

12 Uppsatser om Oblivion - Sida 1 av 1

Fotografi i spelgrafik

Detta är en rapport på mitt arbete om fotografier i syfte om att använda dem för attskapa texturer till The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion i dess grafiska stil. Detta kommervisas praktiskt i en mod till The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion som utvecklas av mig, ErikFeiril och Rikard Ryberg.Jag kommer visa för och nackdelar med olika arbetsprocesser för att skapa color,specular och normalmaps till The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivions motor. Olikaprogramvaror och tillvägagångssätt kommer att ge olika resultat och jag menar påvisavilka av dessa som kommer närmast The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivions grafiska stil, enstil som jag också kommer att definiera..

De som aldrig återvände : Hur Kroppa landskommun drabbades av spanska sjukan

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into Oblivion. This Oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to Oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Leveldesignens estetik : Nordisk natur och mytologi i Norse

Projektet Norse, som den här rapporten diskuterar, är en mod till spelet The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Temat i Norse är nordisk mytologi med inslag av vikingatid. Den här rapporten beskriver arbetets tillvägagångssätt under utvecklingen av projektet Norse. Den tar upp fördelar och nackdelar med valet att mod:a spelet The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Den tar upp de problem jag stött på under projektets gång, både med mjukvaran och skapandet av miljön, samt hur jag löst dem.Analysen av spelet kom fram till att majoriteten av speltestarna upplevde Norse natur som mysig och trevlig, samt att det var nordisk eller svensk skog spelaren rörde sig genom.

Mening ? minne:glömska : En läsning av Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter

Dag Wellander: Meaning ? memory: Oblivion. A reading of Birgitta Trotzig?s The mud kings daughter. Master of Arts paper.

En ödmjukt auktoritär rådgivning : Ethos och etik hos föräldrarådgivaren Petra Krantz Lindgren

Wermland was affected by the Spanish flu like the Swedish national average, about a half percentage of Wermlands population would lose their lives to the flu during the autumn 1918. The flu has for many fallen into Oblivion. This Oblivion is so wide spread that it´s possible to talk about a "collective forgetfulness". The society have selected to remember 1918 for "when the guns went quiet on the western front" and not for the millions who died from the treacherous Spanish flu. The world had already suffered enough from the four years of war that had been fought, thus the victims of the flu would be honored but would soon fade in to Oblivion.  When you investigate deeper you get the picture that the national average don´t do Wermland and its cities or rural areas any justice when a large variations seems to occur within regional areas.

Den försvinnande staten Tuvalu : En fallstudie om klimatflyktingars rättigheter och staters ansvar

This thesis aimed to, with the help of a case study, investigate and discuss state responsibility towards climate refugees. The state of Tuvalu was selected because of their vulnerability as a low-lying island state. This was fulfilled by on-site study how the state Tuvalu acted to climate threats, determine if the future migrants from Tuvalu can be counted as climate refugees and find out if they are by that definition included by the UN Refugee Convention. The result indicated that the state of Tuvalu is adapting to climate threats, that in the future the population can be seen as climate refugees, if they are forced from their homes due to climate change, and that they, despite that definition, can not be included by the UN Refugee Convention. The study also indicates a need for greater international protection of climate refugees by, for example, an expansion of the UN Refugee Convention so that these vulnerable people do not fall into Oblivion due to a question of definition..

Spelmusik : Musikens funktioner i tre datorspelsserier

Loke Carlsson: Spelmusik ? Musikens funktioner i tre datorspelsserierDenna uppsats handlar om datorspelsmusik och syftet är att ta reda på vilka funktioner dennamusik har i datorspel. Först presenteras ett antal teorier om filmvetenskap. Med hjälp av dessateorier sammanställer jag sedan en metod för att analysera musiken i några få datorspel. Imetodkapitlet hittar man också en redogörelse för de grundläggande skillnader mellandatorspel och filmer när det gäller musik.

Tänja tiden ur sin buk : Nattens skogar och historia

In this essay I trace the historical theme in Djuna Barnes?s Nightwood, stressing the importance of the concept of forgetfulness in the text. Read alongside Nietzsche?s On the Use and Abuse of History for Life as well as his later thoughts on genealogy, the novel can be seen to concern itself with that same dilemma of history that he articulates in his philosophy. That is: how not to be overburdened by historical knowledge to the point where it petrifies life and prevents any real and novel action, and how at the same time, to make oneself conscious of ones own historicity, so as not to be governed to much by the past.I argue that Robin inhabits what Nietzsche would call the unhistorical state, whereas the other characters, in contrast, struggle with their relation to the past.

Ett arbete om konceptbilder för en Oblivionmodd : reflektioner kring arbetsprocessen bakom konceptbilder

Uppsatsen är en reflekterande text som behandlar ett verk som har skapats inom ramen för examensarbete i medier vid Högskolan i Skövde. Verket består av en större mängd konceptbilder över Bergsfästningen Hammerhold för en Oblivion modd. Inledningsvis beskrivs i texten bakgrunden och målsättningen med bilderna till modden. Därefter redogörs utifrån vilka utgångspunkter konceptbilderna har skapats.En kortare text beskriver arbetsprocessen med att framställa bilderna från den första skissen till den slutgiltiga renderingen i Photoshop. Därefter beskrivs arbetet med de första miljöerna, där reflektioner görs kring de lösningar och problem som uppkommit under arbetets gång.Slutligen presenteras arbetet med den slutgiltiga miljön Nomansland där lösningarna från det tidigare arbetet används mer metodiskt.

Staten och civilsamhället i Uruguay

Lack of political interest and will to deal with human rights violations carried out under the civil- military dictatorship, has characterized the transition and post-transition in Uruguay. The systematic use of torture, arbitrary imprisonments and forced disappearances in the relatively small country created a culture of fear that has been present through out the post-transition phase. Human rights groups have been central actors in the fight for truth and justice and against impunity. This study analyzes how these groups multiple democracy-building functions have contributed to democratic development. It also analyses how the democracy-building functions have been constrained by the political context.

Spontaneous tumour regression

Complete tumour regression is the optimal outcome of cancer therapies. There are however types of tumours that naturally regress. Most of these are benign, dermatological and have an early onset in life. This literature study aims to elucidate the mechanisms behind spontaneous tumour regression. In Libechov Melanoblastoma-Bearing minipigs, an animal-model specifically bred to develop malignant melanoma, the tumours usually involute within three months.

"Om man inte vet hur ett gammalt spöke ser ut, hur ska man då kunna känna igen gengångaren när man möter den?" : En undersökning av hur dagens läromedel för gymnasiet handskas med Sveriges rasistiska och fördomsfulla förflutna.

My goal with this thesis was to investigate how educational material in the subjects of history, geography and social studies relate to the fact that Sweden has a history marked by prejudice and racism.I have chosen to focus on four areas in the Swedish history that I think deserves some special attention, these four areas have been: the Swedish slave trade on the island of Saint Barthelemy in the eighteenth century, Swedish eugenics and oppression of the Sami people, forced sterilization services during the twentieth century and Sweden's aid and concessions to Nazi Germany during World War II. With these areas in focus I?ve studied three textbooks in the courses Geography A, Civics A and History A to se how they deal with prejudice and racism in the Swedish history.The result I have come to is that none of the books addresses all four of the areas I?ve focused on. Even if the books are taken as a whole the image that they convey is not adequate. In the event that the four areas that I?ve focused on been mentioned the information have been scant and rarely, if ever, has Sweden been paired with phenomenons like racism, slavery, colonialism, eugenics, forced sterilization, etc.