

2 Uppsatser om Verksamhetsarkitektur - Sida 1 av 1

Systemmetaforik : Språk och metafor som verktyg i systemarkitektens praktik

En systemarkitekts praktik besta?r till stor del av att tolka, beskriva och strukturera verksamhetsprocesser och -information som underlag fo?r fo?ra?ndrings- och utvecklingsarbete, oftast med sto?d av it-system. Professionen betraktas traditionellt som en teknisk ingenjo?rskonst. Men de problem jag sta?lls info?r som arkitekt handlar inte enbart om att designa tekniska system och kommunikation mellan maskiner, utan minst lika ofta om att hantera utmaningar relaterade till mellanma?nsklig kommunikation i komplexa situationer.Vad ha?nder om vi fokuserar pa? denna andra del av arkitektens praktiska kunskap? Denna magister- uppsats handlar om spra?kets och kommunikationens roll i kontexten av ett systemutvecklingsprojekt.

En generell processkartläggning av leveransplanering för biobränsle i Sverige

The contribution of biofuels to the total consumption of energy in Sweden must increase to 49 % in order to meet the goals for the year 2020 set by the European Union. In order to do so, improved information systems are needed to support the business processes within delivery scheduling between customers and suppliers.Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a concept to enable the alignment of Business processes and Information Systems. EA is the framework for the architectures of business, information and applications. With a comprehensive view of the architectures, an Information System aligned with the Business processes can be enabled. The first step in the development of an Information System is documenting the business processes.The goal of this study is to clarify a generic sequence of activities performed within the delivery scheduling process and the information needed to perform the activities.Data for the study was collected through qualitative interviews, first through a meeting with the respondent and after that a following telephone interview with in total 5 suppliers and 6 customers of biofuels.