

18 Uppsatser om Repository - Sida 1 av 2

Planerat kärnbränsleförvar i Forsmark : - med fokus på episyenit

It takes a very long time for ionizing radiation of used nuclear fuel toreturn to a natural background level, for this reason one of the requirements for theselection of the location of a Repository was that the environment as well people'shealth would be protected from the harmful effect of radioactivity. This requirementmeans that the waste must be isolated in a geological formation. In Sweden theRepository will be built in the crystalline bedrock. The location for the Swedish nuclearfuel Repository at nearly 500 meters depth at Forsmark in Östhammar was decided 3June 2009. The Repository will be located at Söderviken, close to the Forsmarknuclear power plant in a 1.90 billion year old bedrock that will accommodate 12,000tons of spent nuclear fuel.

Fairtrade i Karlstad : En undersökning om utbudets utveckling och karlstadsbornas upplevelse av märkningen

It takes a very long time for ionizing radiation of used nuclear fuel toreturn to a natural background level, for this reason one of the requirements for theselection of the location of a Repository was that the environment as well people'shealth would be protected from the harmful effect of radioactivity. This requirementmeans that the waste must be isolated in a geological formation. In Sweden theRepository will be built in the crystalline bedrock. The location for the Swedish nuclearfuel Repository at nearly 500 meters depth at Forsmark in Östhammar was decided 3June 2009. The Repository will be located at Söderviken, close to the Forsmarknuclear power plant in a 1.90 billion year old bedrock that will accommodate 12,000tons of spent nuclear fuel.

Samhällsekonomisk analys av ett djupförvar för använt kärnbränsle i Forsmark :

This thesis investigates the socio- and environmental economic effects of a deep Repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark in the municipality of Östhammar. I seek to show the general picture but focus on the effects on employment, environment and income. Cost-benefit analysis is used to investigate the differences in utility between a scenario with and a scenario without a deep Repository in Forsmark. Most of the possible effects can not be valued and many can not even be quantified with the data available today. Therefore this thesis has a bit of a ?preliminary study character? and seeks to show what we know today and what needs to be further investigated when available data allow it. The costs that could be valued are noise from the traffic during the period of building and emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides from the transportation of rock masses during the building period.

Automatiskt kabelmärkningssystem

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk Repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk Repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Vetenskaplig publicering i förändring ? En fallstudie av en svensk högskolas implementering av ett öppet digitalt arkiv

Since the beginning of the 21st century the Open Access-movement, which advocates free online distribution of scholarly information, has gained momentum. Authors can provide Open Access to their work in two main ways: by depositing a copy of their research output in an e-print archive and by publishing in Open Access journals. During the past few years, universities and other research institutions throughout the world have established institutional repositories to manage, preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of the university/research institution. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to describe the implementation of an institutional Repository at the Swedish University College of Borås.

Design av Riskdatabas : En studie för effektivare hantering av risker

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk Repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk Repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.

A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed Repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the Repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the Repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.

Metadata i publikationsdatabaser Hur används DSpace?

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to study how libraries handle metadata in institutional repositories. The methodology of the study is semi-structured interviews with librarians from all Swedish libraries that currently use the institutional Repository system DSpace. Metadata schemes from the different libraries have also been studied. As analytical tools the study uses the user tasks presented in Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records, as well as a study of metadata quality made by Jung-Ran Park. The study shows a rather big difference between the ways the libraries use institutional repositories.

Riktlinjer för skapandet av digitala arkiv

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to present guidelines for making a digital Repository. To attain this, useful factors for creating an archive were examined. Also different organisations? strategies were analysed.

Datamodell för samhällsplanering i ArcGIS

Objekten i en detaljplan har delats upp på fyra lager. Ett lager för planområdesytan där man lagrar plangränsen som en yta och lägger de attribut som hör till hela detaljplanen, ett lager för markanvändning, ett lager för egenskapsytor och ett lager med planlinjer. Till egenskapsytan kopplas det även en tabell där de olika egenskaperna som gäller inom ytan lagras. Resultatet har lett fram till en objektsmodell i UML. Denna sedan har exporterats till MS Repository för att kunna importeras till en geodatabas i ArcGIS..

Automatiserad hantering av användardefinierade aggregattabeller

Denna rapport behandlar hur aggregattabeller kan administreras av lagrade procedurer i en databasserver. Målet är att skapa en parser som kan hantera aggregattabeller transparent för de applikationer som använder databasen. För att kunna uppfylla transparens måste denna parsern kunna dra slutsatser om databasstrukturen. Genom att identifiera nödvändig metadata och sedan placera den i ett Repository, kan parsern dra sådana slutsatser. Identifiering redovisas i rapporten genom en metadatastudie, vilken ligger till grund för metodens genomförande.

Omständigheter och motiv : Om hur öppna lärresurser blir till, används och återanvänds

With the purpose of finding the motives behind use, production and reuse of Open Educational Resources (OER), the writer has conducted a qualitative survey. The three main questions in this two years master?s thesis are:? Why do people use others? unmodified OER?? Why do people produce OER?? Why do people alter and reuse OER?The theoretic framework is built around Manuel Castells? network society, with its social and efficiency seeking dimension, along with the Knowledge commons. Some pedagogy is included as well.A web survey was distributed to 796 users of the Connexions OER Repository. 95 responses were received.

Utvärdering och implementering av administrationsgränssnitt för säkerhets- och integrationsplattformen CESP

Cybercom Group AB har en kombinerad säkerhets- och integrationsplattform kallad CESP, Cybercom Enhanced Security Platform. I CESP finns bl.a. en autentiseringstjänst, åtkomstkontroll, loggning och logganalys. Det finns även ett webbaserat administrationsgränssnitt för att komma åt och administrera tjänsterna.Examensarbetet har gått ut på att utvärdera och omforma adminis-trationsgränssnittet för att göra gränssnittet mer enhetligt och lättarbetat. Examensarbetet har varit inriktat på att ge utvecklarna ett stöd för vidare utveckling med fokus på användbarhet och avslutades med en utvärdering mellan den »gamla« och »nya« administrationsportalen.Examensrapporten kommer ta upp hela arbetsprocessen indelat i dess fyra faser; undersökning, design, implementation och utvärdering.Examensarbetet har lett till en implementation av en begränsad del i en administrationsportal samt en omfattande pappersprototyp som visar hur en vidare implementation av administrationsportalen kan se ut.

Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom kemi och ekonomi: ett polskt perspektiv.

This study examines the scholarly communication activities in two scientific fields, chemistry and economics, in a Polish context. The dissertation aims at investigating what characterises the publishing choices of researchers and what supplementary forms for the dissemination of research output are used by scholars. In addition, the paper is looking into what are the views and awareness of open access and institutional repositories within this scientific community. This thesis gives the results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey at two academic faculties at a Polish technical university. As its theoretical framework, the study uses Whitley?s theory of the intellectual and social organisation of academic fields and Latour and Woolgar?s study regarding various motivations for publishing.

Kunskap, Färdighet och Attityd : En undersökning om grundskolebibliotekariers syn på och arbete med digital kompetens

There is little doubt that the digital technology has played a major role in reshaping the ways in which we experience the world. In a few decades the Internet has become a vast Repository for knowledge and ideas. New arenas where people may meet and fraternize have emerged, and with the help of various digital tools and websites, the production of new material has increased to an almost unfathomable level.But all is not well on the digital front. As the Internet has become a crucial part of our everyday life, certain skills in handling digital media has become very important to master. A well-developed ability to navigate through this ocean of information is needed, and knowledge in managing the risky nature of the internet is critical.

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