

419 Uppsatser om . outdoor. - Sida 12 av 28

Naturvetenskap i förskolan : Pedagoger om relevans och uppfyllandet av läroplanens naturvetenskapliga mål i förskolan

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Naturvetenskap i förskola/skola : Intervjustudie om pedagogernas arbete inom naturvetenskap

The main reason for the study was to find out how much naturscience is used in the daily situation in the preschool/school environment with the younger kids. I have studied the teacher`s educations background, if this had any role in the teaching of naturscience. To get my answers I interviewed ten teachers with different teaching background.The result showed that science was present both in the preschool and school for the early years. Everything from teamwork to outdoor play and small experiments. To play out in the woods is most important part teaching in naturscience.My study showed that a teacher`s educations background had no part in the teaching of everyday life in the nature.Keyword: experiment, primary, school, science..

Hästar som utför vävning

The horse is an animal that often becomes humanized. Despite domestication, the horse still has a need to interact with other horses, be able to move for the most of the day, and being able to graze. If these needs cannot be fulfilled, the horse can be negatively affected and develop abnormal behaviours. An example of abnormal behaviours is weaving; the horse performs a swinging motion in the front area of the body during a long time. This literature review aims to investigate how different stabling forms (box/stall) affect the incidence of weaving, and also how this behaviour can be prevented or limited.

En park genom tiden : observation, intervju och litteraturstudie över Berzelii park

This thesis is a study over changes and similarities of people's activities in Berzelii park, with focus on the second half of the 19th century and present time. As one of the oldest public parks in Stockholm, Berzelii park has been a place for outdoor activity for more than a hundred years. During that time both the park and the society have undergone changes, but people are still using this green area in the city centre in a similar way as generations before have done. It is still a place for social gathering and during the summer month the park invite for optional and social activities such as a pause in the sun and pic-nic with friends. Some customs has disappeared like the 19th century social stroll, but through small changes in rules or design others have become given, like using the lawns as seating..

Ungdomar och datorn : Vilken roll spelar datorn i ungdomars liv?

How does the computer influence teenagers' lives. I interviewed five young people, and gave a questionnaire to another 47, about this.What I found was that they were aware of and handled well the risks with the Internet and the computer, but had problems with the computer taking too much of their time. They wanted more time for their families and outdoor activities. It was mainly the Internet that seemed to have an influence on the teenagers, not the computer as a machine. They told me that there was a rough climate on the Internet, partly because of the possibility of being anonymous.

Fönster mot naturen : den landskapliga infattningen av Bruno Mathssons glashus i Kosta

The main purpose with this thesis has been to study the design philosophy of Bruno Mathsson, how he worked with his houses and the landscape surrounding them and which kind of inspiration sources he had. My work started when I during the autumn 2004 got involved in an existing project related to one of his glass houses. The glass house is situated in Kosta and has during the last fifteen years suffered from so much vandalism and decay that it has become a problem for the municipality of Lessebo. The intentions are to restore the house and to transform it to a center for Swedish design, also containing a store and a café as well as hosting one apartment for scholarship students. My task in this project was to form and develop the outdoor environment in connection to the house.

Effekt på mjölkavkastning hos mjölkkor vid ökad andel bete i foderstaten

Compared with a few years ago, the cost of concentrates has increased substantially and because of that an increased proportion of pasture is of interest. Pasture is cheap and the farmer does not have to harvest when the cows do it themselves by grazing. This saves both money and time. According to research milk yield decrease with an increasing proportion of pasture in the diet. This is because cows on pasture will have lower dry matter intake than cows with supplements.

"Inne" är att vara ute? : Användandet av utomhuspedagogik i tio mellansvenska skolor

Gotland is famous around the world for its unique nature. The agriculture here has always been an important source of income and part of the identity of the island. But today the profession has low status and hard to survive. How can the interest for farming be increased?Gotlandsgården is an investigation about how the agriculture could develop.

