

272 Uppsatser om Masculinity - Sida 1 av 19

Mäktig eller osynlig : En diskursanalys ur genusperspektiv om hur maskulinitet tolkas och värderas i genusmedvetna texter och i museers utställningar

The survey aims to problematize Masculinity in the exhibitions of the museum.  In what way is Masculinity interpreted and valued in exhibitions? What is the attitude towards Masculinity in gender oriented museological texts? This study investigates in which way Masculinity is written about ? how interpretations of Masculinity emerge in the texts and what consequences this may have.The survey is based on the method of discourse analysis and the material is processed from a gender perspective. The source material consists of museological texts dealing with the topic of gender and museology, which also is the core material. A complement to this is a selection of exhibition catalogs from museums as well as reviews which are also based on art exhibitions. The main point of the source material consists of the museological texts.The survey highlights that the gender-conscious museological discourse understands, interpret and evaluate Masculinity on a more or less given regulatory framework.

Maskulinitet i läromedel. En kritisk diskursanalys av en lärobok i religionsämnet

This study indicates that research about men and Masculinity does not appear to have advanced as far as research about women and femininity. Similarly to attitudes concerning women and femininity, clear norms and attitudes regarding men and Masculinity pervade society. Hence, there is a clear need for further research within this field to be carried out. This study, with the support of previous research, looks at gender norms which exist in educational material and the impact it might have on students. Against this backdrop, the author has focused the analysis on one textbook as educational material at upper secondary level with particular emphasis on Masculinity and its associated norms.

Maskulinitet : en kvalitativ studie om hur maskulinitet kan konstrueras bland unga män, som är aktiva inom lagidrotten fotboll, analyserat ur ett genusperspektiv

This is a qualitative study about how young men in the age of 16-18 years can construct their Masculinity. How do these young men describe a ?real man?? What are their thoughts about themselves as adults? The purpose of this study includes a gender perspective in surroundings that cope with the sport football. To answer this study, six young men in the age of 16-18 years, whom are active football players in different levels, have been interviewed. The findings showed that the young men seemed to construct their Masculinity in cooperation with the surroundings and the nearest family members seemed to have a very strong influence of the boy?s development to become a man.

Där män är män? maskulina subjektspositioner i Michael Moorcocks fantasyromaner

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine subject positions of Masculinity in the fantasy novels by Michael Moorcock, spanning from the sixties to the present. Questions are: Which positions of Masculinity dominate in four fantasy works by Michael Moorcock? How do these positions differ from each other or are there similarities? Do they strengthen or undermine the hegemonic Masculinity? How do these positions of Masculinity relate to historic configurations of Masculinity? In order to find feasible answers to these questions I have used a theoretical and methodological approach rooted in the sociology of literature, mens studies and discourse analysis. Different masculinities are defined as subject positions. The hegemonic Masculinity is defined as the image of Masculinity that dominate and that every man has to relate to, in one way or another.

Tough Guys Don't Cry : en diskursiv och semiotisk medieanalys av gråt och maskulinitet

My intention with this essay has been to examine how men?s tears are portrayed in three chosen films and what their crying does to their Masculinity. In my analysis I have used the concept of hegemonic Masculinity. I have worked from the assumption that in our culture men?s crying is problematic in some sense.

Dominerad av Dominans : en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar/unga män med rötter i den muslimska världen förhåller sig till etniskt svenska män och vad detta förhållningssätt innebär för deras egna föreställningar om maskulinitet och heder

Islamic Masculinity which quite often associates with oppression of women has remained an underexaminated category despite its constant presence in the debate on honour related oppression. Honour has primarily been studied from a feminine point of view and theories of Masculinity have taken insignificant interest in the issue of honour. The aim of this study is to understand what attitudes boys/young men from the Muslim world have toward native Swedish men and what these attitudes do imply for their own conceptions of Masculinity and honour. The ambition of this study is also to make explicit the similarities, differences and connections between honour and Masculinity.The empirical basis of this study consists of twelve interviews with boys/young men from the Muslim world about their notions of honour and Masculinity. The theoretical platform arises from theories of masculinities and honour.Some prominent ?patterns? that I have found:- That religious norms and rules appear to be significant in how the masculine manners of conduct should be adjusted.- That honour and women as carriers of men?s honour, play a crucial role for the constitution of proper Masculinity.- That the Swedish context and its policy of equality seem to threaten the obviousness of the islamic Masculinity.

