

64 Uppsatser om Silence - Sida 1 av 5

"Amningen känns så skör på ett annat vis" : Hur kvinnor som ammar förskolebarn upplever bemötandet av förskolans pedagoger.

The aim of this study was to visualize in a pluralistic perspective how mothers of breastfed preschool children experience being treated by preschool teachers. Method: Qualitative interviews with 10 mothers and qualitative content analysis. The mothers experienced breastfeeding was surrounded by slience at preschool. The mothers were met with Silence, felt vulnerable and did not want to be subject to criticizm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation on this subject. .

Tystnadens spår : En läsning av tystnadens estetik och etik hos Mirjam Tuominen och Gunnar Björling

This bachelor thesis engages in the question of Silence in the writings of Fenno-Swedish modernists Mirjam Tuominen and Gunnar Björling, Silence being understood as both a poetic theme and a question of literary form. Alongside this exposition runs a discussion about the possibilities and impossibilities of interpretation in the field of academic literary studies. This query is connected to the different ideological positions of the two writers, conjoined by ideas about anti-comprehensibility. Considering certain weaknesses of classical hermeneutics as well as the theory of deconstruction, especially in the case of reading poetry, this thesis tries to point out possible routs for a practice of a more dynamic interpretation, with special regard to understanding the trope of Silence in the modernist poetry of Tuominen and Björling.The composition explicitly applies a ?method of wandering? inspired by Maurice Blanchot?s understanding of the priests of Dionysus in Hölderlin?s writings ? maundering in the holy night ? as a metaphor for a critique-in-the-creating.

Flexibel ljudinspelning för talkvalitetsanalys

This report describes how wavefiles can be recorded with programs written in the C++ language . The report also describes how the recorded sound is handled before it can be analyzed. The report describes the different parts that make a wave file to a wave file and how Windows handle these files. There is always some Silence or noise of unknown length that passes through the system before some interesting sound arrives. That Silence or nose must not be recorded and therefore some function must be developed that can detect interesting sound or speech.

Tystnadskulturer i svenskt projektarbete - förekomst och effekter

SammandragInternationell forskning har visat på en stor geografisk och kulturell spridning av tystnadskulturer och ett genomslag inom hart när alla samhällssektorer. En tystnadskultur innebär att en enskild har kännedom om information som behöver uppmärksammas och ageras på, men denne avstår från att föra kunskapen vidare till de som kan agera på den av rädsla för att ett sådant handlande kan få negativa återverkningar på den enskilde själv. Detta kan medföra att nödvändiga åtgärder inte sätts in i tid vilket i sin tur kan leda till förluster av allt ifrån ekonomiska värden till människoliv. För den enskilde blir följden stress då denne pressas mellan att göra vad som uppfattas som rätt och rädslan för de konsekvenser som antas bli följden.Inom svensk forskning är tystnadskulturer ett närmast oskrivet blad. Två avhandlingar har gjorts men ingen av dessa berör tystnadskulturer i samband med projektarbete.

Att återskapa gitarrljudet från fyra låtar av Suicide Silence

FörväntanEn berättelse om en flicka som älskar att läsa.Som växer upp och går på en skola där hon får lära sig att skapa rumsligheter.Som vill finna ett sätt som gör att hon kan omsätta allt det fantastiska hon finner i sina böcker i sitt rumsliga skapande.Hon utgår från en specifik bok, The Night Circus, skriven av Erin Morgenstern. (2011, Vintage Books)Hon söker efter sättet. Genom att läsa. Och läsa igen. Genom att klippa.

Social isolering. En studie om a?siktspolarisering och normativ press i sociala medier

The purpose of this study was to look for tendencies that social media can contribute to exposing users to a stronger perception of opinion polarization, and further to see if the daily presence of social networking sites can put normative pressure on the users. The study was made using a survey with participants from Umea? University during the time frame of november-december 2014. The theoretical framework behind the study was mainly drawn from The Spiral Of Silence by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann and was further supplemented with more current research, studying the effects from The Spiral Of Silence in the modern and more fragmented media landscape that exists now then when her theory was written. Further theoretical tools for analysis of the results came from Michel Foucault and his discussions in Discipline and punish, specifically his views on how surveillance can be discontinous in practice, but still permanent in it?s effects.The results of this study indicates that social media users tend to isolate themselves from uncomfortable opinions, and do not follow or read opinions they do not already agree with.

?Det handlar om k?randa??. En studie om organisationskulturen inom Polismyndigheten med s?rskilt fokus p? tystnadskulturen

The aim of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how daily activities impact the organizational culture within the Swedish Police enforcement agency, Polismyndigheten. The study specifically explored the influence of the purported culture of Silence on organizational culture. Employing a case study approach, data were collected with a qualitative method from a total of 15 individuals, including students and officials affiliated with Polismyndigheten. The findings were categorized into five distinct groups, revealing a noticeable gap between employees and management. Additionally, the study identified generational disparities and a lack of a clear set of core values.

Förhandlingsretorik : En uppsats om hur skickliga förhandlare övertygar motparten och vilka retoriska medel de använder

This essay is about exploring the rhetorical business negotiation process. The aim has been to find out how skilled salespeople stand out, and what rhetorical means they use to convince the other party. For this study, a qualitative research interview was applied and altogether five vendors in three different industries were interviewed. The fundamental theory of the essay is based on classical rhetoric. From that I have chosen the specific parts that I have found useful to discuss negotiation and sales processes.The results show that there is not a one single rhetorical approach that is essential to convince the other party.

