

106 Uppsatser om Plot - Sida 1 av 8

The allotment plot : osäkrande som designstrategi

During the spring semester of 2009 I have participated in what was to become the project The Allotment Plot; a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agriculture and the Wanås Foundation. As one of six students in landscape architecture I have experienced a group based learning process with the point of departure in the designing of an organic and experimental kitchen garden at Wanås, a sculpture park for contemporary art. The project came out as neither us nor any other of the people engaged could have guessed. What was meant to be a garden turned out to become an entire cultivation movement. As students, we have gained a lot of experience through praxis; experience that will be valuable for our future profession. The project has also opened up the possibility to question and reflect upon what our profession and education could or should be about. This thesis focuses on the role of communication and the production of communicative tools in design processes and landscape architectural practice. It discusses how communication may be used in an exploratory and ?un-securing? way, and how this may dislocate the professional role, especially in situations where the design action, as in the case of this study, demands a high degree of transdisciplinarity and collaboration. .

Växter och möten : en personlig berättelse om projektet The Allotment Plot,från idé till genomförande med växtmaterialet i fokus

The Allotment Plot kan beskrivas som en odlingskomPlott som hyllar kolonilotten men vill mer. Experter över hela jorden rådbråkar sina hjärnor för att lösa de många miljöproblem som är förknippade med matproduktion. Hur ska man göra för att så många som möjligt ska bli så mätta som möjligt samtidigt som man värnar miljön? Buden är många och varierande och ofta motsägelsefulla. Frågan är vad vi, som inte är experter på vare sig miljö eller matproduktion, kan göra.

Kaliumgödsling på torvmark - effekt på tillväxten hos planterade granar (Picea abies)

Peat  lands  are  a  great  potential  resource  for  increased  forest  growth  in  Sweden, there  are  approximately  6.5  million  hectares  of  peat  lands,  whereof  around  70% produce less wood than one m3sk/ha and year and are therefore classed as forest waste  land.  There  are  over  200  000  hectares  of  peat  land  that  is  already  drained and  wooded,  and  that may  be  suitable  for  fertilization.  Forest  production  on  peat soils  usually  requires  drainage  and  fertilization.  Dewatering  requires  ditching  the area, so that the roots can have access to oxygen. Nitrogen is often abundant in the peat but other nutrients; especially potassium is in short supply. The  purpose  of  this  work  was  to examine  the effects  of  potassium  fertilization  on the  growth  of  spruces  that  were  planted  on  drained  peat  land  and  how  different amount of fertilizers affects the growth. Potassium deficiency is strongly growth inhibiting, since potassium is important for substance  transport  in  the  tree.  Potassium  is  also  important  for  the  carbohydrate formation, and because increasing the sugar content of the cells constitutes a lower freezing temperature does potassium availability in the soil play a major role in the winter  resistance  of  many  species.  Potassium  is  not  found  in  any  organic compounds in the tree, but is present in cell and tissue fluids. A fertilization trial was started in 1978 in Siljansfors Experimental Forest. The Plots in the experiment were fertilized with different amounts of potassium and one Plot was  left  without  fertilization.  All  Plots  that  were  fertilized  with  potassium  grew considerably better than the unfertilized Plot. The difference in production between the unfertilized Plot and the Plot that received the most potassium was 7.2 m3sk/ha and year. The unfertilized Plot can still be classified as waste land. The theoretical production capacity was estimated using a Swedish system for site quality  estimation  of  wetlands  after  ditching  (dikningsbonitering).  The  Plot  with most  potassium  produced  after  fertilizationaproximately  in  level  with  theoretical estimations.  Key  words:  Peat  land,  Fertilization,  Ditching,  Growth,  site  quality..

Kortfilmen i filmen : En studie i Saul Bass anpassning av förtexter till det individuella verket.

