

19 Uppsatser om Provinces - Sida 1 av 2

Stereotyper i toner : Musikens roll i konstruktionen av stereotyper i svensk film under 1990- och 2000-talet

The aim of this paper is to investigate what part film music plays in the creation of stereo-types in the production of Swedish cinema, in the 1990s and early 2000s. This period of Swedish cinema was largely defined through the visualization of life in the smaller Provinces of the country. The results were reached through the analyzing of four important works of this era, representing different Provinces and genres. The examined movies have shown frequent use of extreme characters and a somewhat hostile environment in search of an interesting story. The music is used in ways of describing class differences amongst the inhabitants and to set the gen-eral mood of the concerned Provinces: an agent often working in the unconscious of the viewer in order to affect the final results..

Vad påverkar HIV i Sydafrika? : En teoretisk och empirisk analys av Sydafrikas provinser 2008

What affects Hiv in South Africa's different Provinces? This thesis examines if education, unemployment rate, GDP per capita, and the literacy rate has any relationship with the Hiv prevalence. This is analyzed using theory and data in the form of a simple microeconomic model and an econometric regression analysis based on cross sectional data of the Provinces of South Africa. The regression analysis shows that unemployment rate and education have significant effects of the Hiv prevalence in South Africa. The microeconomic model in the thesis indicates that when education is higher, individuals are more aware that the probability of being infected by Hiv is higher when the Hiv prevalence is high.

Medeltida ödeläggelse i södra norrland - en källkritisk analys av forskning och inventering

The main problem that this essay notices is the differences you see in three of the south Provinces in north of Sweden about how they seems to have get strucked by the middle age crises. The three Provinces I compare are Jämtland, Hälsingland and Medelpad. This study deals about how the research has been done in these different areas so far, what summaries that have been presented so far and what they are based on. Also the inventory work is part of this examination. In Jämtland there are lots of identified deserted farms (sv.

Fynd av bakterier och svampar i blododlingar hos vuxna under år 2005 i Gävleborgs län : En epidemiologisk studie

AbstractIntroductionOccurrence of bacteraemia and fungemia is a serious condition with high mortality and the incidence is increasing worldwide. The aim of this study was to survey the occurrence of bacteria and fungi in blood cultures from adult patients domiciled in the county of Gävleborg during one year and also to calculate the incidence and mortality in the same geographical area.MethodThis is a descriptive epidemiologic study, based on all episodes of blood cultures analyzed at the Microbiology laboratory, Gävle hospital during 2005. Patients from 20 years of age, domiciled in the county of Gävleborg at the date of drawing the blood culture, where included in the study. Criteria of exclusion were negative blood cultures and cultures which were classified as contaminants.ResultsAltogether there were 4 564 blood cultures analyzed, resulting in 524 (11 %) positive cultures for further study. There were 442 patients (48 % women) involved in 499 episodes with confirmed bacteraemia or fungemia.

Hur långt bär cykeln? : Gång och cykling i Västerbottens län - en studie av pågående arbete med regional gång- och cykelplanering

The craft of planners are planning for a better future. Knowledge about climate change, environment, health and availability effects the trend towards less car dependent societies in favour of public transport and active transport like walking and biking. This study takes place in Västerbotten, one of Sweden?s most north Provinces with a population of 260 000 inhabitants. It is a sparsely populated area with two dominant cities, the other municipalities are largely unpopulated.

Hackerör på Sydsvenska höglandet : vad skiljer röjningsröseområden från celtic fields, stensträngsområden och bandparcellområden?

From the pre-Roman and Roman Iron Age, a number of different fossil agrarian landscapes can be found in southern Sweden - clearance cairn areas, celtic fields, stone-wall complexes and geometrically laid-out strip fields. With two different comparative analyses, this paper tries to explain some of the differences between clearance cairn systems and the other fossil field systemsThe shape of the early Iron Age agrarian landscape varies between different Provinces of southern Sweden. At Gotland, celtic field systems were laid-out before 500 BC. In Småland at the same time, areas with clearance cairns were created. How can the difference be explained? The different physical appearance of clearance cairn areas and celtic fields can be explained by the different ways to handle the ard in till and in sandy soil.

Lika, Olika? : en materiell studie av skogsfinska bosättningar i Sverige

The main purpose of this essay is to examine if it is possible to identify farms of ?forest Finnish? people in Sweden, by means of an archaeological analysis, comparing the forest Finnish settlement with known none-forest Finnish settlements. This study is based on material excavated from the farms of Grannäs, and Råsjö, in the Swedish Provinces of Jämtland and Medelpad. Both farms are dated to the 17th and 18th century. The study itself is divided into three parts, firstly a general study to get an overview of the material, secondly a study of ceramics as an attempt to discern social status and lastly a study of the animal bone material for analyzing the forest Finns? livestock and possible hunting habits.