"Det är såhär en riktig man ska vara" : En retorisk analys av hur manlighet framställs i podcasts

This study examines how Masculinity is portrayed in podcasts. Our original materialconsisted of four episodes of C/o Hannah & Amanda and four episodes of Filip &Fredrik's podcast. We analyzed the programs both individually and in comparison toeach other. Using a rhetorical analysis, we found that the perception of men in thepodcasts conforms to societal norms. The theoretical basis underlying ouranalysis can be expected to strengthen our findings and made us also realize that theimage of Masculinity is constantly evolving..

Pojkar bör och pojkar gör : Om maskulinitetsskapande i gymnasiet

This thesis aims to spread some light over the phenomena of gender construction in the upper secondary school. The background of this thesis is the gender gap in education. Girls are more successful in school and receive better grades than boys. The explanation that is given for this is that pupils are limited by far to rigid gender roles (DEJA 2010). The question is how these gender roles ? and specifically Masculinity ? are constructed.

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of Masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.

Så gör pojkar och män: representationer av maskuliniteter i nära relationer i svensk sex och samlevnadslitteratur 1996 och 2012

The objective of this thesis is to analyse how Masculinity in close relationships is represented through imagery and writing in Världens viktigaste bok and Pojkkön, which are instructive books about sexuality and relationships written for primary school teachers and students. This thesis is based upon theories regarding Masculinity and family, and the theorists used are Connell (1996), Prusank (2007), Greif (2009) and Bergnéhr (2008). The methods used are framing and picture analysis to investigate how Masculinity in close relationships is represented implicitly and explicitly. The results of this study show that Masculinity in close relationships is represented by a man who provides, has an active lifestyle, is outgoing and displays a limited emotional capacity..

?... jag gör inte det här längre, för jag är en bra kille? : unga män som tagit sig ur missbruk och kriminalitet ?en intervjustudie om maskulinitetsskapande

In this master thesis a category of men otherwise often taken for granted is examined: noncriminal,non-violent men. With the help of in-depth interviews with young men who havepreviously lived a life with drugs and criminal behaviour, I examine the young men's identityand Masculinity projects. To do this, I use theories by researchers R.W. Connell and MichaelS. Kimmel, among others.

Mannen och kvinnan i reklamen. : En studie av annonserna i tidskrifterna Café och Elle.

Men and women in advertising - a study of the ads in the magazines Café and Elle is an essay in media and communication studies covering 15hp. The author examines what is considered Masculinity and femininity in a variety of advertisements, and which products are linked to Masculinity and femininity. Besides this, the author also examines the production of happiness, and how this may differ between men and women. Although stereotypes, myths and metaphors are examined. The essay is examined on the basis of gender theory, and theories about stereotypes and myths.

Man eller mus? : En studie i representationer av maskulinitet och dandyism i Alexander Golovins porträtt av Mikhail Tereshchenko.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the representation of Masculinity of Mikhail Tereshchenko as painted by Alexander Golovin at the beginning of the 20?th century, and to connect Masculinity to the values of dandyism. An iconological analysis, in the style of Erwin Panofsky, and literary research resulted in various findings. Dandyism could partly be seen as a reaction against the normative Masculinity, or hegemonic Masculinity stated by R.W. Connell.

Maskulinitet och makt : En studie av Georgs maskulinitet i Lars Noréns drama Natten är dagens mor

In the following essay I have read the drama Natten är dagens mor (The Night is the Day's Mother) by Lars Norén. My main focus has been on the older brother Georg. By using post structuralist gender theories I have sought answers to the following two questions: How is Georg's Masculinity constructed and maintained, when seen from a gender perspective? What power structures arise between Georg's and the other men's masculinities? In my analysis I have approached Georg via three perspectives. First, I have by the help of Judith Butler's theory concerning gender performative actions tried to define the men's gender codes.

Vad är en man? : En kvalitativ studie om hur unga män kan konstruera maskulinitet

The aim of the study has been to examine how young men from Stockholm construct "Masculinity". This has been done by examining what men think is an ?ideal man?, what "makes a man a man", which expectations they meet as men and how the life of a man differs from the life of a woman. This has been examined through three semi-structured group interviews with the total of ten men. The results have been analysed with Raewyn Connells Theory of Masculinities, the idea of ?Doing Gender? by Candace West and Don.

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