligheter att orientera sig i parken efter den föreslagna ombyggnationen.  Genom teorier, platsanalyser och intervjuer har människors beteendemönster vid informationssökning i rumsliga sammanhang undersökts, med särskild fokus på hur detta kan fungera i Folkets park.

?På en femgradig skala så tycker jag en fyra? : En kvalitativ studie om turistföretags syn på marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler & målgrupper

Tourism is a growing industry that brings in a lot of money each year, range ofactivities increases and people travel more than ever before. More and more chooseto move from rural areas to larger towns, at the same time when people are travellingthey want to visit quieter places that can offer outdoor experiences in the nature. Thisis something that tourism businesses located in rural areas have a great advantage of.But when the range is large, it becomes important for firms to communicate with themarket, to make the tourists choose to visit them.The purpose of this study is to investigate which media channels and target groupsthat tourism businesses use and how they reflect on the importance of communicatewith the market. To find this out, interviews have been conducted with tree differententrepreneur, all located in Jämtland. The theory?s that has been used is strategiccommunication, public relations, market communication, media channels, socialmedia and target groups.The result shows that all companies think that thecommunication with the market is an important part in the work with the company.The communication gets the business a chance to be seen and it becomes more easilyto create relationships with the stakeholders.

Utomhusmatematik - varför eller varför inte ?   : - ur lärarperspektiv i grundskolans tidigare år

Flera forskningsrapporter visar att utomhusmatematik kan vara en effektiv och kompletterande metod till den traditionella matematikundervisningen. Vår erfarenhet är att utomhusmatematik inte tillämpas i så stor utsträckning i dagens skola. Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärarnas inställning till val av undervisningsmetod i matematik samt att få en ökad inblick i vilka faktorer som påverkar detta val. Frågeställningen som ligger till grund för studien är: Vilka faktorer påverkar om en lärare använder sig av eller inte använder sig av utomhusmatematik i sin undervisning? Internationella studier visar att svenska skolelevers resultat i matematik har försämrats.

Stadsdelsparken Skälby i Kalmar : historia, nuläge och framtida utveckling

Skälby park is situated approximately 2,5 km northwest of the central parts of Kalmar and is one of fi ve town part parks. Originally Skälby consisted of a village of four farms. In 1965 the municipality in Kalmar bought Skälby and the agriculture ceased to appear. The land was parcelled out into plots and new roads. Only the area surrounding the old buildings remained, turned to a park.

Utepedagogik, drama och bild : språkutvecklande arbetsmetoder

The purpose of this essay is to examine how out-pedagogy, drama and art can be used as means of promoting language development of bi-and multi-language learners, and to show what benefits these three methods offer to children of year three of an elementary school in Stockholm City. This is a small survey of work-style and the results are based on observations and interviews with five teachers which included three class teachers, one resource teacher and one other language teacher and it was carried out two full days of observations in both classroom and outdoor environment. In this work, I note how out-pedagogy, drama and art can help bi- and multilingual children develop language. My study shows, in accordance with the respondents interviewed, as well as research in general that out-pedagogy, drama and art is language development practices. They argue that out-pedagogy and the aesthetic elements promote language development of bi- and multilingual children in different ways and complements the traditional approach.

Objektiv rörelseanalys : ett stöd vid den visuella bedömningen av hälta hos hund?

Lame dogs are a common group of patients for the practicing veterinarian. In the literature it is described how a clinical examination can be performed, based on general clinical-, orthopedic- and neurological examination, and visual evaluation of the dog when standing and during motion. For research, objective gait analysis systems are also used to study clinically healthy and lame dogs during motion. The aim of this degree project was to compare objective kinematic gait analysis with a visual evaluation of dogs with different types of lameness. The project was a pilot study to show if objective gait analysis could be used as a support for the visual examination. Ten lame dogs of different breeds and with different diagnoses were included in the study. They were all patients at the University Animal hospital, Uppsala.

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