Digitala Verktyg i Byggbranschen: Utforska Behov och Utnyttja M?jligheter

The aim of this research was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how daily activities impact the organizational culture within the Swedish Police enforcement agency, Polismyndigheten. The study specifically explored the influence of the purported culture of Silence on organizational culture. Employing a case study approach, data were collected with a qualitative method from a total of 15 individuals, including students and officials affiliated with Polismyndigheten. The findings were categorized into five distinct groups, revealing a noticeable gap between employees and management. Additionally, the study identified generational disparities and a lack of a clear set of core values.

?Guden tiger och människorna pratar? - en studie av gudsbilden i Ingmar Bergmans filmer

The study is aimed at investigating the images of God, or how God is percepted, that is beingpresented in the artistic work of Ingmar Bergman, and how they differ from each other. The filmsthat are being analysed in this study is The seventh seal (1957), The Magician (1958), Through aglass darkly (1961), Winter light (1963), The Silence (1963), Persona (1965) and Cries andwhispers (1973).To examine the images of God that are being presented throughout the scope of the study Iam mainly using common cinematic theories that are presented in James Monacos How to read afilm (2000) and Louis Giannettis Understanding film(1993) which basically are structuralistapproaches to discussing film as a language and interpretation.I am studying each movie as it is presented to us, the viewers, and only speaking of the film.I am also looking into Ingmar Bergmans personal life, not to examine if he was a Christian believer,but for clues to interpret themes, characters and the event taking place in each of the films. Thestudy is investigating the series of films as a connected unity, a connected unity that explores therelationship of God and mankind as it is presented in the films.The result of the study is that the image of God presented in the films of Ingmar Bergman isa God that moves from the transcendent sphere to the immanent sphere, a God, or ?the Holy? thatover the years transforms into something materialistic. This new God, or holiness, is something thatexists in the interpersonal relations of mankind in the latter work of Ingmar Bergman..

Genusstruktur på högstadiet : en studie om hur könsidentiteter ständigt bryts och repareras och bryts

The purpose of this essay is to find out how gender upholds in a classroom, both by students as well as the teacher. The procedure has been to observe the relationship between students and also the teachers. The observations is analysed according to theories of gender and a discussion about why gender is maintained follows. The conclusion of the result is that gender is being preserved in different ways, but also the contrary ? students and the teacher oppose it.

Vi tysta kväkare pratar så gärna. : En studie om svenska kväkares tystnad och tal

This qualitative research study aims to investigate how eight members of the Society of Friends (also known as Quakers) experience a divine presence in their Meeting for Worship. The purpose is also to find out how their identity as Quakers has been created, and to see how they look at their Meeting of Worship when it comes to ritual as a concept.The method used in this study is individual, semi-structured interviews and observations of Meeting of Worship. The results show a relatively homogeneous group of individuals from a secular upbringing who as adults sought out a community where Silence is appreciated and used to achieve an experience of a divine presence. Berger and Luckmann's theories of socialization have been applied to the results and the discussion reveals how the secondary socialization has been essential in the process of forming the individual into being a Quaker. There is however one exception, in the form of one participant who grew up in the Society of Friends.

Staten och civilsamhället i Uruguay

Lack of political interest and will to deal with human rights violations carried out under the civil- military dictatorship, has characterized the transition and post-transition in Uruguay. The systematic use of torture, arbitrary imprisonments and forced disappearances in the relatively small country created a culture of fear that has been present through out the post-transition phase. Human rights groups have been central actors in the fight for truth and justice and against impunity. This study analyzes how these groups multiple democracy-building functions have contributed to democratic development. It also analyses how the democracy-building functions have been constrained by the political context.

Barnarbete : En lokal studie av barnarbete i Stråssa gruva under början av 1900-talet

AbstractBachelor essay in Pedagogy by Johan Lidén &Kristian Sagfors, 2011."Genus i gymnasieskolan: En oengagerande fråga?".Supervisor: Zeki YalcinGender and gender equality in our school system has throughout the years become a well researched subject, however most of that research has focused on the lower levels of compulsory school. The upper secondary school has not gotten the same attention.We have chosen to explore how social science teachers in upper secondary school treat the subject of gender and gender equality, what strategies they apply in the classroom and how their pupils respond to the subject.We wanted to get access to their classrooms so we could do an ethnographical study to find the answers to how their lessons were planned and executed, if different teachers made different didactic choices depending on the orientation of the class. As our work progressed we ran in to an interesting problem which ultimately made us rethink the purpose of this paper.In our pursuit of respondents we contacted many schools by e-mail and later visited the schools to find participants. This proved difficult as we were met with a wall of Silence and lack of interest.

Genus i gymnasieskolan : En oengagerande fråga?

AbstractBachelor essay in Pedagogy by Johan Lidén &Kristian Sagfors, 2011."Genus i gymnasieskolan: En oengagerande fråga?".Supervisor: Zeki YalcinGender and gender equality in our school system has throughout the years become a well researched subject, however most of that research has focused on the lower levels of compulsory school. The upper secondary school has not gotten the same attention.We have chosen to explore how social science teachers in upper secondary school treat the subject of gender and gender equality, what strategies they apply in the classroom and how their pupils respond to the subject.We wanted to get access to their classrooms so we could do an ethnographical study to find the answers to how their lessons were planned and executed, if different teachers made different didactic choices depending on the orientation of the class. As our work progressed we ran in to an interesting problem which ultimately made us rethink the purpose of this paper.In our pursuit of respondents we contacted many schools by e-mail and later visited the schools to find participants. This proved difficult as we were met with a wall of Silence and lack of interest.

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