

419 Uppsatser om . outdoor. - Sida 19 av 28

Idiopatisk cystit hos katt : en retrospektiv studie

Lower urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats all over the world. The symptoms are for example dysuria, pollakuria, stranguria, periuria and hematuria. In approximately two thirds of these cats the underlying cause is not known and the disease is therefore called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). We need to know more about the disease to get a consistently effective treatment and prevention. A retrospective study was performed in 50 cats with symptoms of FIC and where other causes of inflammation were ruled out. Data like breed, age, sex, body weight, feeding, therapy and therapeutic results were collected, also if it was an indoor or outdoor cat, duration of the symptoms, if there was any stress and if the cat was living with another cat.

Erfarenheter av utedrift med köttdjur i Sverige och Kanada :

Beef cattle wintering outdoors should be provided a shelter, e.g. a type of barn or corresponding. This type of production requires appropriate soil types and secured animal welfare. For example, a clean and dry resting place needs to be provided to the animals. To receive an exemption for buildings the farmer has to have something equivalent that provides an adequate shelter.

Konstruktion och programmering av lerduvekastare

This degree thesis is based on an assignment from BEOMAT in Storfors. BEOMAT is a company that constructs and sellsclay pigeons to both the national and international market.Our main purpose with this paper is to find a solution/system that can replace the expensive and space demandingOlympic trap facility. Our solution will replace fifteen clay pigeon throwers with one automatic thrower whosimulate all throwers together. The system will be provided with an appropriate control system for mass productiontherefore this system needs to be user-friendly so no previous knowledge is required.Totally 405 different throw coordinates will be stored in the programme in nine different subprograms. According tothe Olympic-rules the throwers should coincidence within certain specified conditions, this will be solved with anrandomizer in the programme.

Digital 3d landskapsmodellering : detaljeringsgradens betydelse för läsbarheten hos digitala tredimensionella landskapsmodeller

In this paper I have sought a suitable level of abstraction in my models describing the landscape; the models are made to be viewed from eyelevel. Because of the spectator being ?in the model? the objects included need a certain degree of realism. I have sought what is needed in the model to be able to comprehend that the model is showing a landscape. Some details might be unnecessary.

Cross-suckling when sows are group housed during lactation : associations with sow productivity and behaviour

Cross-suckling, i.e. when an offspring nurses a female other than their own mother, occurs in pig production systems where sows are group housed during lactation. As production systems where several sows and their litters are housed together during lactation are getting more common, the need of knowledge regarding cross-suckling increases. The overall aims with this thesis was to investigate how sow behaviour and productivity are associated with the occurrence of cross-suckling, and to investigate consistency in sow nursing behaviour related to cross-suckling. The study included information about the first 4 parities of 40 LxY sows kept in outdoor and indoor production environments. Sows were single housed the first 2 weeks after farrowing and group housed (4 or 5 sows per group) from 2 weeks after farrowing until weaning, 7 weeks after farrowing.

Tilla?mpning och simulering av naturlig ventilation : Potential fo?r utnyttjande i kontorsrum

Mechanical ventilation is the most common type ofventilation in newly constructed office buildings. Therehas been an interest to utilize natural ventilationinstead of mechanical ventilation among architects andHVAC consultants in recent years. This is due to thesize of mechanical ventilation systems, which arespace consuming. The mechanical ventilation system isalso complex and requires maintenance. Furthermore,the fan uses a considerable amount of energy.

Utemiljön som pedagogiskt rum - Pedagogers uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik och barns lärande och utveckling

BakgrundUnder vistelsen på förskolan tillbringar barnen mycket tid ute på gården och i skogen, utevistelsen bör förses med betydelsefullt innehåll av varierande inslag för att barn ska lära och utvecklas. Utomhuspedagogik står för den okonstlade upptäckten av att erfara här och nu. För att lärande ska ske på ett för barnen meningsfullt sätt bör både gården och naturen erbjuda en miljö som skapar nyfikna, upptäckarlystna barn som vill. Utemiljön bör vara ett komplement till innemiljön.SyfteSyftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på pedagogers uppfattningar av utomhuspedagogik. Syftet är vidare att undersöka hur de menar att de arbetar med utomhuspedagogik och vad de tror det innebär för barns lärande och utveckling.MetodEn fenomenografisk studie med kvalitativa intervjuer för att få reda på pedagogers uppfattningar av fenomenet utomhuspedagogik och vilken betydelse den har för barns lärande och utveckling.

Stortorget i Lund : en kandidatuppsats om torgets utveckling från 1000-talet till 2007...

Abstract Squares, these public rooms have always fascinated me. I find them interesting because of their variety in shapes, functions, design etc. Stortorget in Lund is one of Sweden?s oldest squares, this essay is dedicated to this particular square. Of all the possible ways that you could approach Stortorget in Lund I have decided to do it from an urban design point of view.

