

5 Uppsatser om Obstetrics - Sida 1 av 1

Genetiska ultraljudsmarkörer : Hur bör information till blivande föräldrar i samband med rutinultraljudet hanteras?

Objective: The purpose of the study is to explore and illustrate how ultrasound midwives and medical specialist in Obstetrics and gynecology believe the information given to parents about the genetic soft markers should be handled.Design: A quantitative questionnaire study with cross-sectional design. Participants: 44 ultrasound midwives and 37 medical specialists in Obstetrics and gynecology.Findings: Most of the participants would like to inform before the ultrasound starts that they will be looking for genetic softmarkers during the ultrasound. Likewise the majority wanted to inform the parents about possible increases in the risk for chromosomal abnormalities based on findings on the routine ultrasound. There was a difference in frequency between those who responded that they would like to inform before the ultrasound that they will be looking for genetic softmarkers and those who responded that they believe the future parents wants information before the examination.Key conclusions: It could help health care professionals in their role as information providers if there were common recommendations for the information to be given to future parents about genetic softmarkers in connection with the routine ultrasound.

En proteomisk utvärdering av olika metoder för att samla uterussekret hos sto :

This study was performed in order to evaluate if the method of collecting uterine secretion by the tampon-method is representative for use in studies of uterine secretions in mares. Uterine secretion collected by tampon in six mares was compared with secretion collected by aspiration, regarded to be a native sample, at the Institution of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLU, Uppsala. Proteinanalysis was made at the Department of Farmaceutic Bioscience, toxicological unit, Uppsala University. Cytological smears and ultrasonography was used to assess if the tampon had caused an inflammatoric reaction that could influence the protein content of the samples. The results suggest that the tampon and aspirat method do not differ when it comes to proteinconcentration, but the distribution of proteins differ between these different collection methods. This difference could not likely be explained by means of proteins due to an inflammatory reaction from the tampon, since neither the cytological nor the ultrasonographical examination gave any indications of inflammation.

Studentmedverkan i vården ur ett patientperspektiv i obstetrisk och gynekologisk vård

Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att flertalet patienter har en positiv inställning till studentmedverkan. Trots detta finns olika faktorer som kan påverka patientens inställning negativt. Syfte: Att undersöka studentmedverkan i vården ur ett patientperspektiv hos kvinnor i obstetrisk- och gynekologisk vård. Metod: Kvantitativ studie, enkätstudie. Patienter som vårdats på kvinnodivisionens mottagningar och avdelningar på ett universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige tillfrågades under en tvåveckorsperiod att svara på enkätfrågor. Resultat: Den övervägande delen av patienterna, 71 %, var bekväma med att en studerande var med under sitt vårdbesök. Patienterna med tidigare erfarenheter av studentmedverkan under sitt vårdbesök var mer positivt inställda till studentmedverkan överlag. Var patienterna bekväma med en mycket ung student under sitt vårdbesök, skattade sig patienterna mer bekväma överlag med studentmedverkan.

Induktion av persisterande gulkropp hos sto : en framtida metod för att dämpa brunstrelaterade störningar?

This article starts with a review of the literature regarding the normal reproductive physiology of the mare, normal luteolysis, different causes of prolonged luteal phase and theories behind these. The article also presents a study where it was examined if treatment with human choriongonadotropic hormone (hCG) during the luteal phase induces prolonged luteal phase in mares, thus preventing estrus. The study consisted of two parts: one intensive study of eight mares at the former Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at SLU, Uppsala, Sweden and one field study of seven mares at a stud farm 70 km north of Uppsala. The mares in the intensive study were divided in two groups: one with four mares that were injected with hCG in luteal phase when they had a follicle of minimum 30 mm and a second group with four mares that were injected with sodium chloride at the same time. These mares were examined with ultrasonography and blood samples.

Lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnors upplevelser av kvinnosjukvården : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Lesbiska och bisexuella kvinnor har sämre fysisk och psykisk hälsa än heterosexuella kvinnor. De är en osynliggjord grupp inom vården. Inom kvinnosjukvården (gynekologi och obstetrik) finns en tradition av heterosexualitet i och med dess fokus på reproduktion. Tidigare studier har visat att lesbiska och bisexuella undviker gynekologisk vård på grund av dåligt bemötande. Obstetriken kommer framöver att få ta emot alltfler samkönade par.