

7 Uppsatser om Tailoring - Sida 1 av 1

Skrädderiverkstan : En kvantitativ undersökning om hur ett litet hantverksföretag kan stärka sitt varumärke

This study is about Skrädderiverkstan, a small Tailoring company in Gothenburg. The study examines how this company can create a stronger brand for themselves in Gothenburg and how they can attract more customers but still keep the regulare ones.A survey was handed out and answered by the companys customers to see how they perceive the company and their Tailoring services. This study showed that the customers are very happy with the company but some customers are not satisfied. The conclusion is that the company must take care of these dissatisfied customers and listen to their arguments since dissatisfied customers can create a badwill but mouth-to-mouth. A few of the recommendations made is to make the waiting area more pleasurable for customers and making it easier for the customers to find the Tailoring company..

Design och utveckling av IT-verktyg : ger ringar på vattnet i en organisation

This Bachelor Thesis in the area of Computer Science and Work Science describes the process of design and development of an IT-tool between the municipality of Ron-neby and TietoEnator a development and consultancy firm, the Gothenburg office. The thesis focuses mainly on the cooperation between the consultant designer and the local municipal. Through cooperation, the organisation is incorporated into the tool and the tool is incorporated into the organisation. Concepts that are central in this thesis are design, cooperation and Tailoring. A question raised is, if distance work and extensive cooperation might be a good way of working in the process of design and development, when the organisation is being incorporated into the tool.

Design och utveckling av IT-verktyg - ger ringar på vattnet i en organisation

This Bachelor Thesis in the area of Computer Science and Work Science describes the process of design and development of an IT-tool between the municipality of Ron-neby and TietoEnator a development and consultancy firm, the Gothenburg office. The thesis focuses mainly on the cooperation between the consultant designer and the local municipal. Through cooperation, the organisation is incorporated into the tool and the tool is incorporated into the organisation. Concepts that are central in this thesis are design, cooperation and Tailoring. A question raised is, if distance work and extensive cooperation might be a good way of working in the process of design and development, when the organisation is being incorporated into the tool. Advan-tages and disadvantages of this way of working are discussed. Our studies show that distance work is a good complement for personal meet-ings between designer and co-developer.

Möbeltapetsering med inspiration från angränsande hantverk : om konstnärligt skapande utifrån gamla metoder och material

With abroad education of arts, textiles and nowthe upholstery there were nota long step to become interested inthe visual withinthe upholstery trade. I have chosen to highlight the shapethe world with boththe artist and thecraftsman's eye. I have explored hownew expressions canbe created from traditional methods and materialsfrom upholstery andrelated crafts suchas Tailoring for Royal andsaddler. These craftsmake up a webof technologies, materials,and to some extent tool returns and borrowed.By looking at afew items fromthese crafts haveI let myself beinspired and made ??use of knowledgehow to buildforms and eventransfer them tonew areas inan aesthetic andartistic direction.

Längtar du också till Fairadise : En studie om att ta emot och tolka en social marketing kampanj om hållbar turism

The basis for this study is the question of what happens at the point of impact between receiver and message in the case of a social marketing campaign on Facebook promoting sustainable travel. Hence the aim of this study is to analyse the reception of the social marketing campaign Fairadise in a sample of 19 individuals. The design of the study is therefore reception analysis with the help of four focus groups and thematic analysis to later identify patterns and themes in the gathered material. The theoretical approaches were collected from the field of media and communication and focused on public communication campaigns, public understanding of public communication campaigns as well as decoding of messages. The questions posed were; how is the Facebook campaign Fairadise received by the focus group participants? How do the participants read (decode) the campaign; dominant, negotiated or oppositional? And what assessments do the participants have regarding the visual versus textual information in the campaign? Previous research has shown that visual and emotional attributes are of great importance when it comes to interpreting messages about sustainable tourism and that rational information attributes are of less importance. The findings in this study agree with this previous research except when it comes to rational information.

Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projekt

Titel:Risk Managements påverkan för utfallet av ERP-projektFörfattare:Ann-Magritt Lindemark Engøy och Hanna MaunusHandledare:Pär VilhelmsonExaminator:Sarah PhilipsonKurs:Examensarbete företagsekonomi C, 15.0 hpNyckelord: ERP-projekt, Projekt Management, Risk Management, risker i ERP-projekt, lyckade projekt, misslyckade projekt, The Iron Triangle.Syfte:Att undersöka vilka risker som är mest förekommande vid implementeringen av ERP-system och hur risk management kan reducera dessa.Metod:Kvalitativ metod, hermeneutik, fallstudier, semistrukturerade intervjuer, välgrundad teori.Resultat:Organisationens och projektets ledning hade större kunskaper om vilka risker som ville uppstå och olika risk management strategier än andra anställda och slutanvändarna av systemet.  Standardisering, samordning och automatisering av organisationens kärnprocesser var huvudsyften för att implementera ERP-system i organisationen. God planering av projektet är avgörande för ett lyckat resultat. Det är viktigt med bra kommunikation och tätt samarbete mellan de olika avdelningarna i projektet, och även med externa konsulter som till exempel leverantören av ERP-systemet. Riskanalys var en viktig del av projektens risk management strategi. En skicklig och flexibel projektledning hade stor betydelse för att risk management strategin fungerade.

Den skogliga informationens roll i ett kundanpassat virkesflöde : en bakgrundsstudie samt simulering av inventeringsmetoders inverkan på noggrannhet i leveransprognoser till sågverk

This MSc thesis is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the need for information from forest campartments selected for clear cutting, in connection with planning in an integrated forest- and sawmill enterprise. A review of literature is followed by a case stud y, where present conditions in a Swedish forest company are compared with current research in the area. The seeond part consists of a simulation stud y, which aims at camparing the accuracy of inventory estimates using different methods. The estimates are delivery forecasts, covering one month consumptian of timber in a large sawmill.