Speaker Park : om ljudsättning av utemiljöer

This project will search for the sound in the contemporary landscape architecture, an attempt to combine music and land­scaping. In a first stage, I have searched for outdoor environments where loudspeakers are used, and sites with a concious sound design. The project will result in a sound design created for the park Frodeparken in Uppsala, Sweden. In my search for sites and examples of conscious sound, I have talked to the people behind the projects I found - landscape architects, sound artists and architects. Influences from different areas have been essential for me in the project.

EW26 : Drivanordning för vertikaltgående fönsterpartier

EW26 is a Bachelor thesis carried out by students, Jessica Blomberg, Sara Danielsson and Mikael Johansson, during the academic year 2010-2011 at the Innovation Engineering Program of Halmstad University. The project was conducted in close cooperation with Ergosafe AB.Ergosafe develops, manufactures and sells electric sliding windows. Due to the company?s current expansion phase they want to increase their product range. The company has identified a need for large windows that moves vertically.

Allt är möjligt hus i Gustavsberg

In a sequence described in the next paragraphs, I remove the poorly insulated roof of Gustavsberg Porcelain Factory and make new use of its  foundation. The monolith cement slab, once supporting heavy industrial machinery, is now the site of lakes and other movements:The top floor area is split, and a new built volume, one story higher, overtakes the southern half resting on the factory?s basement, digging into it at its western and eastern ends. Striking horizontally, the fissure exposes a long central axis, taking advantage of the factory?s horizontality to articulate vastness .

Samling inomhus eller utomhus i förskolan : - är det skillnad?

I läroplanen för förskolan Lpfö-98 står det att barnen på förskolan skall ges möjligheter att vistas såväl inomhus som utomhus och att utomhusvistelsen skall ge barnen möjligheter till lek i planerad och naturmiljö. Syftet med studien är dels att upptäcka om och i så fall på vilket sätt samlingen, som en planerad aktivitetsform i förskolan, skiljer sig om den sker utomhus från om den genomförs inomhus och dels att undersöka vilket inflytande barn tilldelas på samlingar inomhus respektive utomhus. Studien utgår från kvalitativ ansats och bygger på videoobservationer och återkopplande intervjuer (stimulated recall). I studien ingår två lärare verksamma i förskolan och barn i åldrarna 3-5 år. Resultatet visar att det inte förekommer skillnad mellan samlingarna inomhus och utomhus när det gäller form, lärarens förhållningssätt och barnens inflytande. Skillnaden som resultatet visar handlar om lärarnas olika sätt att hålla i samlingen och inte om deras sätt att använda sig av möjligheter som utomhusmiljön erbjuder. Barns möjligheter till inflytande påverkas inte av att samlingen hålls vare sig inomhus eller utomhus.

Utveckling av ny produktfamilj med handskar för användare inom street- outdoor segmentet. : En liten bit av naturen till staden, en liten bit av staden till naturen

This thesis describes the new construction of a small house and it includes studies of three heating systems: geothermal heating, district heating and pellet. The purpose of this thesis is to project a small house which can manage Building Regulations, BBR conditions and then examine three possible heating systems for the small house. This thesis is a literature study which gives an understanding of the heating systems technical structure, properties and costs. An empirical study completes the literature study by giving a deeper understanding of district heating costs and pellet costs. The empirical study contains two interviews, one of which was conducted in a district heating corporation and the other interview was conducted in a pellet corporation.

Utomhuspedagogik : A study about teacher´s attitude and use of outdoor education in primary school

Syftet med den här studien var att beskriva och analysera hur lärare i grundskolans tidigare år använder sig av utomhuspedagogik samt hur derast inställining är att bedriva den. De frågeställingar vi hade var: Vilken syn har lärare på utomhuspedagogisk verksamhet? Vad anser lärare att utomhuspedagogiken bidrar med i undervisningen? Vilka fördelar och möjligheter kas ses utifrån ett utomhuspedagogiskt arbetssätt? Vilka nackdelar och svårigheter kan upplevas utifrån ett utomhuspedagogiskt arbetssätt?. Studien har utförts genom bearbetning av relevant litteratur samt en kvalitativ undersökning genom öppna brev som skickats och lämnats ut till lärare som är verksamma inom skolans yngre åldrar. Totalt svarade 16 lärare på brevet.

Sedelförfalskning i svensk press 1944-1950

The purpose of this paper is to study what the press in Sweden wrote about counterfeiting from 1944 to 1950. By studying how the newspapers wrote about the crime of counterfeiting, the paper aims to give a glimpse of how counterfeiters worked and got their notes in circulation. The analysis is based on a theoretical perspective of a "we" and "they" in which Sweden is compared to the opposite abroad. The paper examines how the security of Swedish banknotes is discussed in Swedish news articles and how they describe counterfeiters and passers. The paper examines forty one newspaper clippings from the period 1944-1950 from twenty five different newspapers from different parts of the country.

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