Förskolepedagogers tankar om skogen som utbildningsplats

Detta är en intervjustudie gjord med elva pedagoger verksamma i förskolan. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på hur pedagoger ser skogen som en pedagogisk resurs. Resultatet visar att förskolepedagoger ser skogen som en pedagogisk resurs. Man använder sig av skogen i inlärningen av naturkunskap men också i exempelvis svenska och matematik. Pedagogerna såg möjligheter med skogen som till exempel att konkret visa barnen hur de olika årstiderna ser ut.

Yttre gestaltning för upplevelse inifrån

The report aims to show how outdoor environments have been shaped with the purpose of experiencing them from the inside of buildings, through an overview perspective. Two Danish gardens are used as examples. One is the Baroque garden in the garden of Frederiksborg castle in Hillerød. The Baroque garden is thus a part of a larger garden. The second garden is the Charlotte Garden, a relatively newly constructed garden within a housing complex in Østerbro in Copenhagen. Both gardens are analyzed on the basis of visual expression and structure. In the report, it is also discussed how the contemporary society have evoked the different ways of shaping the gardens.

?I don?t give a shit about fashion. I?m a man? : En kvalitativ undersökning om maskuliniteter och mansideal i Magazin Café

The aim of this study was to identify what kind of masculinity is shown in 54 articles of the Swedish lifestyle magazine Magazine Café of 1993 and 2008, and in which way this masculinity may be different from eachother.The study included four magazine issues of each year with analysis focus on main articles and abolishment of reviews and press items.  The method was semiotic analysis with focus on manly characteristics and stereotypes. The result showed that the normative man pictured in Magazine Café in 1993 was a man?s-man interested in manly characteristic business as sports, outdoor adventures and women. Fifteen years later not much has changed. The manly characteristics are the same but they have been complemented with a man-by-man accepted and homosexually inspired vain..

Finansiell kommunikation på internet : Hemsidan en effektiv kommunikationskanal - om den används på rätt sätt

Problemet i den här uppsatsen handlar om det börsnoterade bolaget Fenix Outdoors finansiella kommunikation på internet. Genom att på en övergripande nivå utgå ifrån redovisningsteoretiska resonemang, Stockholmsbörsens regelverk och rekommendationer samt genom att utföra en kvalitativ studie, borde det vara möjligt att på ett rationellt sätt konstruera en normativ modell för utformning av finansiell kommunikation på internet. Denna modell ska alltså fungera som ett vägledande instrument till hur Fenix Outdoor bör utforma sin hemsida. Modellen i sig ska vara av generaliserande karaktär, vilket innebär att börsnoterade bolag generellt ska kunna använda sig av modellen för att utforma sin finansiella kommunikation på internet. Den här uppsatsen bygger på en form av kvalitativ fallstudie av företaget Fenix Outdoor.

Det här är min skolgård : tillvägagångssätt för medbestämmande och ökad trivsel i skolmiljön

For several years has there been a leading line from the government and the municipalities in Sweden to invest in schools and school grounds. The outdoor environment of schools has been rediscovered and given a greater importance. Investments have been made both practically with reconstruction and in a research context. Although, my work started with an assumption that these investments were mainly made at primary schools, and that secondary schools were set aside. The thesis This is my schoolyard.

Trädgårdsdesign för hörselskadade : anpassad utemiljö för elever vid Silviaskolan i Hässleholm

There is a lot written about being hearing impaired. There are guidelines on how to adjust the indoor environment for the hearing impaired. There is even more written about gardening and garden design from different aspects. However, I found out that there is nothing written about garden design or adjusting the outdoor environment for the hearing impaired. At the background of myself being hearing impaired and garden designer I realised that I actually had adjusted my own garden out of the fact that I am hearing impaired.

Att uppleva naturen med alla sina sinnen : Hur undersöker och upplever förskolebarnen naturen?

AbstractThis project discusses various aspects of children's way to explore nature with their senses. Therefore I conducted a study in two preschools, one nature-oriented and another preschool. This study was carriedout usien the three metods, interviews, observations and surveys. Interview four children from each preschool, observations of each group outdoors during four different occasions and question forms to teachers. The result of the study showed that both teachers and children have a great interest in being outdoors in nature, but it is not always possible to take out all children's groups. The reason is large groups and inadequate staff.

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