

5 Uppsatser om Trettiotalet - Sida 1 av 1

Sommarkolonier - en samhällsfråga: en studie av Luleå stads barnkoloni Vallen under trettiotalet och fyrtiotalet

Denna uppsats handlar om barnkolonier och deras stora expansion i Norrbotten under andra världskriget, med särskilt fokus på Luleå stads barnkoloni Vallen. Idéer i samhället men även stora världshändelser gjorde avtryck i samhällslivet, vad syftande på barnfrågan. Den socialistiska politik som började föras i Sverige under 1930-talet satte spår i koloniverksamheten, det blev annan prägel på kolonierna, med ett annat huvudsyfte. Barnkolonierna expanderade under fyrtiotalet p.g.a. andra världskriget och med de påverkningar som följde i krigets spår, som livsmedelsbrist och hungersnöd.

Hemmet, kvinnan och moralen : I Malmö stads barnavårdsutredningar 1930-1936

This study, a narrative analysis of it, deals with the term, home, its importance and the use of it by Child welfare investigators in the city of Malmö between the years 1930-1936. Commonly used and acknowledged, home stood for security and order while the term, street, had just the opposite meaning. Living in the countryside symbolized health and sensibility, while city life was considered to be cramped, dirty and immoral. The responsibility of achieving the liberals and conservatives ideal of a sunny, clean and orderly home was given to the woman of the house, as was the task of keeping the home morally correct, and providing the necessary atmosphere for proper upbringing of the children. Consequently, the basis of theory, using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in regards to the conflicts between the upper and lower classes, and even theories of Jane Lewis of woman´s connection to home and family, have been the grounds for the study.

Svenskt tullskydd. En studie av svensk protektionism under trettiotalet.

This paper attempts to study the Swedish tariffs during the interwar period in order to asses the level of protectionism in Swedish tariff policy during the period. It is foremost the nominal tariffs that are studied, however an estimate of the effective rate of protection of the tariffs is also calculated for a number of goods. In order to asses the level of protectionism, the Swedish tariffs are also compared with Finnish tariff levels during the interwar period.The sample of Swedish tariffs that have been studied in this paper include the fifteen most important kinds of import goods and the fifteen most important kinds of export goods. The nominal tariff of each kind of goods have been weighted by their share of the total import value.The Swedish specific tariffs did not change much during the interwar period except for a few goods such as petroleum, coffee and automobiles. The fluctuation in nominal tariffs were in most cases the result of the steep fall in prices during the period.

Pedagogiskt arbete på folkbibliotek. En hermeneutisk studie av Biblioteksbladet under trettiotalet, sextiotalet och nittiotalet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine how the educational work of the Swedish public library was regarded in the Swedish library journal Biblioteksbladet at three different periods of the twentieth century, i.e. the thirties, the sixties and the nineties. Using a theoretical framework from the field of professionalization and a methodological framework of hermeneutics, it is shown that the educational work of the thirties can be described as having a focus on free learning whereas the educational work of the sixties can be described as having a focus on public utility. The educational work of the nineties focuses on the information seeking process of the user. It is noted that this development during the century can be understood as a shift of the cognitive authority of the public librarians.

Tolvstegsrörelsens gudsuppfattning

Tolvstegsmodellen som är grunden till Anonyma Alkoholisters, AA:s rörelse med fler, har allt sedan Trettiotalet varit ett avgörande stöd för tusentals människor som velat ta strid med sitt missbruk. Ett centralt värde i denna rörelse är värnandet av sitt oberoende och av sin anonymitet. Oberoendet gäller kyrka och offentlig sektor likväl som privata organisationer.Ett andra centralt värde är andlighet för den enskilda och i grupp. Vägen till denna andlighet är alltså inte någon kyrkas utan missbrukarens. Hur ser denna andlighet ut som enbart är till för att stödja strävan mot nykterhet?Gruppen är en mycket viktig del i de tolv stegen.