

4 Uppsatser om Poloniteź - Sida 1 av 1

Fosforavskiljning i reaktiva filter vid smÄskalig avloppsrening

An excessive input of nutrients to lakes and other water bodies has created a problem with eutrophication in Sweden. Untreated, or partially treated, domestic sewage is a major source for discharge of phosphorus (P), which is the nutrient most frequently responsible for eutrophication of most fresh waters and the Baltic Sea. The waste water can be cleaned by filter materials, which have a high P-retention ability and which after saturation may be used as fertilizers. Four potentially suitable filter materials were tested in batch- and column experiments in this study. In the batch experiments, the following materials were shaken with waste water in time series ranging from 5 seconds to 60 minutes: coarse (1-4 mm) and fine (0-2 mm) PoloniteÂź (heated bedrock from Poland); FiltraliteÂź (light expanded clay aggregates with limestone added before burning); water cooled blast furnace slag (BF-slag) and BF-slag mixed with 10% burned limestone.

Avskiljning av ammoniumkvÀve och fosfatfosfor i reaktiva filtermaterial : skak- och kolonnförsök

In Sweden more than 400 000 private households have not yet sufficient wastewater purification. These effluent is considered as an increasing problem and many onsite purification methods have been studied. In this investigation, the method of reactive bed filters have been tested by column and batch experiments. Five different kinds of filter materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb ammonium and phosphorus from wastewater. The materials that were examined are Filtra N, wollastonite Filtra P, blast furnace slag and PoloniteÂź.

?RÀtt avlopp pÄ rÀtt plats? : ? Livscykelanalys av tre enskildaavloppsanlÀggningar

?RĂ€tt avlopp pĂ„ rĂ€tt plats? ? Livscykelanalys av tre enskilda avloppsanlĂ€ggningarProblemen med övergödning i Östersjön och i Sveriges insjöar Ă€r stort och enskildaavlopp pekas ut som en central aktör, framförallt betrĂ€ffande fosforutslĂ€ppen. I Sverigefinns det ungefĂ€r en miljon enskilda avloppssystem och nĂ€stan hĂ€lften av dessa har ensĂ„ pass bristande vattenrening att de inte uppfyller gĂ€llande lagstiftning. Utvecklingenav nya tekniker för rening av avloppsvatten har lĂ€nge strĂ€vat efter att minska utslĂ€ppenav övergödande Ă€mnen, detta ibland pĂ„ bekostnad av andra utslĂ€pp, sĂ„ somvĂ€xthusgaser och försurande Ă€mnen.Det hĂ€r examensarbetet har dĂ€rför med hjĂ€lp av metodik frĂ„n livscykelanalys (LCA)utvĂ€rderat tre enskilda avloppssystem med tanke pĂ„ deras utslĂ€pp av vĂ€xthusgaser,försurande gaser samt övergödande Ă€mnen. DĂ„ misstanke ocksĂ„ fanns att de lokalaplatsegenskaperna pĂ„verkar de enskilda avloppssystemens totala miljöpĂ„verkan,utfördes Ă€ven en intervjustudie med ett antal av landets kommuner.

Tillförsel av anvÀnda fosforfilter pÄverkar inte tillvÀxten eller fosforupptaget hos korn

The eutrophication of inshore seas, lakes and watercourses is mainly due to leaching of nitrogen and phosphorus (P) from agriculture. Many efforts are made to reduce the lea-kage of phosphorus in Sweden and the Baltic Sea countries. Phosphorus is also a finite resource and the mining of good quality raw material gets more and more difficult. Se-dimentation dams in combination with filters is one relatively new method to separate P from run-off and drainage water from agricultural land. This study was a part of an IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute?s project which tests the capacity and func-tion for separation of phosphorus in four phosphorus filters.