

121 Uppsatser om Reward - Sida 1 av 9

Bonussystem -Sett ur anställdas perspektiv-

Background: Different forms of Reward systems have been more common in Sweden and are used in purpose to motivate employees to work in accordance with a company?s goals. By creating work motivation among the employees, a more congruent situation can appear between them and the managers, and the company can perform better results. Purpose: The purpose with this thesis is to study and analyse a Reward system from the employees perspective, regarding it?s affect on work motivation.

Vilken funktion har belöningssystemet i en organisations ekonomistyrsystem? : en jämförelse mellan två storbanker

Two of Swedens´s major banks, SEB and Handelsbanken, which appears in the same industry and have similar strategy. Both banks can achieve a similar result despite the fact that their Reward system looks quite different. An issue that arises from this observation is the relative Reward system to the rest of the economy control system.Our purpose of this paper is therefore to examine the Reward system in the organization's financial management systems. We wonder if the Reward system may be a function of economic control system, or part of the system, or perhaps made independent of the system and then gradually adapted?In our study, we choose to assume a Reward system has three functions to manage, motivate and compose the employee group.

Belöningssystem i heterogena organisationer -I teori och praktik

The purpose of this master thesis is to, with the strategies of the organization and the preferences of the co-workers in mind, explore how Reward systems can be designed in heterogeneous organizations. This is done by interviewing store managers and sales personnel in a heterogeneous organization. The frame of reference deals with theoretical approaches on Reward systems and is divided in the following sections, individual or group based, differentiated or not differentiated Rewards systems and goals, measurements and Rewards. These sections are highlighted from the following aspects, equity, implementation possibilities and finally environment. The theoretical discussion ends in the conclusion that heterogeneous organizations should have several different Reward systems, but not if a restructuring process is in progress or the system becomes too costly.

Att skilja äpplen från päron : en studie om belöningssystem

Companies today need to be more focused than ever on having an active Human Resource Management culture. This is not only because of the companies? concern for their staffs wellbeing, but for the companies? effectiveness in the long run. The Reward systems which many corporations use today, to both keep their employees and attract new ones, is a well researched subject by scholars as well as journalists. Earlier research has suggested that it is important to implement an active Human Resource Strategy.

Att motivera med belöning : En studie av attityder och beteenden på ett företag i hemelektronikbranschen

The underlying question addressed in this paper is whether or not it is possible to influence the way a company?s employees behave using monetary incentives. How efficient is money as a means to enhance work motivation? Today, the assumption that employees perform better when bribed with Rewards is questioned by scholars. The previous confidence in monetary Reward systems is increasingly being replaced with hope for more effective programs, where employees to a greater extent can be motivated by non-monetary incentives.

Utmattningsdepression : En studie om det moderna arbetslivets relation till psykisk ohälsa utifrån fem kvalitativa intervjuer

The purpose of this essay is to try to understand the relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of burnout. By using the method of qualitative interviews we wanted to see if the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model could be applied to the data we had collected. Two questions have been highlighted in our research:        ? Is it possible to establish a relationship between the structures of modern working life and the development of burnout among the subjects interviewed?  ? Is it possible to explain the development of burnout among our interviewed subjects through the Effort-Reward Imbalance Model?    Our theoretical frames are the general theories of the modern society and the modern working life as developed by Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Zygmunt Bauman. We have also used Johannes Siegrist?s medical-sociological Effort-Reward Imbalance Model (ERI-Model).

Hur påverkas VD : ns belöningssystem av ägandet? ? en studie av svenska noterade bolag

There is a strong debate in the media about the CEO compensation in the listed companies and whether they deserve their high Rewards. Many previous studies have shown differences in the Reward system depending on the ownership structure, mostly testing for only ownership concentration or ownership category. This study aims to investigate how the influence of the owners affects the CEO Reward system, testing for both the level and the structure of the Reward. The sample used in the investigation is Swedish listed corporations and consists of 251 observations. A survey was also conducted but due to low response rate and because the answers are not representative for the whole sample the survey will only be used as an illustration.

