

20 Uppsatser om Puzzle - Sida 1 av 2

Equity Premium Puzzle : teori och empiri

Syftet med uppsatsen är att diskutera det så kallade equity premium Puzzle. Jaganalyserar teoretiskt den intertemporala konsumtionsbaserade CAPM (C-CAPM),sammanställer en del av litteraturdiskussionen som finns på området samt empiriskttestar C-CAPM på svensk data. Fenomenet equity premium Puzzle innebär attöveravkastningen på aktier är så stor att det inte stämmer med den ekonomiska teorin.Enligt teorin beror C-CAPMs riskpremie på kovariansen mellan konsumtionen ochaktieavkastningen. Litteraturen visar att forskare inte har lyckats förklara equitypremium Puzzle genom att ändra antagandena i grundmodellen. Den empiriskaundersökningen visar att equity premium Puzzle även uppkommer på svensk data..

En studie om styrkor och svagheter hos sudokulösande algoritmer

Sudoku is a popular game of logic in the form of a Puzzle. Sudoku Puzzles are printed daily in Swedish newspapers. The challenge of solving these Puzzles have inspired many programmers to develop Sudokusolving algorithms. These algorithms use different approaches in order to quickly and efficiently solve the Puzzles. One such approach is the use of logical strategies initially developed for human players.

Innovation genom Improvisation : Improvisation som ett verktyg för att skapa en organisationskultur som främjar innovation.

För att en organisation ska kunna överleva i en tid som präglas av förändring och hård konkurrens, krävs en organisationskultur som främjar innovation. Många av de komponenter som litteratur inom innovationsområdet beskrivs som essentiella för just en sådan här kultur, återfinns också i improvisationsteater. Den här studien binder samman dessa två områden, både ur ett teoretiskt perspektiv och genom en praktisk, undersökande studie. Studiens hypotes var: ?Improvisationsteaterworkshops kan, av ett arbetslag, upplevas som ett fungerande verktyg till att på längre sikt kunna skapa en organisationskultur som främjar innovation.? För att kunna verifiera eller falsifiera hypotesen, genomfördes tre improvisationsteaterworkshops på ett företag där åtta deltagare på ett lekfullt och prestigelöst sätt fick ta del av hur improvisationsteater kan relateras till arbetslivet på olika sätt.

NO-undervisning i klassrummet : En observationsstudie i hur undervisningen bedrivs av fem lärare på en skola

This essay is based on students' growing lack of interest in science at school. Both from a democratic and social perspective, this is a worrying factor for the future. Through observation, I investigated how five science teachers conduct their teaching. This is to get a better understanding of how teachers' behaviour in the classroom can affect students' interest in science. With a socio-cultural research approach, I have tried to highlight a few pieces of the Puzzle that may explain students' declining interest in science.

The Capital Structure Puzzle of SME's - Evidence from the Swedish Security Industry

The purpose of this thesis is to ascertain the main determinable factors of Swedish SMEs capital structure decisions and to investigate whether existing capital structure theories are applicable on Swedish SME financing. We have used panel data to run regressions of various capital structure determinants on three measures of capital structure; short- term debt, long-term debt and total debt. We found that growth opportunities, profitability and age are the most important capitalstructures determinants for our sample. Firm size shows a small explanatory result but the effective tax rate and the asset tangibility do not seem to explain the capital structure at all. Thematurity matching principle is considered significant..

Tillvarons pussel : En studie om fyra behandlares tankar kring barns självkänsla.The puzzle of existence. A study about four therapists thoughts around children?s self-esteem.

The study aims to get knowledge about how therapists express their apprehension and their method of working around children with low self-esteem. From this angel I have tree questionings : How does the therapists define self-esteem? How does the therapists know if a child has a low self-esteem? How does the therapists work with this complex of problems? The study is a qualitative survey with interviews. The group of survey consists of four therapists from different backgrounds, who work with children and their self-esteem. The interviews were recorded on tape and written out running text and analysed in relation to its subject.

Non-Identity. Att undkomma ett moralfilosofiskt moment 22

Can we harm future people? According to our commonly used contractarian theories, it seems we cannot. This is because our actions of today not only influence what they are supposed to influence, but also who mates with whom and when, and thus which particular persons will ever live in the future. Had we not performed a particular action, the future people born as a result of that same action, would not have been born. It therefore seems they cannot reasonably reject our actions.

