

64 Uppsatser om Soldiers - Sida 1 av 5

Militära och civila uppfattningar om svenska militärer och deras medverkan i internationella insatser

With the starting point in UN peacekeeping operations, this essay investigates the participation of the Swedish armed forces and how the Swedish Soldiers perceive their role in those operations. The aim of the study was to explore different perceptions about the Swedish Soldiers in international operations. Partly from the Swedish Soldiers perspective and how they perceived their own role as Soldiers. Partly from the perspective of civilians, like Swedish aid workers, and how they perceive the Swedish Soldiers. The third perspective was from a person with mixed experiences from both the military and the civilian work.

Varför stannar soldater i Försvarsmakten? : En studie på 72:a kompaniet

The study was conducted on 72nd company at Livgardet in order to find out what motivators makes the Soldiers stay. The material in the essay is based on an interview with Soldiers from the 72nd company. The motivators are then categorized in the model Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model. The model is based on human drives and I used as a tool for the analysis to identify lack of motivation in a working place. The study shows that the key motivators that make Soldiers stay is: the opportunity to go on a peacekeeping mission and comrade/esprit de corps, the Soldiers state that they will quit without these two essential motivators.

Försvarsmakten idag, Redo för förändring?

The Swedish armed forces are facing a change, a change in both organization and profession. From a conscript military service system, the Swedish Armed Forces has changed to having full-time contracted Soldiers. Conscript military service has a history of over a hundred years; it was introduced in 1901 and has survived two world wars and the Cold War.The Swedish armed forces have changed to have contracted Soldiers. My reflection is whether the armed forces really have had time for this changes that the new professionalization has meant. Today the Swedish armed forces consists of contracted Soldiers, Soldiers who are employed full time and costs the armed forces a lot of money.

Finns det ett samband mellan rekryteringskvalite? och soldatkvalite?

The Swedish Armed Forces have undergone a significant change where we have gone from recruitment through duty and replaced it with a voluntary based defence. Across Europe, countries that have undergone the same type of change demonstrate change in the quality of those recruited. The focus in this paper is how recruitment quality looks in Sweden after three years of volunteer based defence and if officers at P7 can see a change in quality on those recruited. This work aims to investigate whether soldier quality has changed from conscription recruited to voluntary recruited Soldiers. The question that the work tries to answer is whether one can see a change in quality in Soldiers and in that case how.The result can be summarized as one begins to see a change in recruiting quality but it is not something that is visible at the regiments.

Invasions- och insatsförsvaret : En professionsteoretisk jämförelse

This essay is on the subject of the changes that the Swedish military is undergoing. This essay will take the old ways of alignment thinking, were the military was to protect the nation against an invasion and compare it to the newer way of alignment thinking, where the military is to go abroad and do peacekeeping operations as there main objective. This comparison will be done by using Bengt Abrahamson theory about professions. He uses three parts one is specialised theoretical knowledge, another is ethics and the last is corps spirit. This theory will then be connected to four interviews.

Urshults Knektar : En studie om vad som hände de indelta knektarna från Urshults rotar 1709 till 1718

This essay examines what happened to Soldiers from Urshult in military service of Sweden during the diminished power of the country in the beginning of the eighteen century. Information of interest is taken from the Soldiers? age, time of service and other annotations of interest that shows to be helpful when examining their fate.  First off, this study explains Sweden?s situation during this period of time. To get a grasp about the situation, allotment is explained as well as the most important events in the big Nordic war. This study is based on qualitative content analysis and GMRs are used as its main resource of information and consists of empiric analysis.The result of this paper shows that very few Soldiers from Urshult were able to return home alive.

"I detta sibiriska Babel" : ? Coping och religiös föreställningsvärld hos svenska soldater i kriget mot Ryssland 1707-1721

The aim of this essay is to study diaries and letters from Swedish Soldiers during the Great Nordic War, more specifically those written during the campaign 1707-1721 against Russia, in search of religious coping and religious parables. The theoretic framework is evolved around Kenneth Pargament?s theory about religious coping, and Ana-Maria Rizzuto?s theory about object relations. The method used can be described as hermeneutic.The questions at hand were:- How did Swedish Soldiers during the war against Russia relate to God, and express image of God and religious concepts?- Did the Soldiers express themselves in terms of spiritual coping and in that case to what extent?The conclusions were that the Soldiers used religious coping as a method of survival.

