

3 Uppsatser om Senneolitikum - Sida 1 av 1

När befolkades östra skärgården? : Bosättningsmönster under stenåldern.

Denna uppsats beskriver artefaktfynd som gjorts inom området. Genom att tidsbestämma artefakterna och i den mån det är möjligt att fastställa dess fyndplatser skapas ett spridningsmönster. Genom att samtidig granska klimat, havsnivå och topografi mm skapas genom bearbetning och analys, diskussion och tolkning en schematisk bild över undersökningsområdets utveckling. Av denna kan man utläsa hur området befolkades, bosättningsmönster, det första jordbruket mm. Dessa fragment från stenåldern visar också på förändringar över tiden.

Skäran i bäcken - En lösfyndsstudie om möjliga senneolitiska offerynd på ön Hven

This paper examines the possibility of identifying votive offerings among a collection of stray finds in a Late neolithic material from one farm land on the island Hven.First, I identify the Late neolithic artefacts in a collection of stray finds and make a register as well as take photographes of the artefacts. Then I compare these stray finds with material from hoards found in Scania to analyz if any similarities arise regarding length, fragmentation and patina. Additionally, I use maps to identify wetlands and a field survey to help identify and discover important areas connected to votive offerings. There is a strong possibility that the stray finds collection contains some votive offerings because similarities can be found between the lengths of the stray finds and the materials from the hoards..

Skärvor i både vått och torrt : En detaljundersökning av ett provschakts keramik vid Ajvidelokalens västra strand

This thesis has had its focus on ceramic shards found in a trench by the late neolithic western shore of the Ajvide site. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if there are changes in the pottery between the test trench and the ceramics found by the graves, known as the main site. The author has compared the ornaments from the test trench with an ornament schedule made from over 50 000 shards from the assumed main site. Not only changes regarding ornaments has been noticed but also new techniques and raw material. The author has also implemented two 14C datings which backs his hypothesis that the shards from the test trench are younger than the shards that made the earlier ornament schedule.