Vad vet gymnasieelever om betygskriterierna och kursplanen i Idrott och Hälsa?

The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.

En känsla av att födas på nytt : - En studie baserad på sex bosniska flyktingars upplevelse av integration i det svenska samhället

The study involves six Bosnian refugees experience of integration into Swedish society.The purpose of this study is, through the use of a qualitative method, to get an understanding of what the integration process in the Swedish society has been like for six Bosnian refugees.. These refugees fled from the war in former Yugoslavia and came to Sweden between the years 1992-1995. The country who was once called Yugoslavia is currently divided into six republics comprising, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, with its Provinces, Vojvodina and Kosovo. The main focus of the study has been in the respondent?s thoughts and experiences of integration into Swedish society.

Vilka stora tänder du har! : En kvantitativ analys av fyra svenska tidningars rapportering om vargar under 2011 och 2012.

This BA Thesis in Journalism is a quantitative analysis of the coverage of wolves in Swedish printed media. Namely four daily newspapers, two national and two local. The two national newspapers are Aftonbladet which is a leading tabloid newspaper with national coverage and Svenska Dagbladet which is one of the two major newspapers with national coverage, as well as coverage of the greater Stockholm region. The two local newspapers are Falu Kuriren, which is located in Falun and mainly cover the province of Dalarna and Nya Wermlands-tidningen which is located in Karlstad and mainly cover the province of Värmland. These are Provinces which have a large wolf population.As the work progressed we found that the newspapers have handled the coverage of the wolf in, what we believe, a good way.

Marknadsföring via bibliotekets webbplats

The aim of this study is to investigate the public libraries use of their websites in their marketing. Our study is based on the websites of 60 public libraries. The libraries are chosen because of their geographical location in three different Provinces? Skåne in the south, Östergötland in the middle and Norrbotten in the north. These three choices enable us to cover densely as well as thinly populated areas, the agricultural district, the woodland and cities of various sizes.

Skånska trähägnader : en studie i konstruktion och historisk utbredning

The Scanian woodfences has been determined by two mainly elements: Scania's composition of tree species, with a large element of deciduous forest, and the local building tradition which has more in common with the European continent than the Swedish tradition. By examining responses from ethnological question lists deriving from the first half of the 1900s, combined with literature studies, I have been able to deepen and broaden the knowledge behind the various fencing design. In addition I ?ve constructed maps which could illustrate their historical geographic distribution.I have come to the conclusion that there was three main types of woodfences that was most common until the barbed wire was introduced in the early 1900s and later on replaced the elderly woodfences. Common for the three main types is that the base material was made out of Juniperus communis, this largely because of its durability against rot.

Status och hotbild för den oceaniska laven broktagel Bryoria bicolor i sydvästsverige :

Horse-hair lichen Bryoria bicolor is a red-listed lichen species in the category Vulnerable. It is an oceanic lichen and it is often found on boulders and cliffs in a semi-open environment with a high humidity in the agricultural landscape. The species can also be found as an epiphyte on trees, mostly in boreal forests in the Provinces of Dalarna, Härjedalen and Jämtland. In the agricultural landscape, there has been indications on that B. bicolor show a decline, and this studie aimed at examining the extent and causes of this decline.

Skolan - en transportsträcka in i vuxenvärlden

I gymnasieskolan florerar uppfattningar som till exempel att yrkeselever har låg studiemotivation. I vår studie har vi studerat yrkeselevers bakgrund och förutsättningar för att se om det finns belägg för dessa uppfattningar. Metoden vi har använt oss av för att samla in material är intervjuer med lärare och personliga brev från elever som besvarat frågor ställda av oss. Studien är gjord i tre olika skolor, en förorts-, en landsorts- och en storstadsskola. Studien mynnar ut i analyser av elevers och lärares utsagor, utifrån Bourdieus teorier om hur elevens kapital styr dess framtidsval.

Nordingrå, maj 1675 : en ångermanländsk socken i centrum för trolldomsprocesserna

In May 1675, the local court in the northern Swedish parish of Nordingrå, which had approximately 1,000 inhabitants, held a preliminary investigation on 113 persons accused of witch-craft and superstition. For the majority of the 113, the main accusation was to have travelled to Blåkulla, a place where witches according to Swedish folklore participated in satanic festivities and rites led by the Devil himself. The preliminary investigation was held at the request of The Royal Witch-craft Commission. Nordingrå belonged to the province of Ångermanland, one of the Swedish Provinces with the highest number of witch trials in the 1670s. The trials in Nordingrå have, more or less never been examined before, mainly due to the fact that no sentences or penalties were ever imposed.The purpose of this paper is to examine social relations and social conflicts in Nordingrå with the records from the witch trial 1675 as the primary source.

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