

9 Uppsatser om Outpatients - Sida 1 av 1

Minimizing acts of violence through telephone-linked care: an
automated telephone system for outpatients in forensic
psychiatric care

Achievements within the fields of computer- and telecommunication technology have led to a revolution when it comes to managing information. These achievements have made it possible to offer new services in healthcare, especially in telemedicine. New technology has become a complement to traditional care, thus partly compensating for insufficient time and resources. Telephone Linked Care (TLC) is a telecommunication technology that enables automated dialog counselling and monitoring of patients in their homes. During the last two decades numerous randomized controlled studies with TLC have demonstrated improvement among Outpatients with chronic and health behaviour disorders.

Vilken omvårdnad får den polikliniska patienten vid cytostatikabehandling för att uppleva livskvalitet

Every year an avorage of 40 000 Swedes fall ill with different forms of cancer. Chemotheraphy has an effect on the tumour cells as well as the healthy cells in the body, this causes many side effects which can be very problematic for the patient. The study was carried out in order to indicate the care measures that are taken to deal with the side effects i. e stomatit, loss of hair and sickness/vomiting, that are connected with chemotheraphy so that the Outpatients will experience a quality of life. The method used was a qualitative interview with six nurses from the South if Sweden, all of whom are working with chemotheraphy patients.

Vilken omvårdnad får den polikliniska patienten vid cytostatikabehandling för att uppleva livskvalitet

Every year an avorage of 40 000 Swedes fall ill with different forms of cancer. Chemotheraphy has an effect on the tumour cells as well as the healthy cells in the body, this causes many side effects which can be very problematic for the patient. The study was carried out in order to indicate the care measures that are taken to deal with the side effects i. e stomatit, loss of hair and sickness/vomiting, that are connected with chemotheraphy so that the Outpatients will experience a quality of life. The method used was a qualitative interview with six nurses from the South if Sweden, all of whom are working with chemotheraphy patients.

Hjälpande relationer i psykiatrisk öppenvård : en intervjustudie

Background: During the last decades patient satisfaction has become an important measurement of quality in psychiatric care. However the patients are seldom asked to evaluate the treatments.Objectives: The aim is to determine which factors the Outpatients regard as beneficial in their psychiatric treatment. The purpose is explorative. During the study another purpose developed; to present research on the importance of the relationship between the caretaker and the caregiver for the outcome.Method: 30 persons were interviewed about what they found helpful in psychiatric treatment. The interviews were open using Grounded Theory as methodological input.Result: The most prominent topic was the quality of the relationship between the caregiver and the caretaker.

Betydelsen av sjuksköterskans information för att underlätta cancerpatientens bemästrande

Individanpassad information är viktigt för att främja patientens bemästrande avsin situation. Det är också en förutsättning för att patienten ska kunna hävda sinrätt till självbestämmande, autonomiprincipen.SyfteAktuell uppsats syftade till att belysa betydelsen av sjuksköterskans informationtill cancerpatienter i öppenvård. Vidare om given information påverkadepatientens förmåga att bemästra sin situation.MetodLitteraturstudie gjord utifrån 10 artiklar funna via sökning i CINAHL ochPubMed.ResultatPatienten vill ha information om sjukdomen, behandlingen och dess biverkningarsamt framtiden. Detta minskar patientens oro och känslor av negativitet ochhjälper därigenom individen att bemästra sin situation. Sjuksköterskan måste varauppmärksam på informationssökningsbeteendet hos varje enskild patient.DiskussionInformation är viktigt för att öka patientens självkänsla och kontroll över sinsituation.

Hypokondri : Upplevelser och behandlingsmetoder

Background: Hypochondriasis is associated with marked impairments in physical and psychological functioning, work performance and increased health care utilization. The prevalence among medical Outpatients is estimated to be between 4,2 % and 6,3 %. Notwithstanding there is deficient research in this area. Until recently no specific treatment has been clearly demonstrated to be effective. Objective: The aim was to investigate experiences of what it is like to live with hypochondriasis, but also to examine different treatment options.

Livskvalitet 2-7 år efter allogen stamcellstransplantation

This is an empirical cross-sectional study with the aim to examine the patient?s comprehension about their quality of life within two to seven years after their stem-cell transplantation with reference to physical, social, emotional, psychological and functional wellbeing and to investigate if the patient groups have disease specific problems. Differences in quality of life between men and women and also between allogeneic and stem cell transplantation with an unrelated donor (URD) were studied. The measurement Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) and the bone marrow transplant subscale (BMT) is a 49 item, valid and reliable measure that was used. The questionnaire was answered by 43 of 47 patients (91%).There is a significant difference between men and women in physical, social and functional wellbeing.

Patienters upplevelse av multimodal smärtrehabiliteringsprogram : En intervjustudie

Background: Chronic pain is a condition that approximately 18% of the Swedish population suffers from. This condition affects many aspects of a person´s life and causes psychological, physiological and social suffering. Multimodal treatment is considered the most effective treatment for patients with chronic pain. Patient participation and motivation are very important to treatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patients´ experience of a multimodal chronic pain treatment program regarding their experience of patient participation and interaction with the rehabilitation team.

Begreppsanvändning inom missbruksvården : Granskning av tre centrala begrepp

Studiens syfte är att undersöka eventuella skillnader i användningen av tre centrala begrepp (missbruk, tungt missbruk samt öppenvård) inom missbruksvården. De frågeställningar som behandlas är; (I) Hur används de centrala begreppen; missbruk, tungt missbruk och öppenvård i texter kring missbruksvård? (II) Om det föreligger skillnader i användandet av de tre centrala begreppen, vilka likheter respektive olikheter kan urskiljas? (III) Hur kan begreppshanteringen utav de tre centrala begreppen förstås utifrån socialkonstruktivismen? Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie där resultatet har analyserats utifrån ett socialkon­struktivistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet tyder på att skillnader i begrepps­hanteringen utav de tre centrala begreppen förekommer samtidigt som också vissa likheter kan urskiljas. Definitionerna av missbruk skiljer sig åt genom att vissa definitioner behandlar konsumtionsmönster hos de som nyttjar drogen medan andra menar att missbruk ska ses som ett avvikande beteende.