

368 Uppsatser om Stable - Sida 1 av 25

Comparison of stable environment in prior approved and non-prior approved horse stables

To establish good horse welfare there are several factors that need to be considered. One important factor is the environment in which the horses are kept. In Sweden horses are Stabled during long periods of time in the cold season and consequently the Stable environment is even more important. The most essential environmental factors in a horse Stable are ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH) and concentrations of contaminants in the Stable air. The air in a horse Stable contains dust, noxious gases, moulds and microorganisms which all can contribute to developing respiratory diseases in horses.

Hästtjejer : formationer av genus och klass i stallet

The purpose of this essay is to examine formations of gender and class of so called horse girls in a riding school located in Stockholm, Sweden. The essay is based on interviews with six girls in the ages between fifthteen and eighteen. Through the theoretical framework of Judith Butler and Beverley Skeggs, I examine how the girls negotiate the boundaries and probabilities within doing gender in an upper and middleclass associated area. As a result of its female domination, the Stable functions as a place where the girls can dislocate themselves from otherwise normative feminine practises. This is possible since the premises of the Stable are constructed in the light of the heterosexual matrix, where the girls organise themselves within the heterosexual girl collective.

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the Stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these Stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Varnhems tidiga kyrka och kyrkogård : Isotopanalys av skelettmaterialet i området

This paper deals with Stable isotope analysis on the children of the early Christian cemetery in Varnhem, Västergötland. Human bone and tooth material from the cemetery has been analysed for Stable carbon, nitrogen and sulphur isotopes. The analysis showed that the diet had been homogeneous and that the children had been breastfed, with a possible exception of the child from grave 100..

Det (väst-) europeiska samarbetet - från säkerhetsdilemma till stabil fred

In this essay the morphing of the interstate relations in the post-World War II Western Europe is taken in to consideration in discussing how these relations were stabilized and consolidated through community cooperation to achieve a state of Stable peace. It concludes that the early 1900's of Western Europe comes close to being conditioned by Herz's security dilemma and then continues to analyze the development from this state to one of Stable peace. In this analysis pivotal features of the ECSC, EEC and the EC are being scrutinized through the use of Boulding's Stable Peace theory and developments of the very same, in separate case studies, in order to account for the Communities? influence on the peace process.In doing this, conclusions are drawn that external pressures can be very effective in creating an incentive to move beyond an initial state of conflicting self-images and that a stabilizing process has got to provide a long term solution in order to sustain a trustful relationship. In order to provide this long term solution the community cooperations suggests that locking in through institutionalization, harmonization, and the creation of a state of irrevocable interdependence are highly effective..

Häststallinredning och djurskyddslagstiftningen

This study describes and reviews horse Stable equipment from companies who builds and sells the equipment. In the study the companies various equipment was compared with regulations in the law of prevention of cruelty to animals. The purpose with this study was to find out if the companies Stable equipment are approved according to the regulations within this area. The study used at five randomly picked companies.This study showed that three of the five examined companies refered, in one way or another, to the law of prevention of cruelty to animals on their website. Unfortunately not any of the companies referred to todays existing law of prevention of cruelty to animals.

Lönsamheten vid nystart av slaktsvinsproduktion : en fallstudie

I have done a case-study about building a new Stable for slaughter pigs at a farm close to Kalmar. The farm is able to supply the breeding with cereals and it has enough area to spread the manure on. The most important factors to gain profit, is the cost for building the Stable, the price of the feeding-stuff and the growth of the pigs. The discount from the slaughter-house was less important than I thought from the beginning, and it?s a factor that is hard to influence. With the new production of slaughter-pig and cattle that already exist on the farm, the farm will get a well-functioned rotation of crops with lye and autumn rape as interruption-crop.

Integrerad hästanläggning : ridhus/stall

Today there is an increasing market for businesses concerning horses, and since we are already running such establishments we sort of speak already have a finger in the pie. Due tothe increasing competition and demands, new and more practical constructions have become a necessity. In doing this project I wanted to make a comparison between having a Stable integrated with a manege and having both constructions kept separate. I wanted to compare different layout and make an estimate of costs to see which solution would be less expensive and better with regard to working environment. I will further also deal with different ventilation-systems andlight transmissions.

Dagens Agora : En kritisk granskning av Internets möjligheter och begränsningar

The time we live in now is significant for its many ways of spreading information- it is indeed the era of communication. The Internet is the main reason for this evolution, where you can reach out to any corner in the world in less then a second. Information is flowing over us and we get more and more used to being in a constant accessible state. The individual might spread his own word as he wishes. From a democratic point of view this should give a great opening for everyone into the public spheer.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible.

Förbättrad resistansmätning för grova aluminiumledare

The goal with this master thesis has been to evaluate and to examine the stationary resistance bridge. The resistance bridge uses a 4-point measuring to determinate the resistance, which is used in the manufacturing of the conductor. It is then used when the resistance is to be decided for coarser aluminium conductors. A conductor has to fulfil certain demands to be able to move forward in the process. One of these demands is the resistance in ohm/km, which has demands that the measure values of the resistance bridge are as true and precise as possible. The stationary resistance bridge had been examined through various kinds of measurements to be able to see how Stable the system is and how to obtain a measure value as optimized as possible.

Mekanisering av häststall

Mechanization of Swedish agriculture started in the beginning of the twentieth century, to be able to have more animals without raising the number of employers. The horse business has not by far kept up with these cost savings solutions. Cleaning out Stables and feeding horses are the most time-consuming tasks in horse Stables today. The most common way to clean out the Stable is still by shovel and wheelbarrow. The clean out process can easily be mechanized through semi- permanently beds with movable walls between the boxes so that the litter can be removed by a tractor or a loader.

Rörelseaktivitet i tre olika inhysningssystem för häst

De inhysningssystem som används idag möter inte alltid hästens naturliga behov. En traditionell uppstallning hindrar hästen att utföra sitt naturliga rörelsebehov. Genom att ge hästarna möjlighet till mer rörelse kan man få flera hälsomässiga fördelar. Exempel på fördelar är ett starkare skelett, starkare senor, bättre kondition och minskad stress vid uppstallning och träning. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på om hästar rör sig mer beroende på olika inhysningssystem som ger olika förutsättningar för rörelse.

Bygga om och till för dikor :

To be a farmer and have suckler cows is a difficult combination especially considering the economy. Because of the increased feed costs, the margins have become tighter. The meat price from beef cattle has increased a little when this text is written (spring, 2008), but not so much that it covers the cost for feed etc. I have a small suckler cow production on approximately 30 cows and 2 bulls plus followers as a part-time business. The herd is tied in the old dairy Stable built in the late seventies.

Byggnads- och investeringskostnader : Robotmjölkning eller konventionell mjölkning?

This project is based on my fathers farm which lays outside Löberöd, twenty kilometres south of Eslöv in Skåne. While my family for some time have thought about building a new milkingStable with AMS(Automatic milking system) I decided to compare the AMS with a conventional milkingStable. We are abit concerned about how many cows we should have in the new Stable. Because of that I calculated with two different number of cows. I have compared three different types of milking Stables: One alternative is 180 cows milked in a double eigth hearing bone milking Stable. The second alternative is 128 cows milked with two DeLaval VMS-robots. The third alternative is 171 cows milked with three DeLaval VMS-robots. One salesman from DeLaval and one salesman from A-betong helped me to get marketprices on the milkingrobots, building, ventilation and prices on all the concrete. In all the costs labour is included. The rest of the costs are calculated in a softwareprogram called K-data 03 which is a program with predicted costs. The calulations from the program showed that the price in the milkingpit system was 51 000 sek per cow.

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