Puzzles combined with horror in digital games

Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur pussel och skr äck kan kombineras i ett och samma digitala spel. Hur man som utvecklare kan f å en j ämn balans mellan skr äcken och pusslen som presenteras f ör spelaren i spelet. Den typ av skr äck som den h ar uppsatsen har fokus på är genren 'Survival-Horror' och anv änder sig av den typ av skr äck som i digital spel kategoriserats som 'Survival-Horror'-spel. Den här uppsatsen visar en analys av 'Survival-Horror', samlar information om pussel och skr äck f or att utforma en hypotes hur dessa kan kombineras. F ör att kontrollera om hypotesen st ämmer utf ördes en intervju innan pussel- och skr äckmomenten implementerades i ett digitalt spel. Efter implementationerna genomf ördes det speltester i tv å omg ångar f ör att analysera resultatet mellan de tv å omg ångarna..

Att säkra farmor - En komparativ fallstudie av kvalitet och kvalitetssäkringsarbete inom äldreomsorgen

The care for the elderly in the municipalities has recently seen the need for a formalized system for quality assurance. Under increasing demands for monetary efficiency while bound by law to retain acceptable standards in health care, there is need for efficient and at the same time quality-assured management. The municipalities often solve this Puzzle by introducing systems and standards influenced by theory-clusters such as NPM (New Public Management), TQM (Total Quality Management) or other quality management theories.This essay focuses on how the public administration in the municipalities defines quality and designs and implements system for formalized quality assurance. Our basic view of organizations is institutionalist and our theoretical framework includes theories about quality, NPM and TQM..

Långsiktiga inköp och leverantörsförhållanden - En studie av svenska tillverkningsföretags inställning till leverantörer och leverantörsbedömning

This thesis aims on adding another piece to the Puzzle that is the supplier relationship research. Taking its base in a series of articles regarding the transformations of global supply chains into more long-term profitable ones. Two research questions are presented, one regarding long-term supplier relationships and one regarding the main criteria?s while evaluating new suppliers. With an emphasis on the long-term relationship and profitability are five medium sized Swedish manu-facturers examined through semi-structured interviews.

Nyfikenhet i relation till konstnärlig process och presentation

The curious nature of humans has been the Puzzle of psychologists, philosophers and scientists since the time we began to use those terms. Why are we curious? Why do we behave the way we do and why? The span of views on curiosity covers all. From being viewed as part of our animalistic nature and compared to instincts, to be viewed as a virtue to scientists and the reason behind why we explore space. Behaviorists tried to define it as an innate drive and some say that it has a crucial role in our ability to learn and understand.

Vem lägger livspusslet? : På jakt efter livspusslets innebörder i media 2009-2011

This essay studies the concept of "livspusslet", a term in swedish that directly translates as "the jigsaw Puzzle of life". In recent public debate it has been used to articulate issues concerning the combination of family life and a professional career. The empirical material consists of newspaper articles from nationwide daily newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet between 2009 and 2011. The concept of "livspusslet" relates to the debate about family values, gender equality and the public view on the issue of combining family life with a career. The widespread use of the concept indicates that the social practices surrounding the debate over family policy is shifting.

Kulturtanter : En studie i kvinnlig kulturkonsumtion

The aim of this study is, using the Swedish expression ?kulturtant? (cultured lady) as starting point, to understand how and why women consume the products of the culture industry more eagerly than men. The study is using the concepts put forward by Pierre Bourdieu; fields, capital and habitus. It is a qualitative study based on discussions in focus groups, interviews and material gathered through Google Alerts. In the literature this gap between the sexes with regard to the higher consumption on behalf of women has been referred to as the ?Puzzle? of women´s cultural consumption.The empirical results show that the women in the study are well aware of what they want to gain by participating in cultural activities like reading, going to concerts, watching plays or going to the movies.

Bemötandets pussel - En studie i bemötande mellan lärare och elev

Rosberg, Helle. (2006). Bemötandets pussel. En studie i bemötande mellan lärare och elever. (The Puzzle of meetings.

I en klass för sig. Segregering i Sveriges bästa skolkommun - ett implementeringsproblem?

This Master's thesis examines segregation between Swedes and immigrants in school, and more specifically segregation between the two elementary schools Vikingaskolan and Tunaskolan in Lund. This case provides a particularly interesting Puzzle, since Lund doesn?t have any pronounced immigrant districts, and was also recognized nationally as best municipality for its schools (2004). In this thesis we try to understand the segregation between the two schools in Lund as an implementation dilemma.The theoretical framework applies a model designed by Lennart Lundquist, which includes three potential causes for implementation problems: the implementer doesn?t understand the decision, the implementer can?t apply the decision, the implementer doesn?t want to carry out the decision.

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