"Folk kommer att dö" : Framtida krigsveteraner och hur samhället ska kunna möta deras behov

The aim of our study is to research what the future help-needs and expectations on the civilian society are among Swedish Soldiers before they are sent on their first deployment abroad, especially to Afghanistan. The fact that Sweden sends Soldiers to a warzone is something that is new nd research according the help-needs from the returning Soldiers are missing.This study is based on a qualitative method where the data consists of four focus group interviews with at least two participants in each focus group from three different military bases in Sweden. The results indicate that the Soldiers´expectations on the civilian society are low but that they would like to have more support from the civilian society. An important notice during the study, we encountered the fact that the participants in some way feel stigmatized. The results also show that they want the Swedish armed forces to be in charge and provide the care for the Soldiers where health professionals involved have som military background.

Militär identitet : En kvalitativ studie om att vara anställd soldat i Försvarsmakten

My study was conducted to provide a deeper understanding of the identity of employee Soldiers in the armed forces and their experience of their role in the military context. To describe and identify the soldier's identity formation, values and norms working in group processes are taken into account. As the individual identifies her or himself whit the group, the various phenomena as hostility to other military groups arise. The individuals weld together with other group members to form strong normative relationships within the group. Through a qualitative research approach eight Soldiers in a regiment in western Sweden were interviewed, four of them were group executives or deputy group leaders and others were ordinary Soldiers.

De som fredsprocessen glömde- cementeringen av barnsoldatsproblematiken

In this study our aim is to display a series of possible mechanisms which operateswithin the regions and societies were child Soldiers were frequently andextensively used in combat tasks. Our study is based on the assumption thattoday's peace-building strategies are inadequate to describe certain problemsfaced by many post-conflict countries, especially in Africa. We argue that largeformations of child Soldiers will, if not properly and immediately addressed, causeserve and structural problems in society, gravely hampering growth andinstitutional capacity. The Issues of Post Traumatic Stress and societal insecuritybrought on by the use of child Soldiers poses a serious threat to society as a whole.In this study we use Uganda as an illustrative case to describe the mechanisms atwork..

Utgör Privata Militära Företag en tillgång eller ett hot mot den svenska Försvarsmakten gällande återrekrytering med soldaterna ur FS21 i huvudfokus?

Subject: Independent essay in War Science (15 points) which debate the question if PrivateMilitary Companies is an asset or a threat to the Swedish Armed Forces regarding rerecruitmentwith focus on the Soldiers of FS21.That which is investigated is the general attitude amongst Soldiers who have completed theirconscript duty according to the old conscript system and now is employed in order to conducta tour abroad with Afghanistan as area of operations. Further investigated is their attitudeagainst the Swedish Armed Forces as an employer, as well as the private sector whichwant/could benefit from the skills the Soldiers is possessing. Could the Soldiers se themselvesleave the Armed Forces before the contract has expired in benefit of private companies whichclaim they solve similar tasks.Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to contribute with knowledge about a number ofemployed Soldiers? attitude against Private Military Companies. Further; if the Soldiersbelieve the Armed Forces provide them as they think they deserve/ want in order to stay andnot leave their job in favour of PMC:s, and through it clarify what the Soldiers value asemployees.Order of Approach, Method and Material: The method I?m using is a survey in whichSoldiers and squad leaders have answered the questions.

Socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö relaterad till utbrändhet

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish Soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

Svenska soldaters upplevelse av återgången till vardagslivet i Sverige. : Stöd - Hjälp - Hinder

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish Soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

Ingen liten lort? : En textanalys om manlighet i Värnpliktsnytt åren 1971-1991

This essay examines masculinity in the Swedish military paper Värnpliktsnytt during 1971-1991. The purpose is to study the masculine norms and the hegemonic masculinity that Värnpliktsnytt conveys during these years. Värnpliktsnytt was handed out for free to all Soldiers during 1971-2010.During the 1970?s the women were only allowed on non-combat posts and in the 1980?s they more and more were included and accepted as Soldiers and staff in the military. In 1989 women were allowed to apply for active and non-combat duty in all military sectors.

Lan File Share : Ett fildelningssystem åt Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Force has a need to streamline the preparation of an exercise in tactical training for Soldiers because the preparation of an exercise is currently laborious and time consuming when commanders manually share files to each computer that will be included in the exercise. The degree project was to create a file sharing program within the internal network of the Defence Forces? international centre (Swedint). The program is used by the training management to effectively start up an exercise where Soldiers train tactical training in a simulated combat environment. The training management use this program to upload files to a server which notifies all the computers on the network to download these files.

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