

18 Uppsatser om Spatiality - Sida 1 av 2

I tid och rum : en upplevelseanalys av Kärnan

In 2005 Gunhild Eriksdotter published Behind The Facades in which she analyses the ways of approaching historical buildings in archaeology. Eriksdotter emphasizes that the archaeology of buildings is in dire need of renewal videlicet the traditional outlook on buildings as two-dimensional objects need to change. She develops a method of analysing the spatial dimensions in a three-dimensional world. By fusing theories and methods in excavating archaeology and architecture, she is able to give us a new way of approaching buildings. Her method includes the analysing of a buildings material, Spatiality and use.

Koppar på drift

In my project, Cups on the run, I have studied the relationship between ceramic utility objects and different environments, when moving them off the table. My background as a potter has been the starting point. From there, I wanted to see if I could expand my craft to the space beyond. With the cup, which for most people has a clear function and a relation to us human, in repetitive structure I explored the Spatiality and architecture in various environments. Life fascinates me through how everything is made up of tiny parts that together create the tangible and intangible.

Viskleken : Ett gestaltande arbete från text till upplevelse

In my project, Cups on the run, I have studied the relationship between ceramic utility objects and different environments, when moving them off the table. My background as a potter has been the starting point. From there, I wanted to see if I could expand my craft to the space beyond. With the cup, which for most people has a clear function and a relation to us human, in repetitive structure I explored the Spatiality and architecture in various environments. Life fascinates me through how everything is made up of tiny parts that together create the tangible and intangible.

Utställningens konventioner

Det huvudsakliga syftet med projektet är att belysa utställningen och de strukturer som densamma innefattar. Specifikt för detta projekt är att jag har valt att titta på utställningarna på kulturcentret Astrid Lindgrens Näs. Metoden för projektet innebär att blanda empiri med teori vilket resulterat i att jag dels besökt Astrid Lindgrens Näs samt arbetat med teori som beskriver förhållandet mellan besökare och museum, författare och författarskap. Radioverkets syfte är ett ge en viss insikt i hur arbetet på museet genomförs, på ett praktiskt plan. Projektet visar att konventionerna i museet är närvarande och vad som bibehåller dem är rädslan för att besökarna skall missförstå.

De tre Arktis : en studie av Sveriges geopolitiska syn på Arktis ur kritiskt perspektiv

This essay explores the Swedish state?s geopolitical view and creation, of the spatial spaces in and of the Arctic. With a critical geopolitical framework, a discourse analysis is conducted on the Swedish strategy for the arctic region, with the ambition to unfold the underlining spatial spaces, actors and dramas that this discourse creates. The result of this analysis shows that Sweden creates three different Arctic spaces within its geopolitical discourse; a Swedish Arctic, a Nearby Arctic and a Regional Arctic. This has major political consequences, which will be illuminated in the essay.

Flygfänas skog. Illustration möter rumslighet på barn och ungdomssjukhuset i Lund

Flygfänas skog is a project where illustration meets Spatiality. The work is about how section 62of the Children and Youth Hospital (BUS), at Skåne University Hospital, in Lund can useillustration as a compliment to their premises. Today, the hospital has difficulties to deal with theolder children patients at the hospital in a good way because the expression that is there today,mostly only appeals to the younger patients. Previously, there has been some kind of decorationon the department and the staff thought that this is boring, is a problem in that in many placesthere are stickers of child characters posted on the walls. This and other installations that cut outletters, face off, and symbols have made sense in the department becomes fragmented, ill andchildish.

Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :

The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? Spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.

Reading space. Möbel för läsning till Göteborgs nya stadsbibliotek

Reading spaceFurniture for reading for the new city library of GöteborgThe main purpose of my project has been to inspire people to read books at the library. I wanted to create something very site specific and chose a room on the second floor of the new city library to work with. To be able to relax, feel inspired and to concentrate on reading, the visitors of the library need to experience a sense of security. My solution to the different conditions or problems in the room and the needs I identified is a seat hanging inside a frame. When sitting down in the seat, the frame is low enough to see over but it is still experienced as a private Spatiality.

Kunskapens rum - en studie av Orkanenbiblioteket

The aim of this master´s thesis is to explore how a library through it´s spatial distribution expresses, and is an expression for, a view of knowledge. This is done by an analysis of the Orkanen library at Malmö Högskola. Questions posed in this study are: What view of knowledge is mediated through the spatial system and in the shelving of books? What view of learning is expressed in the spatial distribution of functions and artefacts?The theoretical framework of this thesis has two fundamental features. One, which focuses on theories of social space, a part that is mainly influenced by the theories of space syntax.

Identitetens transparenta gränser : Iscensättning av identitet, begär och kroppslighet inom sociala medier.

The aim for this master thesis is to create an understanding of the intersubjective processes of how individuals are experimenting with their identities in social media and the consequences for the identity and embodiment. The thesis is completed with the help of discourse analysis and a starting point in four complementary theories. Central to the implementation of the analysis is the concept of diffraction. Therefore the thesis is, which is reflected in the choice of theoretical approaches and methods, critical to many aspects of classical philosophy of science and method. The empirical material is based on interviews.

Viktiga egenskaper hos framgångsrika svenska skolskogar :

A substantial part of the Swedish outdoor education is being practiced in so called ?school forests?. The concept school forest was first introduced in the 1980?s by the organization Skogen i Skolan. The definition of a school forest is an area that is being used for educational purposes, over which the school and the land owner has reached an agreement of how the school may utilize it.

Att kommunicera idéer och visualisera information i 3D :

In order to respond to a more complex community planning with increased cooperation and public participation, a common language and a common model to be used as a base for the communication process is needed. The thesis behind this dissertation for a master's degree is that a virtual 3D planning portal would respond to this need. Why and how are explained and described through studies of communication- and perception theory as well as technology and recent research. The introduction concludes that a broad participation and a transparence towards underlying information are important foundations for the coming work with the model. The first four chapters of the theory part show the benefits of using natural signs in our mixed cultural society, instead of the more arbitrary symbols. Using visual landscapes for storing information is motivated by the flexibility of our visual memory and its ability to understand complex connections.

Patogenes för prostatacarcinom hos hund : en jämförelse med människan

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder : ett sätt att kommunicera landskap

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Med tanke på vintern : ett gestaltningsförslag för Broparken i Umeå

It may seem obvious that the urban space in our northern cities should be design to function and inspire throughout the whole year. This is not always the case. The urban space is often designed on a summer basis and the winter is regarded more as a problem then a resource and its potential remain unused. I have in this master thesis studied the impact of the winter on people and spaces and ponder on how to design functional and attractive places for winter. The project ends in a design concept for Broparken in Umeå on the theme "everyday winter day". The work with this thesis has given me, as a landscape architect, valuable experiences and filled a gap of knowledge that I had in this subject. I hope that this thesis can inspire Umeå kommun and others who are interested in how northern cities can benefit by its climate and develop towards a more complete city. The thesis begins with a chapter that present the subject from four different perspectives.

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