In this paper, I have examined if and how Saul Bass adapts his title sequences to the respective film in the matter of genre, Plot, milieu, feeling and appearance. Saul Bass was really a graphic artist who has made himself a long career in film production, foremost as a creator of title sequences. Of all the films Bass has created title sequences to, I?ve chosen six films, whose title sequences I analyse more thoroughly. I do this to point out the differences between them and thus also show how Bass adapt them to the individual work.

Tal, text, handling. En undersökning av viljor och hur dessa uttrycks i handling i Tjechovs Tre systrar

In this essay I have examined text, speech and action in Chekhov's Three sisters, as well as how the characters express their wills in action and in speech. I have used different methods such as action analysis, the five W questions and BSI (background, situation and intention). These methods are similar to those actors use to uncover situatedness of characters and to find motivated and intentional patterns behind their actions.I have used these techniques to identify the Plot, explore what happened before the Plot begins and to read the text in terms of action. The aim was also to find the counter points where wills expressed in action are contradicted by wills expressed in speech. Using these methods I found that the characters in Three sisters manage their lives dreaming about the future or recalling the past, except the character Natasha.

Sangvinolent berättande : En studie av Yu Huas roman En handelsman i blod

The present MA thesis analyzes how body and blood functions as historical and narrative elements in Yu Hua's novel Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995). In the novel, the story and the Plot can not be regarded as disparate items; the two levels of the text are tightly interwoven by what the thesis introduces as a sangvinolent narration. The term conceptualizes the use of blood as a structural element and the thrust of the text, in this case how the ability to sell blood is a prerequisite for the story and the Plot.Close readings reveal the structural correlations between the blood-selling main-character Xu Sanguan in the Plot on the one hand, and in the story on the other, which can be detected to have, inter alia, an effect on the temporality of the narrative. Themes linked to identity, belonging and survival (performativity, mimicry, reification and alienation) permeate the text. In the novel the body and bodily fluids are sacrificed in order to form and enforce perceptions of identity and societal roles.The rhetorical use of ?blood and tears? (Ch.

"Don?t tell what she did" : en adaptionsanalys av Mildred Pierce

This essay investigates the relationship between Mildred and her daughter Veda in James M. Cains novel Mildred Pierce (1941). The purpose of the investigation is to point out how the relationship is portrayed in the film from 1945, and the TV-series from 2011. To facilitate the analysis I apply adaptation theorist Thomas Leicht?s list of ten different adaptation strategies to conclude the possible effects these strategies may have had on the relationship portrait and the themes of the novel.

Modularitet och objektorientering : Byggandet av ett program som kan visa en molekyl

The development of IT systems is usually accomplished by some form of system development methodology. It can be performed as the waterfall method, where each phase is completed before the next begins. One of the reasons to follow a development methodology is that the process is more structured, faster and that the product will have higher quality. One risk of not using a system development approach is that the code can be unstructured and difficult to maintain.This paper describes an alternative method in which the development occurred without the use of any system development methodology. This has been possible because there was a clear goal of the program that should be developed.

Läsförståelsekompetens. : En kvalitativ studie av några pojkars läsförståelse

AbstractThis essay concerns a qualitative case study seeking to understand six boys? reading habits and to investigate why it is that some boys who do not like reading nevertheless display good reading comprehension according to the results achieved for that skill in national tests. The study shows that the boys? perception of reading has a lot to do with the contact they have with books when they are small. Whether or not there are adult role models in the home and whether the early encounter with texts in school is a positive or negative experience is significant for the boys? later attitude to reading.

Röjningsformen och stamantalets effekt på höjd- och diametertillväxt i toppröjda och konventionellt röjda tallbestånd.

