

6 Uppsatser om Lifestory - Sida 1 av 1

En gymnasielärares erfarenheter av läs- och skrivsvårigheter

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to increase the knowledge of which strategies students with reading and writing disabilities or dyslexia use to learn in secondary school. The study aims to examine the following questions:Which coping strategies do students with reading and writing disabilities use in their studies?How can remedial teachers support students with reading and writing disabilities in their learning process?The study consists of two interviews with a total of three hours recorded material made with a secondary school teacher who teaches Swedish and English. The teacher has experiences of reading and writing disabilities herself but also from teaching students with dyslexia. The interviews are constructed into a Lifestory describing experiences of reading and writing disabilities in school, during teacher training and as a teacher.

Föräldraskap och neuropsykiatriskt funktionshinder : upplevelse och påverkan av diagnos

The aim in the study is to search for a deeper understanding of how parents experience a neurological diagnose of the child and how this affects the parenthood. Parenthood was seen in a systemtheoretical perspective as a social construction. The narrative method was used in two Lifestory parentinterviews. The analysis was made from parenthood. The result formed stories about parenthood with children having neuropsyciatric functional disability who even came to be a woman?s struggle.

Ur en fo?re detta kriminells o?gon : en studie av fo?re detta kriminellas livsbera?ttelser

Denna studie syftar till att studera hur fo?re detta kriminella va?ljer att framsta?lla sig sja?lva genom sina livsbera?ttelser. Vi a?mnar underso?ka ungdomar som har ett kriminellt liv bakom sig, genom att lyssna pa? deras livshistorier. Genom dessa bera?ttelser vill vi fa? fram vilka faktorer respondenterna anser varit va?sentliga under deras va?g genom det kriminella och vilka va?ndpunkter som funnits under denna tid.

Före detta fritidsbarns syn på sin fritidstid

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fem före detta fritidsbarn upplevde sin tid på fritids. De frågor jag ställer mig är vad som framträder i deras beskrivningar av tiden på fritidshem och vilken roll pedagogerna spelade för dem. Många barn går idag på fritids och det är därför intressant att veta hur verksamheten kan upplevas av dem som nyttjar den. Vad är betydelsefullt och positivt respektive negativt ur ett fritidsbarns perspektiv? Jag har använt mig utav kvalitativ forskningsintervju med inspiration av begreppet Lifestory för att ta del utav fem före detta fritidsbarns uppfattningar om fenomenet fritidshem.

Hur gymnasieelever ser på sig själva : Skillnader mellan pojkar och flickor

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to increase the knowledge of which strategies students with reading and writing disabilities or dyslexia use to learn in secondary school. The study aims to examine the following questions:Which coping strategies do students with reading and writing disabilities use in their studies?How can remedial teachers support students with reading and writing disabilities in their learning process?The study consists of two interviews with a total of three hours recorded material made with a secondary school teacher who teaches Swedish and English. The teacher has experiences of reading and writing disabilities herself but also from teaching students with dyslexia. The interviews are constructed into a Lifestory describing experiences of reading and writing disabilities in school, during teacher training and as a teacher.

Den gyllene medelvägen: en diskussion kring unga invandrares erfarenheter av mötet mellan ursprunglig och svensk kultur och hur detta har påverkat valet av identitet

The purpose of this study was to discuss young immigrant's experiences of the meeting between their original culture and swedish culture. In this discussion certain emphasis is laid on the formation of identity. In a more specific manner the aim was to find out which underlying circumstances contributed to the individuals choice in considering him- or herself as swedish or not and what these circumstances depended on.The empirical material of this study consists of five lifestories based on the methodological study of narrative. I have analyzed the material with help from Anthony Giddens' theory of structuration with starting point in the conception of ontological safety. I identified four different themes that frequently recured in each Lifestory: identity in migration- and integrationsprocesses, the open doors of globalization, "swedish" identity and belonging in two cultures.