

7 Uppsatser om Supremacy. - Sida 1 av 1

Judikalisering och demokrati: Lagprövningsrätten i förändring?

In this thesis I examine the development and expansion of judicial power in Sweden. The concept of judicial review is defined and related to democratic theory, and the various forms of judicial review in use in Sweden are explained. The main focus is on the political and scientific discussion concerning judicial review since the mid 1970s. It is shown that judicial review so far has been used only to a limited extent and that the number of court cases has remained quite stable over time. The main cause of judicialization seems to be the supremacy of EU law following the Swedish EU membership in 1995 and the inclusion of the European Convention on Human Rights into Swedish law.

Sjöherravälde : är Corbetts teorier applicerbara på modern ubåtskrigföring?

Sjöherravälde, Corbetts teorier inom ramen för modern ubåtskrigföring.Studie om Corbetts teorier och hur de appliceras på modern ubåtskrigföring. Sjökrigets grunder beskrivs inledningsvis samt av Corbett sammanställda metoderna för etablerande, bestridande samt utövande av sjöherravälde och ubåten som vapen. Därefter följer en studie av historiska källor rörande modern ubåtskrigföring. I denna ingår Scapa Flow 1939, ubåtsstrid vid slaget om Atlanten och USAs sjöfartskrig mot Japan samt sänkningen av Belgrano och det inledande skedet av Falklandskriget 1982. Fokus ligger på de olika metoderna som Corbett beskriver för sjöherravälde: avgörande slag, blockad, fleet in being, försvar mot landstigning, sjöfartskrig, amfibieoperationer samt stödjande av expeditionsstyrkor. Med bakgrund i dessa utmynnar uppsatsen i en diskussion om modern ubåtskrigföring som i stor utsträckning verifierar Corbetts teorier..

Det första könet, dess ?Andra? och den tredje världen : västerländsk manlighet i reseskildringar

Travel literature and especially the ?adventure story? has excited young British boys for over two centuries. However, it has also been a vehicle for the assertion of male dominance and European Supremacy. The story of a British man who goes to the colonies, performs some test which is essentially a test of his manliness, and whose compulsory victory marks the end of the book, has been a central myth in colonial masculinity.Through looking at three Anglo-Saxon male travel writers from the 20th century, this essay aims to study the different ways in which Western male identity is shaped against an Indian background. The novels analysed are Topee and Turban or Here and There in India by H.A.

Snedrekrytering och mansdominans som organisationskulturellt fenomen

The purpose of this paper is to present a possible understanding of why the company Tekola is segregated according to sex. In accordance to this purpose, an understanding of how the segregation affects the employees in relation to power, values and possibilities is discussed. The theoretical understanding is that the organization of men and women within Tekola is done in close connection to creation of the meaning of gender in Tekola. This, in turn, affects and is affected by the recruitment to and within the company. Through the study of statistics from a survey, five interviews with employees and former employees and Tekolas? equality plan, we are able to see the possible existence of a glass ceiling, and a culture of homosociality, which affects the possibilities of women to enter the company and also to gain full entrance to power-positions in a negative way.

Bilder från det inre Afrika : Representationer av afrikaner i den svenska skämtpressen 1880-1920

This paper investigates the representations of Africans in the Swedish comic press around the time 1880-1920, with the purpose of establishing how Africans were depicted and how these representations can be explained. The sources consist of four comic magazines: Kasper, Söndags-Nisse, Strix and Naggen.Results show that images of Africans in the late 19th and early 20th century Swedish comic press highly conform to international representations. Traditional stereotypes and overall caricatures are widely applied, mediating racial difference and black subordination. The comic strips and jokes can be divided into categories, defined by their main theme: 1) Exotic animals and nature 2) Skin colour 3) The unintelligent or uncivilised savage 4) Cannibalism 5) The civilised African 6) Imperialistic overtones. The use of international stereotypes indicates that some comic strips might have been directly copied from foreign publications, and incorporated into Swedish contexts.Several theories, likely interacting, can be considered in explaining the imagery.

Solidaritet möter säkerhet - Vad 'immigranterna' får representera i immigrationspolitisk diskurs

This essay concerns the notion of how immigration politics, defined as a political discursive structure that explains and justifies how and why the movement of people into a state's territory is restricted and controlled, has come to present its purpose not as solidarity with the 'immigrants' wanting to enter the state but as a protective measure for the state's citizens. By using discourse theory combined with theories from the International Relations field I attempt to explain why and how such a discourse positions 'immigrants' as a threat to the state.First, I concentrate on why an immigration politics discourse would position 'immigrants' as a threat. I argue that in order for people to construct their identity, the 'outside' what they "are not" has to be repressed. In the same way, the state has to dislocate the "outside" and create threats to uphold its Supremacy. These boundaries are set to create a feeling of predictability and security, and ultimately they are a way of making peoples' "world" coherent.

Sånger från graven: En kartläggning av krafterna som hämnar den digitala revolutionen inom svensk musikdistribution

Songs from the Crypt: Mapping the Forces that Hinder the Digital Revolution of Music Distribution This paper seeks an explanation to the low market share growth of the commercial digital music distribution in Sweden. The analysis identifies a spectrum of obstacles that hinder the digital distribution technology from becoming the main form of music distribution in Sweden. These obstacles make the digital music distribution less favourable in comparison with physical distribution from the consumer?s point of view. The authors suggest that in order for the digital distribution of music to become competitive the digital product would either have to be developed further to offer more customer value or the so called a là carte retail model would have to be replaced by a subscription-based distribution model.