Bonusregn över svenska storbanker : En studie om belöningssystemens utformande för legitimitet

The current financial crisis has left its mark. It has even hit the major Swedish banks who have shown large losses. The media has not been slow to take note of this, and the constant political debate about the bonus culture has been reinvigorated. Our aim is to find out how the major Swedish banks relate to the publicity and describe how and why senior executives are Rewarded, and what strategies banks are using in the design of their Reward system to maintain a legitimate behavior, and thus the confidence of its stakeholders.As a starting point to answer our purpose we have used the agency theory that describes our view of how various problems occurs and how incentives can be established in order to get senior executives to act for their owners' interests. Modern theories of Reward systems are taken from a variety of authors, these theories give us an insight into how Reward systems can be designed in banks.

Differentierat eller sammanhållet belöningssystem i diversifierade företag?

Background: Diversified companies, for example audit firms, sometimes offer different kinds of products and services. Different key success factors can in the same company thereby evolve. Goal congruence has to be achieved in the business divisions as well as in the company as a whole even though each business segment might have to focus on different factors. Purpose: The purpose is to analyze if differences in technology and culture between the business divisions in diversified companies motivate a differentiated Reward system. Method: The study has a case study approach.

Kunskapsutbyte på Länsförsäkringar Bergslagen - En effekt av belöningssystem?

By understanding which factors that affect individuals´ will to share knowledge with others within an organization, companies can successfully develop a knowledge-based culture by influencing individuals´ attitudes and behaviour concerning knowledge sharing. Several researchers claim that intrinsic motivational factors can consistently facilitate knowledge sharing between individuals within an organization. Other researchers also assert that extrinsic motivational factors, such as Reward systems, might affect individuals? motivation to share knowledge. However, extrinsic motivational factors´ impact on knowledge sharing is a relatively unexplored field and more empirical studies are sought after.

Arbetsgruppsrelationer - En studie av provisonsanställda på en mäklarbyrå

This study examines work relations on a real estate agency. My interest is to examine how real estate agents apprehend their work relations, and how a recession can affect these relations. Previous research shows that the occurrence of competition in groups decreases the motivation to cooperate. A different research illustrates that Reward interdependence is important to performance, and that task interdependence drives observed cooperative behavior. The study contained six interviews with real estate agents working on commission.

Crowdfunding : Svenskarnas motiv till att investera

The purpose of this essay is to examine the Swedish people?s level of knowledge about crowdfunding and their incentives and deterrents to crowdfunding investments. Early on crowdfunding was divided into two objectives: Reward based and equity based crowdfunding. The division of objectives is logical due to the differencing conditions of the motivation for investors to invest. Supported by theories in crowdfunding incentives, commitment-trust, the prospect theory, and the diffusion of innovations, we aim to establish a comprehensive line of reasoning to support our model of motivation in the conclusive chapter.The results of this essay were achieved by a combined method.

Motivation in Knowledge Intensive Firms - More art than science

Workers are more demanding than ever and stay a shorter amount of time within the same organization. For this reason we wanted to look further into how organizations work with motivation in order to create success in Knowledge Intensive Firms. The complexity of knowledge workers formed the base for our interest within the subject. The purpose of our thesis is to reflect upon what is written about the motivational effects of recruitment and Reward strategies in Knowledge Intensive Firms. Further our essay is based on an abductive advocacy.

Det subjektiva välbefinnandet på arbetsplatsen : Effort-reward imbalance modellen inom handels

Följande studie avser att undersöka relationen mellan engagemang, belöning och välbefinnande på arbetsplatsen. Siegrist (1996) förklarar sambandet genom Effort-Reward Imbalance model (ERI), något som denna studie kombinerar med Dieners (1986) teori om subjektivt välbefinnande. 156 personer deltog i enkätstudien, där 97 var kvinnor. Enkäterna var utformade med påståenden där deltagarna fick skatta sina svar. Datan analyserades genom en multipel regressionsanalys, korrelationer och t-test.

Belöningssystems utformning: en fallstudie av Föreningssparbanken och Alviksgården Lantbruk AB

Den hårdnande konkurrensen på dagens marknader, har medfört att företagen insett betydelsen av personalens beteende och dess avgörande inverkan på verksamhetens effektivitet. För att företag ska kunna hävda sig i den hårda rivaliteten om marknadens kunder krävs en medveten samordning av resurser och handlingar mot bestämda mål. Ett styrmedel som kan användas för att skapa samstämmighet mellan ett företags mål och de anställdas handlingar är belöningssystem. Belöningssystemets uppgift är främst att motivera personalen att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter effektivt men även behålla nyckelpersoner kvar i företaget. Att utforma ett effektivt belöningssystem kan av företagsledningar betraktas som en komplicerad och tidskrävande uppgift.

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