Topping is a precommercial thinning (PCT) method where secondary stems are cut higher above the ground compared to conventional PCT. The secondary stems continue to live for a period and are supposed to compete with the main stems and promote their quality.The objective of the study was to compare the effect of PCT on height and diameter growth between topping and conventional PCT. The study also analysed the relationship between height and diameter growth and the number of stems after PCT.Nine topped stands and six conventional precommercially thinned stands were visited between February 28th and March 5. One sample Plot per hectare was laid out in the investigated stands. In every sample Plot the number of stems was counted and five main stems were measured for height, height growth since PCT, diameter and diameter growth since PCT.The results showed significantly higher effect on height growth after topping as compared to conventional PCT but no significant difference in the effect of diameter growth between topping and conventional PCT.

Renens fejskador på tall- och contortaplanteringar inom Malå samebys höst- och vinterbetesområden :

The effects of Reindeer mechanical damages on the planted regeneration of Pinus sylvestris and Pinus contorta. Semi-domesticated reindeer can damage young trees. In late winter reindeer rub their antlers against young trees. The aim of this study was to quantify those damages. This study covered planted objects from three different areas in northeastern Sweden.

En matematisk modell av släggkastets rotationsfas

Med vår uppsats visar vi hur det med hjälp av Lagranges metod går att tafram en matematisk modell av rotationsfasen i ett släggkast. Släggkastarenoch släggan utgörs i uppsatsen av en sammansatt stelkroppsmodell. Vi tarfram kastarens rörelseekvationer vilka vi får genom Lagranges ekvation. Iuppsatsen har vi härlett Lagranges ekvation genom Newtons andra lag ochHamiltons princip. Resultatet av modellen presenteras i form av en Plot iMatlab av slägghuvudets position under olika tider under rörelsen..

Vallbrott med hjälp av grisar :

To investigate the possibilities for effective soil tillage, that could imply lower costs, lower negative environmental impact and in addition a meaningful occupation for foraging pigs, a field experiment was carried out in Gränna, Småland, during growing season 2006. The experiment contained two treatments that were repeated three times and were carried out on a couch grass-infected fallow on a light soil close to Sweden?s second largest lake, Vättern. Ploughing was one treatment and pig rooting followed by ploughing, was the other. The experiment was conducted according to the guidelines of organic growing and seedbed preparation was done the same way in the two treatments. The pigs, three groups of five half-year old Linderödssvin (an old Swedish breed), was encouraged to perform an even tillage by strip-grazing, i.e.

Navigeringsprogram för postutdelare

This thesis is developed by Posten Åland AB in order to simplify the work of agency staff when distributing mail in rural areas. In my thesis I have developed an application to help automotive mail dispensers. The need for such an application exists, especially during the summer but at other times when ordinary dividend cannot run his route. With the help of a PDA and a GPS the mail dispenser should see where the next stop is and what is to be delivered thereThere already was a directory of mailboxes and the addressees and the coordinates of the mailboxes. Using this, I will implement functionality to retrieve a specific route and Plot those coordinates on the map..

Bedömning av ögats ackommodativa respons- en jämförelse mellan aberrometri och dynamisk retinoskopi

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns några skillnader i den ackommodativa responsen när den fastställs med tre olika mätmetoder. De utvalda metoderna för denna studie var dynamisk retinoskopi i form av Nott och Monocular Estimation Method (MEM) samt en COAS-HD VR aberrometer.Metod: 29 personer (7 män och 22 kvinnor) deltog i studien, vars medelålder var 23,6 ± 3,1 år. På varje enskild patient gjordes en subjektiv refraktion med en efterföljande mätning av dess ackommodativa respons med tre olika mätmetoder på ett 40 centimeters arbetsavstånd. Resultaten av studien analyserades med hjälp av Repeated Measures-ANOVA och ett post-hoc test i form av Sidak´s. Överensstämmelsen mellan metoderna redovisades därefter visuellt i form av ett Bland-Altman Plot.Resultat: Det visade sig att alla tre metoder gav liknande värden på den ackommodativa responsen, vilket resulterade i att det inte fanns en statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan metoderna (p = 0,1103) enligt Repeated Measures-ANOVA.

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